This many be a stupid idea,

As far as I know consoles on linux are seperate, ie each can run diffrent 
proceses independent of each other?
Is this the same for ELKS? (using the f keys)

In my elks machine I have a vga card and a herc card, how can I use both. 
(i.e. switch to ether card and start an app, then switch back to the other 
Do I need to do a "mknod" to make a special tty? or is it something

Or is there a better way to use the two cards together? DOS does not do this 
very well (appart from a few utills that switch the screen, and a few apps 
that support it (tcc).)


ps somehow I was taken off the mailing list does anyone know how this
happened? (I have since checked the lists members, found out I was not on 
it, and re-subscribed.)

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