Could I take a peek just for fun? 
Luke(Boo) Farrar.

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Jakob Eriksson wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Greg Haerr wrote:
> > On Tuesday, July 13, 1999 12:35 PM, Thomas Stewart 
> > : I think it is a good idea to look into herc support for microwin? How many 
> > : 8086's do you know with a VGA card? OR is it a bad idea are 8086's too slow 
> > : to run microwin?
> > : 
> >     Well - you've got a good point - an 8086 is probably *way* too slow
> > to run graphics programs of any merit.  However, I would like to add
> > a screen driver for hercules.  Is hercules only monochrome, or does
> > it support color?  Do you know how the screen memory is accessed?  
> > Do you think you could write the driver?
> > 
> > 
> > : If anyone else is interested I have some specs and some assembler examples 
> > : of how to control the herc card.
> > 
> >     Send me the asm examples, I'l take a look.  In particular,
> > examples in small model that read and write a pixel, and write a horz
> > and vertical line are all that's needed.
> In 1997/1998 when my only Linux box was a 386SX with Hercules, I played
> around with graphics, since I wanted to view pictures.
> I disturbed a lot of people with questions and could eventually display PCX
> pictures (I converted all pictures I wanted to PCX using Image Alchemy)
> on my Hercules screen.
> I am sending the code to Greg and anyone else asking for it.
> Almost no asm though (only a couple of instructions) the code is in C.
> It does not compile, since I messed something up, but the functions shows
> what and how to do.
> I am particularly proud of the tightly coded PCX-reader! :-)
> regards,
> Jakob Eriksson

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