Douglas Wooster wrote:
<2 cents>
Also, certain supposedly "modern" mail programs make threading awkward to

:-) Name names, I need something to scoff at:-) It might be someone can
explain to you how it works, I've see that happen before,

use, so the goal with those is quote the whole thing so that the fewest
number of posts have to be kept, in order to have a copy of (or be able to
find) the whole thread.  On the other hand, if you receive a list in
"digest" mode, that technique can be an abomination.  It'd be cool if list
servers gave, in addition to the current options of "send as digest" and
"send individual posts", something like "send as threads".

When should the server determine the thread's ended? or do you want the
digest threaded?

Years and years ago, I tried getting some list digested, and split the
digest on receipt. I couldn't get it to work at all satisfactorily, and
since then I've not seen a problem that digests solve. I do know some
people still have problems with digests (I can tell when the subject
references a digest), and I wonder whether they break threads when
someone replies from a thread and remembers to set the subject properly.

Is gmame a suitable alternative?



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