Linux-Advocacy Digest #139, Volume #26           Sat, 15 Apr 00 13:13:08 EDT

  Re: dvwssr.dll (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Windows IS the dominant corporate OS (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Backdoors in Windows 2000 or server software? (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Linux for ex-Windows users (long story) (Bloody Viking)
  Re: distro (JOE)
  Re: What GUI development tools are there for Linux? ("Mike")
  Re: No Microsoft Certification = NO JOB! (Stephen Bodnar)
  Re: Introduction to Linux article for commentary ("red-5")
  MS caught breaking web sites (wisdom)
  Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert! ("Tim Mayer")
  Re: The truth is often painful... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert! ("Tim Mayer")
  Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert! ("Tim Mayer")
  Re: Windows IS the dominant corporate OS ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert! (Gerben Bergman)


Subject: Re: dvwssr.dll
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15 Apr 2000 09:55:44 -0600

"Francis Van Aeken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Tesla Coil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >    "The file, called ''dvwssr.dll'' is installed on
> > Microsoft's Internet-server software with Frontpage 98
> > extensions.  A hacker [sic] may be able to gain access
> > to key Web site management files, which could in turn
> > provide a road map to such things as customer credit
> > card numbers, The Journal reported."
> Stop the FUD. The Wall Street Journal was wrong.
> Moreover, (from : ) :
> " In addition, Internet Security Systems (ISSX: Research, Estimates) just
> discovered a flaw in a Web server component of the Linux operating
> system that could allow hackers [sic ;-] to gain "back door" access to
> Web site files, Rouland said. "[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Latest reports say that there is
> Yup, that's right, different again from what I said earlier, and even more
> different than what I said yesterday to WSJ.

  That is not correct.

We have been playing with dvwssr.dll and we've found a buffer overflow 
that stops the server from incoming connections, at least.

The code where the buffer overflow resides is:

 mov     eax, [edi+TEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK.lpszQueryString]
 test    eax, eax
 jz      _text_581813FD
 push    eax
 lea     eax, [esp+14h+queryStringCoph]
 push    eax
 call    ds:lstrcpyA           ;see here MS ENGINEERS:  BUFFER OVERFLOW
 test    eax, eax
 jz      _text_581813FD
 lea     eax, [esp+10h+queryStringCoph]
 push    eax
 call    unescape_url

So, below is an example of how to exploit this vulnerability:
Of course, having the source code makes it harder to find
 this types of bugs...

 [snip example]

Not that COLA is the proper forum for this, but FUD deflection must go 

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


Subject: Re: Windows IS the dominant corporate OS
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15 Apr 2000 09:58:07 -0600

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Loren Petrich) writes:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Robert Morelli  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Joseph Wong wrote:
> >The CORBA distributed object model is not only used in the enterprise,  but
> >it's been eating COM market share for breakfast.  The last I heard,  CORBA
> >was used in more than 2/3 of the market and growing.  In fact,  there's been
> >considerable discussion of this fact,  and Microsoft's reaction to it,  in the 
> >press.
>       I wonder if M$ might eventually come up with some "enhanced" 
> M$-CORBA ..

It's called DCOM.


Subject: Re: Backdoors in Windows 2000 or server software?
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 15 Apr 2000 09:57:02 -0600

"Drestin Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is entirely untrue - There IS NO BACKDOOR IN FRONTPAGE


From: Bloody Viking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux for ex-Windows users (long story)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 16:21:17 GMT

Terry Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: There is a nice cli svga pic file viewer Viking, I've used it, cant recall the
: name tho.
: I installed it on a cli only Linux users pc about 2 years ago, he was stoked.
: Set Lynx to point to it in lynx.conf and your in business.

Cool! I have somewhere an old .pic viewer for DOS which I interfaced with
a DOS term proggie. Nothing like creative filename changing. Becuse of how
I somehow fucked up X, I'm pretty much a CLI-only Linux fan. 

CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
 First Law of Economics: You can't sell product to people without money.

4968238 bytes of spam mail deleted. 


Subject: Re: distro
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 16:23:32 GMT

thanks in advance

Jim Richardson wrote:

> On Fri, 14 Apr 2000 12:35:18 +0100,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED], in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  brought forth the following words...:
> >
> >
> >JOE wrote:
> >
> >> What distribution of Linux will work on a 12 year old 386 sx 20 laptop
> >> with a 3.5 floppy and a 60M harddrive?
> >>
> >> JOE
> >
> >Monkey Linux is the smallest distro that you will find.
> >
> >It fits on 5 floppies (including X and fvwm). Therer are additional
> >packages avaliable, such as sendmail and apache and gcc. It's distributed
> >by some bloke (sorry, I forgot the URL)
> ><goes to a browser and searches...>
> ><aaah, found it!>
> >
> >
> >
> >The  main server seems to be a bit slow, and I didn't have much luck with
> >the mirrors, so you'll have to sit it out.
> >
> >Good luck.
> >Tell me how it goes - I haven't got round to putting it on my 386 yet.
> >
> Tom's RootBoot is 1 floppy (no X or gui, but a _host_ of utilities, awk
> grep, etc. Editors, scsi drivers, ethernet drivers. It's the best (imho)
> 1 disk distro.
> --
> Jim Richardson
>         Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
>         Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.


From: "Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What GUI development tools are there for Linux?
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 16:23:49 GMT

"Donovan Rebbechi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 14 Apr 2000 13:47:02 GMT, Mike wrote:
> >
> >Donovan,

> > Last time I looked was quite some time
> >ago, and there didn't appear to be any printing system...
> the main thing they [Gnome] are working on is something called
> Miguel [de Icaza] breaks it down into four problems:
> (1) an API for rendering data
> (2) a spooling system
> (3) a printer capability system
> (4) UI elements for the programmers to use.
> GNOME-print is about attacking (1) and (4). I suggest you read his
> He has some interesting comments, including that the X font system is
> useless.

You're right - this guy appears to be thinking about this. I especially like
the exchange between elford(?) and Miguel, about the issues with having a
display system (X11) separate from the printing system (ghostscript).

The comments about Evolution were also interesting, as were the comments
about CORBA and Bonobo.

-- Mike --


From: Stephen Bodnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: No Microsoft Certification = NO JOB!
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 08:15:40 -0800

In article <EcRJ4.25247$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Ray Wright"

> Sole sourcing is not illegal.

Government contracts require bids from multiple vendors
unless there is sufficient reason stated that sole source
is neccesary.

I have run into this problem numerous times in working
with government agencies - they have a tendency to take
just the lowest bid, and not necessarily the best suited.

A for instance was the local Forest Service office. We
needed to do some local GIS work (this was in the days
before GIS was as common as it is now). The person needing
the GIS system just wanted to buy 1 Sun Workstation with
ArcInfo - but was instead required to put it out to bid -
and ended up with a totally unstandard IBM AIX server
running a version of ArcInfo that was unsupported by ESRI.

I have other examples if you need them.



From: "red-5" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Introduction to Linux article for commentary
Date: 15 Apr 2000 16:25:47 GMT

Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is more likely that this takes place because they _perceive it to be
> to their advantage_ to give the software away.
> It's a non-zero-sum game; if I see that "playing the game" gives me
> benefit, I'll be happy to throw 1000 hours of effort into the pot if this
> gives me benefit of 100,000 hours of other peoples' effort.
> The question of any moral "obligation" to the community does not forcibly
> need to enter in.
YES! because_it_is_in_everyone's_best_interests_that_we_co-operate!!!!!!!  
It isn't about idealism- nor moral obligation.  I'll throw my bit of work
into the pot, and in return, I get the sum total of all cooperative effort.
 This cooperative economic system isn't designed to make me feel better
about myself, give me the moral highground or earn me brownie points- it's
because it's better for everyone.  Not just better for a small few.  That's
the trade off, a lottery to be one of the lucky few, or chucking your lot
in with everyone else for everyone to prosper.

> It has had good success only in a limited area.  Software development
> tools seem to flourish in "open source" form.  There is not, however,
> much in the way of fully satisfactory "open source" software to handle:
>  - Office management
>  - Document management

Not yet...

>  - Generally speaking, applications that appear on store shelves in
>    "shrink-wrapped" form.

Well, the very concept is becoming a little redundant anyway.  Especially
when we have an Internet with everyone having decent affordable bandwidth. 
Why go to a store when you can download and burn yourself a copy, and print
out the manual?

> That there are _some merits_ to open source is well-established.
> That they are universal is a more contentious matter.
> >> >No- you can see the "free market" in its purest form, the one least
> >> >affected by governments, by looking at the third biggest trade in the
> >world
> >> >economy- illegal drugs.  There is no competition, to speak of, as it
> >all
> >> >run by 2/3 cartels, 
> >> 
> >> This is not a "free market" by most definitions.

Yeah, but the definition of "free market" doesn't apply to the capitalist
legit model either...

> >Why?  What restraints are there on the illegal trade in drugs (aside
> >the law, and excuse me if I don't see that as much of a restraint).  
> If there are only 2/3 vendors, that is hardly a "free market."

Ahem.  Exactly.  Let me think- how many oil companies?  How many
pharmaceutical companies.  How many major car manufacturers?  How many
media groups?  Not much more than 2/3 for each.  And shrinking.

> If the vendors _KILL_ would-be competitors, that is hardly a "free
> market."

Or use other underhand tactics to knock competitors out of the market. 
There was a court case in the U.S. just recently... can't for the life of
me remember the details- something about a software company...? ;O)

> >> > If we lived by "from each according to their ability, to
> >> >each according to their need" instead of "take what you can and guard
> >> >with your life"...
> >> 
> >> If we lived by this, noone would have incentive to be productive,
> >> they'd only be allowed to take what they need.
> >
> >I am still confused- what is the incentive to make good OpenSource
> >(trying desperately to keep OT;) if there is no financial reward?  Why
> >this industry productive?  What makes them do it?  To  secure more
> >for themselves?  Doesn't seem to stand up, does it?  People can work and
> >productive with better motivation than greed.  That's not my motivation,
> >it yours?
> The incentive of greed can _nicely_ explain "open source" behaviour...
> --> A company wishes to maximize the value of their spending on software.
> --> By contributing to open source, they have maximal access to the most
>     "open source" code.
> Ergo, _greed_ can, and likely does, result in participation in "open
> source."

Personal greed is different for best interests.  As I said, it is in our
best interests to cooperate.  It's what the human race is good at, we are
social animals that have stayed alive thus far by working together...
depite tendencies toward greed that have almost wiped us out.


From: wisdom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MS caught breaking web sites
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 12:30:52 -0400


For all of you butt-bumping suckbuddies of Mr. Bill who have
been assuring us that there are no network "backdoors" in
Windows you, along with your evil master, are fucked now.

Microsoft just acknowledged (see attached CBS article) that they
installed secret code in Windows to sabotage webservers
by allowing "backdoor" unsecured logins for hackers. The
code was apparently intended to be used against Netscape
based on embedded comments in the file.

Microsoft is blaming this on "rogue" programmers, whom
they are promising to fire.(Now tell me the one about the easter bunny)

The timing of this admission couldn't be better... Just when Judge
is considering whether Microsoft deserves to be broken up, it turns out
their market dominance was aided by deliberate sabotage...Hmmmm

Let's all hear a rousing chorus of "Breaking up is hard to do".

                    Microsoft Acknowledges Hidden File
                     Secret Message Was Aimed At Rival
                     Manager Will Fire Those Responsible
                     No Reports Of Hackers So Far

                    NEW YORK
                                           (CBS) Microsoft Corp.
                                           included a secret password in

                                           Internet software that could
                                           used to gain illegal access
                                           hundreds of thousands of Web
                                           sites, The Wall Street
                                           reported Friday.

                                           The rogue computer code was
                                           discovered in a
                    piece of software by two security experts. Contained
within the code
                    is a derisive comment aimed at a Microsoft rival:
                    engineers are weenies!"

                    Steve Lipner, who manages Microsoft's
security-response center,
                    described such a backdoor password as "absolutely
against our
                    policy" and a firing offense for the as-yet
unidentified employees.

                    There have been no reports of site access through
the code, but the
                    affected software is believed to be used by many Web

                    The file, called "dvwssr.dll" is installed on
Microsoft's Internet-server
                    software with Frontpage 98 extensions. By using the
                    backdoor, a hacker may be able to gain access to key
Web site
                    management files, which could in turn provide a road
map to such
                    things as customer credit card numbers, the Journal

                    One of the security experts, Russ Cooper, says the
risk is bigger
                    with commercial Internet hosting providers, which
                    thousands of Web sites for a slew of organizations.

                    It was apparently programmed by a Microsoft employee
                    Netscape and Microsoft were at war over their
version of an internet
                    browser, according to the Journal. Eventually
American Online Inc.
                    acquired Netscape.

                    The Journal reported that an engineer from Netscape
called the
                    hidden file a "classic engineer rivalry."

                    Microsoft urged customers to delete the file and
planned to warn
                    customers with an e-mail bulletin and an advisory
published on its
                    corporate Web site.

                    Copyright 2000 CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights
Reserved. This
                    material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten,
                    redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to
this report.


From: "Tim Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert!
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 16:27:56 GMT

"C Lund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> (Steve) wrote:
> > I've been _heavily_ using Win95/98 since the day Win95 was released
> > and have _yet_ to have to play with the registry. I'll tell you what's
> > _pathetic_ and that's the back-water Mac only being able to run one
> > instance of a program at a time.
> Well, you see...
> 1. The Mac doesn't have to run more than one instance of an app at a time,
> since most Mac apps can handle multiple documents at a time. You may have
> a multitasking OS (so does the Mac, btw), but it seems you (Wintrolls,
> that is) don't have a single multitasking/threaded app.

Windows supports both.  It's amazing how you'll justify and sell a
limitation as a feature. Which way does OS X handle it?

> 2. You *can* run multiple instances of an app on the Mac, as long as you
> make multiple copies of the app on your HD. Of course, this isn't
> necessary since most apps can handle multiple apps.

Now that intuitive. What would you do to have three instances running, make
three copies on your hard drive? Good thing those software guys at Apple
didn't try writing everything themselves this time around.

> Guess we just have more advanced software than you guys do.

Now that the key -- who needs memory manage and PMT anyway.



Subject: Re: The truth is often painful...
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 16:24:09 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  mh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In terms of cost, you are absolutely correct.  M$ Office is WAY
> over-priced.  That's what a monopoly can do for you.  You are also
> about functionality for home users.  Most don't need even the features
> in SO or Applix--but how do you expect to convert business users?
> of my users are HEAVY spreadsheet and database users, as well as heavy
> Word users.
> The integration and overall usability of the M$ apps is simply
> and there is no way in hell I'm going to get users to convert to SO or
> Applix.  Just one look at the kludgy appearance will turn-off most.
> When the rest find out that SO and Applix run slower and crash just as
> often, how far do you think those products are going to get (in their
> current state)?  It gets worse when you throw in the conversion issue.
> SO does fairly well, but not with complicated files.  Applix just
> Most people are going to use at home what they use at the office,
> because most do some work at home and don't want to have to deal with
> learning multiple, confusing interfaces and file conversion headaches.
For YOUR needs, MS may be the best choice. I did not say that Applix,
or WordPrefect was right for everyone. I work with small businesses.
In case you did not know, about 1/2 of all PC's and workstations used in
business are in companies of less than 100 people. It has been my
experiance that Applix would be more than enough for MANY if not MOST of
these companies.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Tim Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert!
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 16:35:18 GMT

"ZnU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, The Cat
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Are you really able to do this or just being facetious? Reason I am
> > asking is my daughter wants an iMac for graduation and I know just
> > about nothing as far as Mac computers are concerned.
> >
> > TheCat
> Do what? The powering on thing? The scripting? Yup. Right out of the
> box. I also have my Mac do some useful stuff before I wake up: it powers
> itself on, downloads news 11 web sites, converts them to plain text and
> then to Palm DOC format, and moves them to the Palm file transfer
> folder. When I wake up I can just hit the HotSync button on my Palm and
> walk out the door with the 11 sites in my pocket.
> I've written a couple other nifty scripts. One allows me to read e-mail
> using only speech commands, and the other allows me to play any MP3 on
> my hard drive using only speech commands. AppleScript is fun stuff.
> Or do you mean the appliance control? You can do that too, with some
> extra equipment.

Doesn't X10 ( have products that do this?



From: "Tim Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert!
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 16:38:11 GMT

<jansens_at_ibm_dot_net (Karel Jansens)> wrote in message
> "Tim Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hey Karel,
> >
> > I thought your Sig was funny at first, and didn't take it serious. But
> > since I've read your message, every single new/reply post has this sig.
> >
> > Tim
> >
> > ========================================================
> >  "Hi! I'm a signature virus.
> >  Pls put me in yr sigline and help me spread."
> > ========================================================
> >
> That's strange. It's only supposed to infect Windows computers.
> Oh, wait...
> Karel Jansens
> jansens_at_attglobal_dot_net
> ========================================================
> "Hi! I'm a signature virus.
> Pls put me in yr sigline and help me spread."
> *****Compassion section*****
> /////Compassion section/////
> ========================================================

Thanks, it's gone now. ;-)



Subject: Re: Windows IS the dominant corporate OS
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 16:26:47 GMT

Some time ago, IBM was the dominant corporate data systems. Many people
made the same types of claims you make here. MS is headed the way of

In article <BkJI4.13980$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Joseph Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Windows will remain the dominant corporate operating system because it
> some features/frameworks that would make it easier for enterprise wide
> computing. For instance, DAO, ADO and COM. These frameworks that to
the best
> of my knowlede only exists on the Windows platform put them at an
> over the competition. For corporate IT managers what matters most in
an OS
> is not its quality or performance. I wouldn't say that this doesn't
> but its just not the most important. What is the most important is
> or not its serves your enterprise needs for: database access, network
> support and distributed computing. ADO and DAO serves the purpose of
> database access easy to accomplish in Windows systems. COM is
> model for interprocess communications and distributed computing. ADO
and DAO
> gives you an extra layer of abstraction when dealing with your
> This means that you don't have to worry that much about lower level
> when making a program to manipulate your database. Your data could be
on a
> server in the next room or located in some little known server
somewhere it
> Timbuktu in doesn't matter. You can access your data in the same
> Another advantage of DAO and ADO is the standardisation of data
> This means similar programs which also uses DAO and ADO can talk to
> other via COM. This allows for rapid application development which
> matters a lot in the corporate environment. From the above reasons, I
> the enthusiasm over Linux and overly optimistic and overhyped.
> because of its better supporting frameworks and protocols still has
> upperhand as far as the big corporate guys are concerned.
> Joe

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Gerben Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Become a Windows Registry Expert!
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 18:37:47 +0200

On 15 Apr 2000 15:49:10 GMT, jansens_at_ibm_dot_net, the rebel without a
clue, said:

| > Heh. An OS/2 user gloating over Windows users' fragile registries. Sure
| > Karel, those OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files are rock-solid, aren't they? They
| > *never* get corrupted or polluted, do they? No need for UniMaint, CHECKINI,
| > or any of the other .INI-file repair utilities, is there?
| It is my understanding that the OS/2 *.INI files can withstand a lot more
| punches than their Windows equivalents.

Translation: I've heard a lot of noise concerning Windows registry problems,
so OS/2's .INI files *must* be better.

| In any case, I have never ever had a single *.INI related problem; I run
| checkini.exe about twice a year out of habit and to remove some orphans
| (more or less like I run the "compress" utility on my Psion diary to make
| the file somewhat smaller) and that's it.

I've had one .INI-file corruption so serious that I was forced to do a total
reinstall -- OS/2 would hang while loading the Workplace Shell, giving me an
error dialog without any text on it. Also, a friend of mine found that he
had to run UniMaint weekly to keep his system from getting unstable. As for
registry problems on NT: I've had it blow up on me once, comparable to OS/2,
while my friend is still to have his first problem.

In short: my experience doesn't support your claim that "the OS/2 *.INI
files can withstand a lot more punches than their Windows equivalents".
Anecdotal evidence? Sure, but no more than yours.

| And even if I were to corrupt the *.INI files, OS/2 can repair them without
| my help.

Not in my case; OS/2 wouldn't boot, I had no recent backup, I was SOL.

| Besides, calling Windows' registries "fragile" implies that they were whole
| to begin with. That gives them too much credit IMHO.

Ah, Karel's traditional smart-ass cheap shot at Windows. Does it make you
feel better about yourself and your use of OS/2?

Gerben Bergman



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