Linux-Advocacy Digest #496, Volume #25            Fri, 3 Mar 00 21:13:06 EST

  Re: A Plague of "Chads" (was: Clarification of the word "communism" 
  Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy. (proculous)
  Re: Linux Demo Day a letdown (Mark S. Bilk)
  Re: Linux Demo Day a letdown ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux smp kernel UNSTABLE? ("Kyo-Bang Chung")
  Let's blow this Linux Scam Wide Open!! (proculous)


Subject: Re: A Plague of "Chads" (was: Clarification of the word "communism"
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 01:20:18 GMT

Actually I think he is stinky. Just like Linux.

On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 01:08:20 GMT, "Boris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I called him a liar several times -- and proved it.
>You are a liar yourself. If paranoid idiot can be called a liar.


From: proculous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux is it's own worst enemy.
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 01:18:53 GMT

Typical LinoNazi behavior. Shoot the messenger instead of discussing
the topic.

Looks like we have a left end nut here.

Does Linux attract a lot of homosexuals? Wouldn't surprise me in the
least. They both suck...

For the latest in deviant homosexual behavior:

Find out what the closet queens in your town are up to.

Looks like the dressing room at bloomies is a no go this week.

What a sick minded bunch.

In article <89plaf$1jm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk) wrote:
> This is just Steve/keymaster the homophobic fundamentalist
> again, in another of his 1000 disguises.  One of his two
> previous posts complains about "profanity".  The headers
> also confirm it.
> Steve (or whatever your name is), doesn't "Thou shalt not
> bear false witness" apply to you?
> Why don't you buy a couple of gay porno magazines and have
> a nice time with yourself.  You know you want to.  It's
> natural, and fantasies are completely safe.
> You need to start merging all your different personalities
> together, and the first step is to admit that they exist,
> and let them get to know each other.  You have to stop
> spending all your time fighting with other people -- post-
> ing this crap under so many different names to get attention.
> Even if you're getting paid to do it, you'd better quit,
> because it isn't good for you.  Your propaganda has no
> effect anyhow, now that your cover is blown and we know
> it's coming from one person.
> If you feel like talking, e-mail me your phone number, and
> I'll give you a call.  I don't have any negative feelings
> toward you.  I'd really like to help.
>   Mark
> In article <89palo$36p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> proculous  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I notice that the Linux advocacy group seems to have much more
> >than any of the Windows advocacy groups. Simple reason is that
> >along with the Mac sell themselves and don't need a band of
> >around to wave the flag. Now that Linux has become somewhat of the
> >darling of the computer press the chips are out on the table for
> >prospective users and supporters to try and decide for themselves if
> >Linux is worth the fuss.
> >
> >My opinon is that Linux in and of itself fizzles and burns out on the
> >launchpad before it even gets into orbit. Joe computer user weaned on
> >Windows needs a hell of a lot more than a free operating system in
> >order to even consider switching from Windows. Why should he switch?
> >Graphics? Doubtful considering X-Windows blurry, distorted and hard
> >the eyes method of displying fonts.Don't tell me about rendering for
> >Titanic I know the entire story. Linux was like the GroundsKeepers
at a
> >ballgame. Necessary, but nobody comes to see them.
> >Free Web Access? Try again. Most of those free CD's that come in the
> >mail don't work with Linux. AOL has a huge user base and to the best
> >my knowledge does not work with Linux. Multimedia? Sure, you can run
> >obsolete version of RealPlayer if you wish. DVD? maybe in the future.
> >Scanners and printers that ordinary folks can afford (non postscript
> >in the case of scanners non scsi), that by the way work great under
> >Windows, not to mention all the free software like Adobe for instance
> >that comes with most of them. Easy one stop GUI mail/news programs?
> >Network kits that install right out of the box so the clueless can
> >install them and have a simple home network up in minutes? Try again.
> >Hardware support for today's hardware not some 5 year old soundboard?
> >Mixed bag.
> >Ease of use? Well Linux with a good gui like Gnome is certainly easy
> >enough to used if it pre-loaded. The problem arises when the user
> >to update.
> >This lib, that lib all around the lib we go. It's like a fsking
> >merry-go-round only the names keep changing. Oh you didn't know that
> >XYZ.lib is part of the ABC.lib package? Silly you for not reading,
> >reading,and reading and then reading some more. Then you find that
> >ABC.lib has some requirements of it's own and back you go. All I want
> >to do is instal a friggin program, and don't give me that RPM crap
> >because 7 times out of 10 (and yes I did count) I never seem to have
> >what is needed. This is a pure waste of time.
> >
> >Ok so binary files are the answer. Or are they? Do you have the right
> >kernel version? Are you able to edit makefiles to change SMPCheck and
> >other housekeeping checks just so the damm thing works? Seen vi
> >
> >beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppp....What the fsk is that awful
> >beeping? Do people actually use this garbage?
> >
> >Anyway, that's my rant. One only needs to try Linux to see how much
> >lacks for normal folks. Keep it in the geek realm where it can fester
> >and provide joy and enlightenment.
> >
> >Linux is as doomed as the Titanic when it comes to normal folks.
> >it in some geeks server farm where it belongs, and rightfully so.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >I love my kernel. I really do. I hate my girlfriend.I love only
> >
> >
> >Sent via
> >Before you buy.

I love my kernel. I really do. I hate my girlfriend.I love only Linux.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Re: Linux Demo Day a letdown
Date: 4 Mar 2000 01:31:48 GMT

The previous post is by "Steve/keymaster" the homophobic 

Steve, you said you were going to go away.  You post under 
one name and describe how various Linux distros install 
and work well, and you post under others and say they don't.
Your cover's blown.  Go do something besides throwing trash 
around here.

Have some fun -- play with your pickle.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>On Fri, 03 Mar 2000 20:47:52 GMT, "Gooba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Refer to alt.os.linux. Check out how many posts there are regarding the
>>shaky SBLive! support. It's a mainstream card that is very popular and not
>>yet fully and reliably supported. I'd say any program or OS that doesn't
>>support a brand-name card is pretty choosy. Even if support is coming, my
>>point is not undermined by that fact because it isn't here yet.
>It's really pathetic considering that Corel announced an alliance with
>Creative to produce multimedia applications. Typical Linux smoke blowing.
>[tons more crap flushed]

The list of pro-Microsoft/anti-Linux propaganda spammers oper-
ating in comp.os.linux.advocacy, present and past (including 
multiple fake names probably used by the same person).  Some 
of them post at a rate of nearly 500 articles per month, each:

"Drestin Black", Chad Myers, Stephen Edwards, Jeff Szarka, 
Steve/"teknite"/keymaster/keys88/"Sewer Rat"/etc., "Sarek", 
"mcswain", Erik Funkenbusch, "Chad Mulligan", "S", "Sponge", 
Steve Sheldon, "piddy", Brent Davies, Boris, "Cuor di Mela", 
"ubercat"/"Odin", "Xerophyte"/Kelly_Robinson, "boobaabaa", 

Is Microsoft behind most of this high-volume pro-Microsoft/
anti-Linux propaganda barrage?  They've done similar things
in the past:[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=342778662


Subject: Re: Linux Demo Day a letdown
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 01:38:20 GMT


On 4 Mar 2000 01:31:48 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk) wrote:

>The previous post is by "Steve/keymaster" the homophobic 
>Steve, you said you were going to go away.  You post under 
>one name and describe how various Linux distros install 
>and work well, and you post under others and say they don't.
>Your cover's blown.  Go do something besides throwing trash 
>around here.
>Have some fun -- play with your pickle.
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Fri, 03 Mar 2000 20:47:52 GMT, "Gooba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Refer to alt.os.linux. Check out how many posts there are regarding the
>>>shaky SBLive! support. It's a mainstream card that is very popular and not
>>>yet fully and reliably supported. I'd say any program or OS that doesn't
>>>support a brand-name card is pretty choosy. Even if support is coming, my
>>>point is not undermined by that fact because it isn't here yet.
>>It's really pathetic considering that Corel announced an alliance with
>>Creative to produce multimedia applications. Typical Linux smoke blowing.
>>[tons more crap flushed]
>The list of pro-Microsoft/anti-Linux propaganda spammers oper-
>ating in comp.os.linux.advocacy, present and past (including 
>multiple fake names probably used by the same person).  Some 
>of them post at a rate of nearly 500 articles per month, each:
>"Drestin Black", Chad Myers, Stephen Edwards, Jeff Szarka, 
>Steve/"teknite"/keymaster/keys88/"Sewer Rat"/etc., "Sarek", 
>"mcswain", Erik Funkenbusch, "Chad Mulligan", "S", "Sponge", 
>Steve Sheldon, "piddy", Brent Davies, Boris, "Cuor di Mela", 
>"ubercat"/"Odin", "Xerophyte"/Kelly_Robinson, "boobaabaa", 
>Is Microsoft behind most of this high-volume pro-Microsoft/
>anti-Linux propaganda barrage?  They've done similar things
>in the past:


From: "Kyo-Bang Chung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux smp kernel UNSTABLE?
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 10:40:02 +0900

Thanks for everyone.

Taking a clue from one comment, I restored my CPU clock
to the original, which was overclocked from 550MHz to 616MHz.
Then my program ran well on dual CPU and SMP kernel.

What I use is a Iwill DBD100 (dual) motherboard, two Pentium III (550MHz),
IBM 15GB Hard Disk, Matrox G-200 video, generic LAN card,
CD-ROM, floppy, and nothing else.

The strange thing is that everything except for my Fortran program is OK
on SMP kernel, even a couple of test parallel programs from a compiler
vendor (PGI).
My sources were tested in Win98/DVF5.0 and  I tried three different
compilers and different versions
of Linux SMP kernels.

Of course,  I do not have resources to try more than one dual-motherboard.

Thanks again.

Kyo-Bang Chung

Kyo-Bang Chung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>ÀÌ(°¡) ¾Æ·¡ ¸Þ½ÃÁö¸¦
news:89nm59$ebu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]¿¡ °Ô½ÃÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù.
> Hi,
> I report that kernel-2.2.12smp and kernel-2.2.15smp is unstable
> for some programs, very unfortunately, such as mine.
> My program runs well on kernel-2.2.12 and kernel-2.2.15, and
> crashes on the smp versions of both.
> I tested with three compilers (PGI, Fujitsu, Absoft)
> on both single- and dual-CPU (Intel PIII).  The result are the same.
> The reason I use Linux is the support of muliti-processor.
> Does anyone have any idea of what is going on the smp kernel development?
> Thanks in advance.
> Kyo-Bang Chung


From: proculous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Let's blow this Linux Scam Wide Open!!
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 01:35:10 GMT


Where are they? Not some stupid German Linux magazine that nobody
reads, but some verafiable benchmarks? Any out there?

Total support for current hardware?

Not half assed we can make it work support but real support?
DVD, Scanners, Printers (not Flintstone models or Po$tcript$ models).


Non-existant unless RealPlayer "insert 3 versions ago player here"

So IBM is behind Linux? Of course they are. They are asking their
employees to tie rubber bands back together while the executives get
rich. A no cost OS is exactly what the rich pig execs want.


to find out how happy IBM folks are these days.

While the press rumbles with major vendors supporting Linux, the truth
is that the support is skin deep if that. Try calling tech support and
mentioning Linux and see how far you get.

Hint: Listen for laughing while you get put on hold.

Compare feature for feature with the Windows version and see how they

Problem is you Linux Nuts are so used to using inferior software that
requires an MSEE to operate that you don't know the difference.

Pathetic is the answer.

Linux is a pure scam brought forth by the folks at the major Linux
vendors in order to boost the IPO so that a select few could get rich.

When Linux dies a dismal death, and it will very soon, they will still
be driving their Vett's and you will still be using an operating system
hacked together by a bunch of nuts who report to no one.

When the virii code appears in all of the back doors that will be or
have been inserted in linux you will pay the price.

Good Luck


Sent via
Before you buy.



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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