Linux-Advocacy Digest #407, Volume #33            Thu, 5 Apr 01 23:13:02 EDT

  Re: Microsoft should be feared and despised (Michael Vester)
  Re: SSH vulnerabilities - still waiting [ was Interesting article ] ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Q:Windows NT scripting? (Sean)
  Re: Communism ("Beth")
  Re: Baseball (Chris Belway)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (GreyCloud)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (GreyCloud)
  Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day. (GreyCloud)


From: Michael Vester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft should be feared and despised
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 11:51:28 -0700

JS PL wrote:
> "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:9agsmc$1uk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Why even write software for Windows? I can promise you that 2 years after
> > your product has become popular, Microsoft will steal the idea, make its
> own
> > version then "bundle" it with Windows.
> >
> > Matthew Gardiner
> Yeah, that's why you get SO MUCH extra software with windows. About all I
> see that comes with it are a few 20 year old games, a ten client limit
> webserver, what else....oh.. there's the ultra powerfull PAINT, some trial
> versions of other MS games, AOL maybe...  Yeah they're just putting WAY too
> much into Windows these days.
> Windows is about the "least" bundled OS I've ever owned.

Because they want you to buy everything else.

Michael Vester
A credible Linux advocate

"The avalanche has started, it is 
too late for the pebbles to vote" 
Kosh, Vorlon Ambassador to Babylon 5


From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SSH vulnerabilities - still waiting [ was Interesting article ]
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 01:57:51 GMT

"Richard E. Silverman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >>>>> "Chad" == Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Chad> For some reason that eludes me (and apparently the
>     Chad> people as well) the OpenSSH people continue to support a
>     Chad> "flawed" protocol which they know has issues when a newer,
>     Chad> better, and free version exists.
> Multiple people pointed out reasons for this.  As a matter of present
> fact, there are SSH-1 implementations in place, both on regular servers
> and embedded inside packaged products that may not change for some time to
> come.

<sigh> For the 14,000 time, I'll say this again..

I never expected them to eradicate every existance of SSH1, I'm merely
suggesting that it's a bad idea to CONTINUE to DISTRIBUTE SSH1. Beyond that,
they should even make more efforts to educate against the use of existing
SSH1 implementations, but everyone understands that it's not like it's
going to vanish off the face of the planet.



Subject: Re: Q:Windows NT scripting?
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 02:14:22 GMT


There's also the excellent free C compiler
for Windows by Jacob Navia and others.  It's
called lcc - see:

Nice tool - pity about Windows!


Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> Jarko Vihriala wrote:
> >
> > Hello there,
> >
> > My question is, that why on EARTH does the GUI have
> > to be integrated to the OS itself? I mean, why cannot
> > all the commands be executed on the command line,
> > just like *nix systems work? The GUI would be just
> > extra thing for those clickety-click system users,
> > who don't know a dick about the OS itself, but if
> > someone would really want to customise the system,
> > and operate on the command line (even with remote
> > sessions) they could do that.
> >
> > Personally, I have created a set of scripts to allow
> > me to use the NT - when I use it - from the command line,
> > but the GUI is still there, eating my resources
> > and such. Also, if the GUI was not integrated with the
> > kernel, it would not crash the system if some confict
> > will occur.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >         Jarko
> I just discovered this URL
> and loaded up bash, the file commands, the text
> commands, and which, on my Win 2000 machine at work.
> Made a little bash icon, and have a much nicer
> console and scripting language to work with.
> If I have to use Windoze, at least I can use some
> of my favorite GNU software on it.
> has another nice multi-platform
> editor if you like vi with syntax-highlighting.
> The graphical version, gvim, is a nice proof-of-concept
> for the port of GTK+ to Windoze.  (Also look for
> the port of the GIMP to Windoze... pretty nice.)
> has a nice tool for writing
> C code for Windoze without using Microsoft or
> Borland tools.
> Just got Apache running on Linux.  Very easy.
> Wonder if the Windoze setup for Apache is
> just as easy.
> Damn, too bad the Free Software Movement can't
> write good software in a timely manner,
> heh heh heh.
> Now if I could only turn off the Windoze GUI
> and swap out the NT kernel for vmlinuz.  <grin>
> Actually, I can, but IT would have a conniption
> fit if I did it very often.  They would very much
> like to keep Windoze from becoming superfluous;
> it keeps those appropriations coming.
> Hmmmm, if I could get the skin looking fully
> like Linux, would they notice when the
> beast itself was replaced with Linux?
> Chris
> --
> [ Do Not Make Illegal Copies of This Message ]


Reply-To: "Beth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Beth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 03:12:56 +0100

Ummm...that post didn't show up with me at all...I'm reading from
"comp.os.linux.advocacy"...and, btw, I don't advocate LINUX - I don't really
have anything for or against it - just someone requested people from join a debate in here...unfortunately, as that debate has
fizzled and this is one of those 6 million posts an hour groups that are too
much for me to handle, so I'm bowing out of this whole affair...

Beth :)

PS if you really have something important to say then feel free to send to
my Email...I was enjoying this thread but duty calls elsewhere :)

Thanks for the fun debate, y'all ;)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Belway)
Subject: Re: Baseball
Date: 6 Apr 2001 02:29:56 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Belway)

T. Max Devlin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
> Said Mike in on Thu, 05 Apr 2001 16:16:12 -0700; 
>>"." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> why don't you do something to make unix as easy to use as windows while
>>>> retaining the former's stability and put microsoft out of business?
>>>Windows isn't easy to use, it's pretty damned painful and stressful.  To
>>>have excel GPF because you typed numbers into a cell, and lose your most
>>>recent work, is frustrating and inexplicable.  Especially when you can load
>>>it up a second time and do exactly the same thing, but this time it wont
>>>Every time I use linux, it does what I would expect it to do.  THAT'S ease
>>>of use.
> They're all over the place.
> Consider the "market price" of a PC OS.  Let's say, fifty bucks.  Now,
> that's just an EULA.  A developer's license (yea, you see where I'm
> going with this) with source code and unlimited right to produce
> derivative property, that would probably cost no less than a few
> thousand bucks.  But that's per computer; the right to distribute the OS
> or put it on any number (that's ANY NUMBER, one to one million, if you
> have, sell, or touch that many PCs) of computers.
> There are several million Linux billionaires, the way I see it.

T. Max Devlin, is Esperanto your native language?

Just wondering?

Where are the Linux Billionaires?


 Steatopygias's 'R' Us.          doh#0000000005 That ain't no Hottentot.
 Sesquipedalian's 'R' Us. ZX-10. DoD#564. tbtw#6. s.s.m#8. There ain't no more
 If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is,
"God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell
him is, "Probably because of something you did." - Jack Handey


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 20:00:23 -0700

silverback wrote:
> On Thu, 05 Apr 2001 08:42:18 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >silverback wrote:
> >>
> >> On Wed, 04 Apr 2001 14:36:49 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> >silverback wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 13:10:59 -0400, "Aaron R. Kulkis"
> >> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> >"Scott D. Erb" wrote:
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> "Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > I wonder how Scott Erb would feel if he gets his wish of an all-powerful
> >> >> >> > government, and along the way, he gets carted off to some gulag....
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Given that I oppose powerful government and in fact my biggest criticism of 
> >> >> >> Left is that it too often ignores the danger of centralized power, your 
> >> >> >> is based on a false premise.  Since I've made my aversion to powerful 
> >> >> >> clear earlier in this thread, I have to assume that you are also being 
> >> >> >> in making the statement you make.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >Tell us how you propose to steal even more from the productive for the
> >> >> >benefit of the lazy and other parasites without more centralized power.
> >> >>
> >> >> progressive taxation is not stealing anything from what you want to
> >> >> call productive people.
> >> >
> >> >Ok...let's say, you go to the store...and the grocer asks you how
> >> >much you make....and charges you for food according to how much you
> >> >make.
> >> >
> >> >Lets say, you get a new job, which pays you double what your previous
> >> >job pays....and so, the grocer says, "Ah, you are a lucky man.  Now,
> >> >I charge yout TRIPLE for groceries"
> >>
> >> the payment to the grocer is not taxation you dumb fuckwit.
> >
> >Very good.  That would be taxes for services.
> no
> >
> >But progressive income taxes are NOT taxes for services.
> yes they are moron. The rich obtain more benefits from the government
> than the poor. Maybe we should tax you for police protection on the
> dollar value of yer holdings instead.
>   Same for fire protection. Same for the use of roads.
> >
> >
> >
> >> The rich should pay a far greater % of their income to taxes than the
> >> poor. The poor should be exempt from all taxation.
> >
> >So, you're saying that taxes should be used as an  wealth transfer
> >mechanism, from the productive, to the parasites.
> Anyone with an income over a million should be taxed at 95% of any
> income over that no exemptions  at all.
>   Those making less than a livable wage should not be taxed at all and
> should recieve a kicker to bring their income up to a livable level.

I take it you're on welfare... right?


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 20:05:12 -0700

Rob Robertson wrote:
> Mathew wrote:
> >
> > On 4 Apr 2001, Alex Chaihorsky wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > "Rob Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > >
> > > >  Thank you for the excellent reminder of what America is fighting, Mr.
> > > Chaihorsky.
> >
> > Who are you fighting?
>  I said 'what', not 'who', you little pinhead.
>  The 'what' that I and many other true Americans* are fighting is creeping
> socialism, insidious Marxist propaganda, and the rise of totalitarianism.
> We are fighting the willful ignorance of ideologically-blindered leftists
> who would destroy freedom and self-determination in America in order to
> institute rule by a global elite.
>  The 'who' that I'm fighting are lying, disingenuous frauds who would seek
> to indoctrinate young college-age kids with nanny-state dogma after they've
> turned their minds to mush with relativist claptrap, as well as moronic
> teen-agers from Guam who don't know how to put one concept in front of
> another.
> > > Rob,
> > >
> > > If there is a way for me to thank America, to whose shores I came 14 years
> > > ago, fresh out of Communism slavery, brougt up by the damn "village" of
> > > other slaves as an atheist, poor, but hopeful, opressed, but optimistic -
> > > for her justice without pity, generosity without handouts, kindness without
> > > charity, equality without equalness - my way would be to help her fight the
> > > most outrageous attempt to enslave her sons and daughters and put back into
> > > bondage her ideals and hopes.
> > > This will be a bloody and heavy fight. You have not seen anything yet.
> > >
> > >
> > > Alex Chaihorsky
> > > Reno, NV
> _
> Rob Robertson
> * "True Americans" are those of all ages, colors, creeds, etc,... who hold
>    to the principle that all people are born free, and that human dignity
>    is served by defending our rights to life, liberty, and property. That
>    is why Mr. Chaihorsky is a True American, whereas Scott Erb is merely
>    a walking viral colony emulating the form and style of a human being.

Re: Erb... probably a victim of revisionist historians.



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Communism, Communist propagandists in the this day.
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 20:10:07 -0700

Alex Chaihorsky wrote:
> I have only found this in Aaron's answer - I do not no why, but my server
> does not show the Erbs part (Marx was naive). So, >>>> is my words and >> -
> Erb's
> So I answer here:
> > >"Scott D. Erb" wrote:
> > > Marx was naive.  He believed that if you got rid of capitalism you could
> have complete
> > > liberty, the state would whither away, you would end exploitation.  He
> was motivated
> > > by the industrial slums, and how horrid the workers were paid.  He
> wanted the workers
> > > to rise up against that, and believed if they did they could
> collectively control the
> > > means of production and everyone would be better off.
> > >
> > > He was wrong.  Dead wrong.  Tragically wrong.  But there is no way Marx
> or Engels (and
> > > I've read a lot of their private writings, including a lot of Engels
> stuff in the
> > > original German) would have ever supported the kind of brutal tactics of
> a Stalin, Mao
> > > or Pol Pot.
> > >
> OK, Erb, time to get the gloves off. You do not answer my arguments, as I
> did yours. You write you stuff over my arguments. That betray you for who
> you are - a man who does not argue honestly. As opposed to many a net
> writer, I am giving you my true name and, if you send me private e-mail I
> will supply you with my address, so you can sue me if you want.
> Manifesto directly talks about the follwoing points (see below in from my
> previous posing).
> To call a man who called for liquidation of propert NAIVE?
> How NAIVE is to separate children from parents?
> How NAIVE is to enslave workers into armies?
> How NAIVE is to make children of age 9 work for their enslavers?
> How NAIVE is to PREDICT that this can only be done using a DICTATORSHIP?
> There was NOTHING that Stalin, Lenin or Mao invented that was not in
> Marx/Engels works (including BTW concentration camps that WERE INVENTED by
> them (Engels) "We will have enourmous resistance to our reforms, so we will
> need to have SPECIAL ISOLATED PLACES...." because they knew that no prison
> will be able to hold all the "resistance". The only theoretical additions to
>  Marxism- were:
> 1. Communist revolution is possible not only in developed industrial
> countries but also in agrarian ones (after it happened in Russia) (Lenin)
> 2. Socialism can be built in a single country (build, but not maintained)
> (Stalin)
> 3. There is a possibility of coexistance of two systems (wrong, as was
> proved by history)
> Everything else is reworking, retelling, advancing, developing, recombining
> of Marxism.
> Now about poor Marx being not responsible for the mayhem his students
> created.
> Marx revisionists sung several songs:
> 1. Marx was misunderstood.
> 2. Marx was misinterpreted
> 3. Marx was wrong, but he meant well
> 4. Marx was who he was, but contemporary socialism has nothing to do with
> him.
> I just remind you that the Hitler's revisionists claimed:
> 1. Hitler was misunderstood
> 2. Hitler was misinterpreted
> 3. Hitler was wrong, but he meant well
> 4. Hitler was who he was, but the neo-Nazism is has nothing to do with
> Hitler.
> The only argument (weak) for the bastard not to be THE MONSTROUS figure in
> the human history was the fact that by the end of his life he denounced all
> his work and said "I am not a Marxist anymore".
> >>>> Alex wrote:
> > > > > 1. Complete liquidation of private property
> > > > > 2. Liquidation of the family, introduction of "official, open mutual
> > > > > ownership of wives"
> > > > > 3. Children taken from families are brought up by community
> (Hillary,
> > > > > hello!)
> > > > > 4. Industrial armies, not employer - employee, (and that is from the
> guy who
> > > > > LOVES proletariat!)
> > > > > 5. Central credit by central banks with total banking monopoly for
> the
> > > > > State.
> > > > > 6. Age when children start working - 9 years of age (Resolution of
> Geneva
> > > > > International Congress).
> > > > >
> > > > > If this is not the most monstrous document in the history of the
> > > > > civilization, please, state which one is.
> > > > >
> > > > > This system was implemented four times almost totally  - in Hitler's
> > > > > concentration camps, Stalin's GULAG and Mao's re-educational
> settlements and
> > > > > Pol Pots' Cambodia camps.
> > > > > Partially - USSR, Red China, Vietnam, North Korea.
> > > > > Superficially - Poland, E. Germany, Hungary, Mongolia,
> Czeckoslovakia
> > > > >
> > > > > Why would Marx be spiining other than out of excitment?
> > > > > Typical (I hate this word) socialist attitude - they all have
> aberrated
> > > > > Marx. NO! THEY DIDN'T!
> > > > > All socialists remain civilized untill they seize the power. Then
> the
> > > > > Marxist bestiary begins.
> > > > > EVERY TIME.
> > >
> >>Erb again;
> > > Marx was fantasizing about what he thought would lead to a utopia.  He
> was wrong.   He
> > > thought the state would whither away, it didn't.  His goal was to end
> alienation and
> > > create perfect liberty, his ideas did not lead that direction.  His
> errors were
> > > typical of 19th century social science (over-determination, bad
> predictions), and
> > > ultimately the errors in his theories helped lead to the kinds of horror
> you
> > > describe.  But to demonize Marx personally because of that is simply
> misguided, and of
> > > course irrelevant.
> > >
> > > At the very least now Social Democrats and most leftists recognize that
> the vision of
> > > "scientific socialism" espoused by Lenin and the Communists was not only
> wrong, but
> First of all there were never any "Scientific socialism" only "Scientific
> Communism" I know because I was the first guy in the history of Leningrad
> University to get "F" for that at State Exam. I even got to the front page
> of University paper for that. You had to be braindead not to get "C", but I
> was so annoying to the "professors" that they gave me an "F" despite the
> direct order not to do so from Dean.
> How anyone who has a brain can say that the guy who created detailed theory
> how to destroy human society, who gave concrete reccommendations how to
> enslave working population, destroy families, establish WORKING ARMIES,
> establishing dictatorships - this is FANTASIZING?
> In that case the whole "MeinKampf" is fantasizing too, right?
> Marx was just fantasizing in his 100+ volumes of detailed plans of the
> destruction of the Western Civilization?
> In that case, all you marxists and socialists are just idiots who spent
> their lives studying an old dirty man thoughts, right?
> The problem with you is inablity of honest debate. In one way its bad, in
> another -good. Marxism is a religion. It is a religion of cowards who are
> afraid to go to the world and take risks of their own. It is a religion of
> the weak who are afraid to be pushed aside by the strong. It is a religion
> of envy, dark, black envy of the talentless and the lazy alike.
> But mostly the honorless cowards, who say -  "I do not dare and will not let
> you dare".
> Congratulations, Erb, you have choosen the right crowd.
> At first I thought that we can have a discussion. Then I thought that you
> are just not that good informed (not a sin). Now I see that you are liek the
> rest of them - a liar, a cheat and a snake. "Marx was fantasizing". About
> 100 million people are dead in Russia, Chine, etc. because of these
> "fantasies" and you have an audacity to call it an ERROR?
> Shame on you.
> Alexander Chaihorsky
> Reno, NV

Maybe Erb is a victim of revisionist historians.



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