On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Alistair Riddoch wrote:
> >3) Is any one working on a GUI for ELKS, If so what is it called
> Yes, the microwindows/nanogui project ran on ELKS in its early stages,
> and may still do. I have not tested it for a while. We could really do with
> someone to keep track of its development, and make sure it can still run on
> ELKS. It is currently moving quite fast so it is hard for me to keep up with
> it and get any real work done.

Al, don't worry about microwindows/nanogui, even I am looking after them.
> > >5) Is some one working on a network interface for ELKS
> Not at the moment as far as I know.

I am interesting simple network like Serial Line Internet Protocol. I
don't know much about IPs but I may focus my attention on that after my
matriculation exam. Ps. What state the serial line code is at the moment?  

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