On Friday, 03/23/2018 at 11:20 GMT, Steffen Maier <ma...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote: > HMC expects the directory, which contains some generic.ins, as path; not > the .ins file itself as path. It does search the .ins file within the > given path itself internally.
You are right, Steffen, so the directory specification should be just /software/RHEL/. The HMC will return a list of all .ins files it finds in the specified directory, along with the descriptive data from inside each .ins file. Alan Altmark Senior Managing z/VM and Linux Consultant IBM Systems Lab Services IBM Z Delivery Practice ibm.com/systems/services/labservices office: 607.429.3323 mobile; 607.321.7556 alan_altm...@us.ibm.com IBM Endicott ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@vm.marist.edu with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit http://www.marist.edu/htbin/wlvindex?LINUX-390 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information on Linux on System z, visit http://wiki.linuxvm.org/