On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 03:11:20PM -0500, Shadow Daemon wrote:
> > Do you know anything about the technical details of how it works?
> Unfortunately, no.  I've been trying to locate some old manuals on MCA
> architecture and low-level drivers for it, but IBM barely acknowledges the
> existence of old PS/2's, and no one seems to carry any substantial
> information about it.

Ralf Brown interrupt list may have some info.

See here http://www.ctyme.com/rbrown.htm for a searchable version.

> Hmmm...I wonder if my college library would have anything?  I'll get back
> to you on this.  I've been searching internet sites exclusively thus
> far...time to try a few real-world locations.

I'll have a dig through my accumulated paperwork, and see what I can find.

> > Could you write any code to support it explicitly?
> If I could find some technical information, I could certainly try :)  If
> nothing else, I could come up with a buggy piece of crap that someone else
> could turn into a working driver.

And that is what open source is all about. The quicker you can get something
out the door, the sooner other people will help you with it.


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