Linux-Advocacy Digest #407, Volume #25           Sat, 26 Feb 00 19:13:03 EST

  Re: Microsoft, MS-Spammers, Gay Bashing, Right-wing Politics, Usenet Censorship 
(Mark S. Bilk)
  Re: Microsoft migrates Hotmail to W2K ("Boris")
  Re: Microsoft migrates Hotmail to W2K (mr_rupert)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Re: Microsoft, MS-Spammers, Gay Bashing, Right-wing Politics, Usenet 
Date: 26 Feb 2000 23:35:59 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Why don't you tell them about the URL where you talk about how to use
>"double condoms" or Female condoms during anal intercourse to avoid
>the transmission of aids?

Because it doesn't have very much to do with Linux.
(But it's certainly a good idea.)

>Need a reference?

Steve/mcswain doesn't know how to use DejaNews; the correct 
reference is:[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=403525553

>This is highly off topic, but it needs to be exposed. 

"Steve" is only exposing himself with his bizarre antics.

>Whether you practice a gay lifestyle or not is not the issue here, you
>support, by your own thousands of messages, the lifestyle. 

I have probably posted about 1500 articles to Usenet over 
the past seven years.  About 30 of these have been devoted 
to explaining that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality, 
and that in fact, like heterosexuality, it's a *good* thing.

I am deeply ashamed about this.

I should have written a lot more than 30.

>And you
>support "exposing" first grade students to this sickening, deviant
>lifestyle, by your own signature in the original post.

The "exposure" only consists of telling them that there are
men who love men and women who love women, and that those 
people, and their children, are as good as everyone else, 
and the kids should not insult or attack them.

>IMHO of course, and I am pretty much middle of the road you see, you
>on the other hand ,are a sick perverted individual if you condone
>sticking your d*** up another man's a$$.

"Steve" is not at all "middle of the road".  Only a small 
minority of Americans hate homosexuals the way he does.
(Otherwise "Will & Grace" would not be so popular; Tuesday
nights on NBC -- it's wonderful!)

>It's deviant. It's un-natural 

So is using a computer.  There's nothing wrong with doing 
things that most other people don't do, as long as it doesn't
harm anyone.  Homosexuality is just as good as, and no more 
harmful than, heterosexuality.  

>and it is a form of sick behavior.

No.  Sick behavior is only that which harms people.

>I did my internship at BeekMan hospital in NYC which is just south of
>Greenwich Village and let me tell you that Friday night and Saturday
>night's were entertainment par-excellance.

"Steve" is claiming to be a physician who enjoys the pain
and misfortune of his patients.  The new Dr. Mengele.

>You would not believe, or maybe you would, what some "folks" try to
>fit up their rectum's in order to achieve sexual fulfillment.
>Ever see a man's d*** stuck in a cast iron free weight?
>how about a fluorescent lightbulb that imploded in another "mans"
>rectum? Not a pretty sight.
>Vacuum cleaners? I've seen them all.
>Dil** that seem to get "lost" in there.
>It get's boring after a couple of weeks.
>To appreciate this you have to understand the clientele of the
>hospital I worked in..
>"The Village" says it all. If you are from NYC you know. If not, ask
>someone who is.

Some gay men employ strange and dangerous sexual practices.
*So do some heterosexual men.*  The great majority of both 
do not.

Note that Steve uses quotes around "folks" and "mans".  Does
this mean that he thinks that gays are not really people?

>Sorry Bilk. The lifestyle you condone is a sickening, pile of steaming

Steve appears to have an obsession with feces, and with the

>and is backed up by facts on how many sexual partners a gay
>man has in a typical year. The num ber is in the hundreds.

Again, these are the exceptions.  And note that there are 
heterosexuals that do this too -- they're called "swingers".  
Most gay men are monogamous, or serially monogamous, like 
everyone else.  Lesbians tend to stay mated longer than
heterosexual couples.  

In general, men are more promiscuous than women.  It's a
difference between men and women, not between gays and

>No wonder they are dying of aids..

As I explained in an article that "Steve"/"mcswain" refer-
enced previously, if two people have sex more than a couple
of times, HIV is transmitted via vaginal intercourse as 
readily as it is via anal intercourse.  

HIV first appeared in the US gay male population among men 
who volunteered as test subjects for a hepatitis vaccine.  
(It first appeared in Africa in people who received a smallpox 
vaccine.)  Since the virus has an incubation period of about 
7 years before any symptoms appear, and since there isn't a 
great deal of sexual activity between gay men and heteros, the 
virus spread widely (and invisibly) in the gay population 
before it reached the heterosexual population.  In Africa,
it has infected gays and hets equally.

>Good riddence.....and no loss.

Note this well, folks.  "Steve" would like to have all homo-
sexual people exterminated.  This is the way Right-wing
Fundamentalists are programmed to feel.  It's the attitude
at Bob Jones University, where George W. Bush, the Republican 
Party machine candidate for President, recently visited, and 
expressed no disagreement with any of their policies.

There are a few tens of millions of Americans who would like
to turn this country, and the world, into something very
much like Islamic Fundamentalist Iran or Afghanistan, or
Nazi Germany, with mass murder of the groups of people that
their doctrines disapprove of -- homosexuals, women who aren't 
subservient to men, Jews, Catholics, Blacks, etc.

The Republican Party courts them for their votes, although
the Party's actual purpose is to increase the profits of the 
wealthy few who finance it (by lowering the minimum wage,
getting rid of anti-pollution and worker safety laws, making 
it impossible to sue corporations ("tort reform"), etc.).

>Soddam and Gomorrah (sp?) fell as did the sick Rome of Caligula (I'll
>bet you loved THAT movie), and so will the US.

These fanatics believe that the very *existence* of homosex-
ual people will somehow destroy our society.  Of course,
homosexuals have always existed, and this has never happened.
But Fundamentalists *have* destroyed societies -- look at

>Read your bible bilk and learn something. 

The Old Testament was written by a Dominator culture (not to
be confused with present-day Jews); its doctrines are largely 

Even if our world *was* created by the vicious, genocidal god 
Jehovah (Yahweh) described in the O.T., it would be wrong to 
follow his orders and hate and persecute homosexual people.
Just because a being is powerful does not mean that he is the
arbiter of morality.  The only definition of "evil" that makes
sense is "that which harms other people".  Jehovah was/is an
evil god.  Look up Midian(ites) in an on-line bible; they were
a completely harmless people, and Jehovah ordered Moses to
have the Israelites slaughter them all -- tens or hundreds of 
thousands of them, simply because their kids were fraternizing 
with the Israelite kids, which might shake their religious
indoctrination.  Moses obeyed, and presided over a Holocaust.
He was evil, too.  (Book of Numbers, chapters 25, 26, 31.)

Even in the Army, one is obliged *not* to obey an illegal order.

>It's open season on you Bilk, and we intend to use all your tripe
>against you.

Great -- me and Salman Rushdie.

>BTW, why are there so many canceled posts in your history?

See the end of this article for a complete analysis of all 
the cancels that DejaNews found under [EMAIL PROTECTED]  In
5 years, I've cancelled 22 articles that I posted (out of 
1500 or so).

>All seem to be Mindspring?

Only the last 6, and 3 of those were experiments in 

>Looks like we have to investigate this some more.

Be my guest, "Steve".  You're really making a reputation 
for yourself here.  You're gonna be famous.

>Sleep tight Bilk and stay away from that Amyl and the vacuum cleaner.


>I don't like Linux, but I am sickened by this PC garbage. And yes, I
>would still speak my mind if it were a Windows supporter. Does not

"PC" -- "politically correct" -- is the label used by Right-
wingers to designate and demean anyone who objects to the
Right's persecution of gays, feminists, blacks, etc.

>To see what sewerage Bilk is up to today I suggest Altavista.

More of Steve's fecal fetish.

>He claims we are getting paid? Take a look at the multipage septic
>shit he posts. 

And more.

>How long does that garbage take to generate. I supspect
>Bilk is being paird by the Left Wing, wacko folks.

Left-wing wackos don't have any money.


   Messages 1-140 of exactly 140 matches for search ~a [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~s {cancel | 
        Date   Scr        Subject                       Forum             Author

My post, my cancel.

   1. 00/02/17 027 cmsg cancel <88ha4e$vl2$1@nn Mark S. Bilk
   2. 00/02/13 027 cmsg cancel <8854dk$2bl$1@nn comp.os.linux.advocac Mark S. Bilk
   3. 00/02/10 027 cmsg cancel <87thqg$jpr$1@nn comp.os.linux.advocac Mark S. Bilk
   4. 99/12/04 025 cmsg cancel <8296ok$mbc$1@nn mindspring.test       Mark S. Bilk
   5. 99/12/03 025 cmsg cancel <829790$m11$1@nn mindspring.test       Mark S. Bilk
   6. 99/12/03 025 cmsg cancel <8297r6$161$1@nn mindspring.test       Mark S. Bilk
   7. 99/06/27 025 cmsg cancel <7l4hqp$bfp@dfw-  Mark S. Bilk

  10. 99/03/01 025 cancel              Mark S. Bilk
  11. 99/01/02 026 cancel               Mark S. Bilk
  12. 98/12/23 025 cancel                       alt.conspiracy        Mark S. Bilk
  13. 98/12/18 025 cancel              Mark S. Bilk
  14. 98/12/14 025 cancel                       alt.society.liberalis Mark S. Bilk
  15. 98/11/10 025 cancel              Mark S. Bilk
  16. 98/11/09 025 cancel                       alt.society.liberalis Mark S. Bilk
  17. 98/05/24 024 cancel                       alt.conspiracy        Mark S. Bilk
  18. 98/05/11 025 cancel                       alt.religion.christia Mark S. Bilk
  19. 97/12/15 023 cancel                       alt.politics.clinton  Mark S. Bilk

  98. 96/01/13 020 cancel                       alt.homosexual        Mark S. Bilk

 101. 96/03/26 020 cancel                       sci.econ              Mark S. Bilk
 102. 96/03/11 020 cancel                       news.groups           Mark S. Bilk

 139. 95/08/31 020 cancel                       talk.abortion         Mark S. Bilk
 140. 95/07/23 020 cancel                       comp.cad.autocad      Mark S. Bilk

My post, spam-cancelled by accident (probably I mentioned a porn-spam URL).

  27. 96/02/07 020 cmsg cancel <msbDMEyB0.464@n alt.binaries.misc     Mark S. Bilk

  97. 96/02/01 020 cmsg cancel <msbDM9Gxw.7zz@n alt.binaries.warez.ib Mark S. Bilk

 104. 96/02/08 020 cmsg cancel <msbDMGACK.7tw@n alt.politics.homosexu Mark S. Bilk

My post, spam-cancelled as "ad" in biz.*

 103. 96/02/14 020 cmsg cancel <msbDMEpEy.Hz3@n Mark S. Bilk

My post, forged cancel.

   8. 99/03/08 025 cmsg cancel <msbF84r3M.B9H@n msb
   9. 99/03/08 025 cmsg cancel <msbF84r3M.B9H@n msb

  99. 95/12/11 021 cmsg cancel <msbDJEyB3.I7L@n alt.binaries.warez.ib Mark S. Bilk
 100. 95/11/05 021 cmsg cancel <msbDHJJD6.yB@ne    Mark S. Bilk

Forged post in my name, spam-cancelled.  My Netcom shell account could not 
have posted articles with these Message-IDs:

  20. 96/02/07 020 cmsg cancel <4f8m5v$l48@ixne rec.nude              msb
  21. 96/02/07 020 cmsg cancel <4f8m5e$l48@ixne msb
  22. 96/02/07 020 cmsg cancel <4f8m9u$l48@ixne rec.windsurfing       msb
  23. 96/02/07 020 cmsg cancel <4f8m4v$l48@ixne rec.drugs.cannabis    msb
  24. 96/02/07 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ls4$l48@ixne alt.skinheads         msb
  25. 96/02/07 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lsj$l48@ixne alt.supermodels       msb
  26. 96/02/07 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k1s$h31@ixne alt.binaries.erotic.s msb

  28. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lu4$l48@ixne ba.personals          msb
  29. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8m01$l48@ixne misc.consumers        msb
  30. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lv7$l48@ixne biz.marketplace.non-c msb
  31. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lug$l48@ixne biz.general           msb
  32. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8m49$l48@ixne misc.wanted           msb
  33. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lus$l48@ixne biz.marketplace.inter msb
  34. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kds$h31@ixne msb
  35. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kf0$h31@ixne msb
  36. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k7t$h31@ixne msb
  37. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kra$l48@ixne alt.mag.playboy       msb
  38. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kpm$h31@ixne alt.drugs.hard        msb
  39. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lsv$l48@ixne alt.supermodels.cindy msb
  40. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lt8$l48@ixne alt.surfing           msb
  41. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ltj$l48@ixne msb
  42. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8mv6$7kr@ixne               msb
  43. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8n2c$7lg@ixne           msb
  44. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8mfa$l48@ixne soc.couples           msb
  45. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8mfc$l48@ixne soc.culture.usa       msb
  46. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ko9$h31@ixne          msb
  47. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kof$h31@ixne     msb
  48. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kp9$h31@ixne alt.drugs.chemistry   msb
  49. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kph$h31@ixne alt.drugs.culture     msb
  50. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kpt$h31@ixne alt.drugs.pot         msb
  51. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kq9$h31@ixne  msb
  52. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8krg$l48@ixne msb
  53. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ktb$l48@ixne msb
  54. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ktr$l48@ixne    msb
  55. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kca$h31@ixne msb
  56. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kcq$h31@ixne msb
  57. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k6m$h31@ixne alt.binaries.erotic.s msb
  58. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ku3$l48@ixne msb
  59. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kue$l48@ixne  msb
  60. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k7a$h31@ixne alt.binaries.lingerie msb
  61. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kv0$l48@ixne alt.personals         msb
  62. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k7g$h31@ixne alt.binaries.misc     msb
  63. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k7n$h31@ixne alt.binaries.nude.cel msb
  64. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kv9$l48@ixne     msb
  65. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kvg$l48@ixne      msb
  66. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kvo$l48@ixne alt.personals.bondage msb
  67. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8l02$l48@ixne alt.personals.fetish  msb
  68. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8l09$l48@ixne alt.politics.homosexu msb
  69. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k72$h31@ixne msb
  70. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8l0k$l48@ixne alt.rave              msb
  71. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8l18$l48@ixne alt.romance           msb
  72. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kbv$h31@ixne msb
  73. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kdg$h31@ixne msb
  74. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k87$h31@ixne msb
  75. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k9f$h31@ixne msb
  76. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kdm$h31@ixne msb
  77. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k9m$h31@ixne msb
  78. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8k9u$h31@ixne msb
  79. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ka9$h31@ixne msb
  80. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kee$h31@ixne msb
  81. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kal$h31@ixne msb
  82. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kf6$h31@ixne msb
  83. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ke2$h31@ixne msb
  84. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kfl$h31@ixne msb
  85. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kfv$h31@ixne msb
  86. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8knu$h31@ixne control               msb
  87. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kp3$h31@ixne control               msb
  88. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kbh$h31@ixne control               msb
  89. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kar$h31@ixne control               msb
  90. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kd0$h31@ixne control               msb
  91. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8l6r$l48@ixne control               msb
  92. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lbm$l48@ixne control               msb
  93. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kav$h31@ixne control               msb
  94. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lcm$l48@ixne control               msb
  95. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kba$h31@ixne control               msb
  96. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kin$h31@ixne control               msb

 105. 96/02/07 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kmf$h31@ixne msb
 106. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kda$h31@ixne control               msb
 107. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lb3$l48@ixne control               msb
 108. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kci$h31@ixne control               msb
 109. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kfg$h31@ixne control               msb
 110. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kek$h31@ixne control               msb
 111. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8l6k$l48@ixne control               msb
 112. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kbo$h31@ixne control               msb
 113. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8khc$h31@ixne control               msb
 114. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kb5$h31@ixne control               msb
 115. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lbh$l48@ixne control               msb
 116. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ke9$h31@ixne control               msb
 117. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kju$h31@ixne control               msb
 118. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kjj$h31@ixne control               msb
 119. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kkd$h31@ixne control               msb
 120. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kjp$h31@ixne control               msb
 121. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kkq$h31@ixne control               msb
 122. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kmq$h31@ixne control               msb
 123. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kk5$h31@ixne control               msb
 124. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kl7$h31@ixne control               msb
 125. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lij$l48@ixne control               msb
 126. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kng$h31@ixne control               msb
 127. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kmv$h31@ixne control               msb
 128. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8kna$h31@ixne control               msb
 129. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8knm$h31@ixne control               msb
 130. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lms$l48@ixne control               msb
 131. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8ld2$l48@ixne control               msb
 132. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lio$l48@ixne control               msb
 133. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lct$l48@ixne control               msb
 134. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lch$l48@ixne control               msb
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 138. 96/02/06 020 cmsg cancel <4f8lej$l48@ixne control               msb

>On 24 Feb 2000 22:50:19 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk) wrote:
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>steve  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Drestin Black wrote:
>>>> Mark S. Bilk ... Go screw yourself OK?
>>>I'm certain he has,,, many times. With light bulbs, po-go sticks,
>>>plungers, gerbils and other devices.
>>>Take a look at :
>>>for details.
>>That URL goes to an article I posted about a PBS documentary 
>>on kids being taught not to hate gay people.  This is the 
>>correct URL, found by using the DejaNews power search 
>>and clicking on "view for bookmarking":
>>Imagine what sort of mind Steve must have, to read about 
>>teaching children kindness, tolerance, and civil rights, and 
>>to associate that with the bizarre, bigoted, sadistic sexual 
>>fantasies that he posted.
>>He also assumes that anyone who feels that homosexual people 
>>shouldn't be persecuted, and should have the same civil rights 
>>as everyone else, must themselves be homosexual.  In other 
>>words, Steve hates gay people so much that he takes it for 
>>granted that all other non-gay people hate them too.
>>Steve is one of a gang of spammers* who's been flooding the
>>comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup for most of a year with 
>>thousands of pro-Microsoft/anti-Linux propaganda articles 
>>(and he's used a lot of fake names to do it -- teknite77, 
>>steveno, sewer_rat99, skagg71, time2leave, theman, etc.).
>>It may be relevant that about a year ago, an article in the 
>>San Jose Mercury noted that "Microsoft execs spend time at 
>>the Heritage Foundation."  That's one of the largest Right-
>>wing propaganda organizations in the US.  Of course, it is 
>>opposed to civil rights for homosexual people.
>>Did "Steve" (or whatever his real name is) learn to hate 
>>homosexual people, or to spout the particular kind of venom
>>quoted above, at the Heritage Foundation?  Probably not.
>>But since Bill Gates is sending his executives there for 
>>political/cultural/economic indoctrination (that's what they 
>>do there), it wouldn't be surprising that some bigot in Micro-
>>soft's PR department would employ a bigot like Steve to fill 
>>the c.o.l.a newsgroup with Microsoft's anti-Linux propaganda 
>>and thousands of garbage posts, to intimidate people so they 
>>drop the newsgroup and don't learn about Linux.  It's a ques-
>>tion of what type of political culture exists among Microsoft 
>>executives, and training at the Heritage Foundation pretty 
>>much guarantees the type that it's going to be.
>>It's interesting to think of the pro-Microsoft spammers like
>>Steve and "Drestin Black" madly searching through every arti-
>>cle I've ever posted to Usenet, looking for something they 
>>think would embarrass me; maybe they'll learn a thing or two 
>>if they actually read them.  Apparently it hasn't occurred to 
>>these creatures that if I had written something I was ashamed 
>>of, I probably wouldn't have published it in a place where 
>>millions of people all over the world could see it, forever!  
>>Oh well, nobody ever accused these guys of being overly bright.
>>I'm beginning to think that something I previously wrote 
>>has touched a nerve; probably it was this:
>>] "Drestin Black", one of the pro-Microsoft/anti-Linux propa-
>>] ganda spammers, has been posting dozens of articles to 
>>] c.o.l.a yapping that some Linux folks here don't know much 
>>] about SCSI.  Presumably he's doing it because he's been 
>>] instructed to trash up the newsgroup with as many useless 
>>] posts as possible every day, so that people who come here to 
>>] find out about Linux, and who don't use a threaded news-
>>] reader or put him in the killfile, will get frustrated and 
>>] go away without learning about Linux and so will stay with 
>>] Microsoft Windows.
>>It's pretty clear that this is one of the spammer gang's major 
>>tactics; certainly it's one of the most obvious characteristics 
>>of what they do.  "Drestin Black", Stephen Edwards, "Sponge", 
>>"S", "Steve"/"teknite"/etc., "Chad Mulligan" -- all of them 
>>have posted thousands of articles containing no real content 
>>whatsoever -- often followups quoting an entire previous arti-
>>cle and adding one vicious insult.  A casual reader encounter-
>>ing this flood of garbage and nastiness might easily reject the 
>>entire newsgroup, and thus not be exposed to Linux advocacy.
>>Of course, this is exactly what Microsoft wants to happen.
>>Incidentally, Microsoft has just adopted another strategy to 
>>deal with the huge amount of criticism it's getting in Usenet:
>>It's eliminating Usenet access for all the customers of its 
>>MSN division -- a major Internet service provider.  
>>Power corrupts, and Microsoft has far too much of it.
>>* The list of pro-Microsoft/anti-Linux propaganda spammers 
>>operating in comp.os.linux.advocacy, present and past (includ-
>>ing multiple fake names used by the same person).  Some of 
>>them post at a rate of nearly 500 articles per month, each:
>>"Drestin Black", Chad Myers, Stephen Edwards, Jeff Szarka, 
>>Steve/"teknite"/keymaster/keys88/"Sewer Rat"/etc., "Sarek", 
>>"mcswain", Erik Funkenbusch, "Chad Mulligan", "S", "Sponge", 
>>Steve Sheldon, "piddy", Brent Davies, Boris, "Cuor di Mela", 
>>"ubercat"/"Odin", "Xerophyte"/Kelly_Robinson, "boobaabaa", 
>>"[EMAIL PROTECTED](", etc.
>>Is Microsoft behind most of this high-volume pro-Microsoft/
>>anti-Linux propaganda barrage?  There are good reasons to 
>>think so:


From: "Boris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft migrates Hotmail to W2K
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 23:40:14 GMT

"Michael Wand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Now, if *they* do *not* manage to get it to run under w2k (i.e.
> > > having so little thrust in their *own* products ability) and
> > > still tout it as the best thing since sliced bread, what should
> > > I think about the rest of their claims?
> >
> > If they don't then you've finally got a legit thing to point to and sneer.
> > But, until they try and fail - you've nothing.
> I have - the question *why* they didn't.
I'm 100% pro-Microsoft. However, I must admit that NT4 was probably underpowered to run
Hotmail. There were a number of NT4 problems which were fixed in SP6/6a (released at 
end of 1999). I don't know if those patches made it into Win2K.
In addition, the most powerful member of Win2K family hasn't been released yet 
addition). Also, some portions of COM+ (component load-balancing) were rejected by
beta-testers and didn't make it into release of Win2K (I understand that those 
are due to be released by mid-2000).
I would be surprised if Hotmail weren't converted to Win2K by the end of 2000. MS might
decide to wait for Win64 to be released, though.
I agree, that Hotmail conversion would be an excellent argument in favor of usability 
Win2K for the largest web sites.


> Hmmm,
> Michael
> --
>                           *** man tar für alle!!! ***


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mr_rupert)
Subject: Re: Microsoft migrates Hotmail to W2K
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 00:05:14 GMT

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 23:40:14 GMT, "Boris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>"Michael Wand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> "Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > > Now, if *they* do *not* manage to get it to run under w2k (i.e.
>> > > having so little thrust in their *own* products ability) and
>> > > still tout it as the best thing since sliced bread, what should
>> > > I think about the rest of their claims?
>> >
>> > If they don't then you've finally got a legit thing to point to and sneer.
>> > But, until they try and fail - you've nothing.
>> I have - the question *why* they didn't.
>I'm 100% pro-Microsoft. However, I must admit that NT4 was probably underpowered to 
>Hotmail. There were a number of NT4 problems which were fixed in SP6/6a (released at 
>end of 1999). I don't know if those patches made it into Win2K.
>In addition, the most powerful member of Win2K family hasn't been released yet 
>addition). Also, some portions of COM+ (component load-balancing) were rejected by
>beta-testers and didn't make it into release of Win2K (I understand that those 
>are due to be released by mid-2000).
>I would be surprised if Hotmail weren't converted to Win2K by the end of 2000. MS 
>decide to wait for Win64 to be released, though.
>I agree, that Hotmail conversion would be an excellent argument in favor of usability 
>Win2K for the largest web sites.

Finally a voice of reason from the MS camp.  Thanks Boris for
providing some valid reasons to this issue.

The always friendly, always lovable, and highly presentable,

Mr Rupert



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