Linux-Advocacy Digest #523, Volume #26           Mon, 15 May 00 22:13:05 EDT

  Re: Things Linux can't do! (Roger)
  Re: Ten Reasons Why Linux Sucks (Syphon)
  Re: Things Linux can't do! (Roger)
  Re: WHICH LINUX??? (Syphon)
  Re: Motif Open Source? (Christopher Browne)
  Re: progamming models, unix vs Windows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Ten Reasons Why Linux Sucks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Ten Reasons Why Linux Sucks (Thomas Phipps)
  Re: WHICH LINUX??? (Thomas Phipps)
  Re: QB 4.5 in Win 2000 (Roger)
  Re: Motif Open Source? (PHIL SMITH)
  Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software (Marty)


From: Roger <roger@.>
Subject: Re: Things Linux can't do!
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:11:32 GMT

On Mon, 15 May 2000 22:32:49 GMT, someone claiming to be Charlie Ebert

>There's only one thing worse than getting your information from a
>windows advocacy newsgroup
>and that's getting it from the Microsoft web site!
>W2K hasn't been out long enought for anybody to publish good test
>results on dependability.
>All we know for sure as of now is it's now twice as slow as linux.
>That's all we know for SURE.

Nope.  All we know for sure is Charlie doesn't like MS, and all his
posts boil down to that simple fact.


From: Syphon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ten Reasons Why Linux Sucks
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:13:08 GMT

On Mon, 15 May 2000 20:50:21 -0400, mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Syphon wrote:
>> 1. Netscape as the primary gui browser. Need I say more? Netscape sux
>> even under Windows. IE 5.0 is light years ahead.
>All a matter of taste.

Ypou better like the taste because you have no other choice. Unless
you actually consider kde or Mozilla or Opera version .000000001

>> 2. Email clients...Pine? Sendmail? Archaic kludges. If you want to
>> MANAGE and play with your email instead of read it Linux is for you.
>> You can sort catalog and score all that email on a bit by bit basis
>> under Linux. real great geek stuff. Reading email seems to be
>> secondary to playing with it.
>And all those wonderful viruses just waiting for "outlook" (Which should
>me renamed to "look-out")

I don't use outlook. Can't stand it in fact. I use Eudora....
>> 3. Multimedia...Run antique versions of Real Player and not be able to
>> run Real Juke box (no Linux version). Run cheap Winamp Clones that
>> suck.
>I have a modern realplayer. What are you talking about.

You have Real JukeBox? Where did YOU get it?

another case of Linux being well behind the current Windows release,
if in fact there is even a Linux version availible...

>> 4. Graphics... Gimp? Name says it all. Even the trial versions of
>> Adobe included with scanners are more powerful.
>"Adobe?" Adobe what?

Stop wasting my time....
Adob ANYTHING is better than lamer Gimp....

>> 5. Internet?  Call your favorite ISP and tell them you run Linux...
>> Make sure and listen to the laughter at the end of the phone....
>All the ISP's I talk to say, "great, that's one less person we have to
>worry about."

True because they will have to leave and go somewhere else....

>> 6. Supported printers? Damm better be a Postscript printer, linsux
>> seems to be the only folks using these printers these days....
>> Otherwise you will be burdened by some filter that a pimple faced geek
>> dreamed up that won't utilize 10 percent of your printers
>> capabilities.
>I have an HP 870cse, it is not a post script printer, but it works fin
>under Linux. Your claim is baseless.

Yawwwwn...Try running one of the current non windows printers under
Linux and see what a great monochrome printer you end up with....
>> 7. Have a scanner? read the above. same thing applies....
>SCSI scanners work fine. I few printer port ones work too. This is an
>OEM issue, not an OS issue. try to get a scanner driver for Windows NT.

Most folks don't waste money on a SCSI scanner,. There is really no
need to...
>> 8. Networking....Want to get the whole family pissed off at you? Take
>> away their internet conection sharing, standard under Win98se, and try
>> and set up the same deal under Linux...
>I have friends that connect to media-one using Linux and share to the
>kid's Windows machines. Very happy family.

Yawwnnn..Tell it to Comp.os.linux.networking.   They are dying to know
how you did it....
>> Hint: Give up now, because others far more qualified than you have
>> already thrown in the towel.
>I know of no "qualified" people that have thrown in the towel on Linux.
>Quite the opposite.

No...they just plain throw Linux in the garbage where it belongs....
>> You'll be reading How-To's till the cows come home...Or your wife
>> leaves you, whichever occurs first.
>Better public "HOWTOs" than hard to find obscure readme's in Windows
>various resource kits which are available for a price.

You don't need any doc under windows...That's a clue....
>> 9. USB...Most devices barely, if at all, function.
>Hey, it is a Microsoft driven standard. It is meant to hurt competition,
>but, hey, the 2.4 kernel will handle it.

I'll believe it when I see it. Typical Linoshit busllishit...When,
it's coming, anyday now....etc....

>> 10. Graphics...Take a look at the shitty font display of Netscrape
>> under Linux...Makes your eyes tear doesn't it.
>I have great fonts. There is a great "HOWTO" to make your fonts great.
>(To the author, forgive me I forget your name, but the "Font
>deuglification" is a great work. Short, to the point, and helpful)

They work fine out of the box with Windows...Why should I have to fuss
under Linux...

Again please let the *.*.linux.setup group know... It get's asked

>> That's only the surface. Linusx is a piece of garbage that needs to be
>> exposed for the crap that it is...
>If you wish to talk about exposure, take a good hard close look at

So 90 percent of the market is wrong? I doubt that...Linux is a flea
on a fly on the ass of Windows... It is going nowhere and will
continue to do so mainly cause it sucks... The more people tht try it
the more that will know the real truth...
>Want to run a 32 bit extension to a 16 bit shell, over a port of an 8
>bit OS from a company that cant stand one bit of competition? Run
>Windows. If you want an OS that will be around forever, supported by
>millions, stable, robust, and, lets face it, cool? Run Linux.

Linux has nowhere near the numner of useful, not GEEK ORiented but
useful applications that WIndows has. And it never will.
>> Ever Wonder why there are very few 1.x version Linux applications?
>> Reason is they are too scared to commit to anything...Bunch of back
>> room hackers they are....
>Ahhh, statistically speaking, there is currently more "new" development
>happening on UNIX than there is on Windows. Why? because the end of
>Windows is coming, most developers know it. The consumers do not yet,
>but hey, they bought 80286 machines when the 80386 was coming out, they
>bought 80386s when the 80486 was out, and so on. 

Linux sux...You can't argue out of it...It plain sux...


From: Roger <roger@.>
Subject: Re: Things Linux can't do!
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:09:05 GMT

On Mon, 15 May 2000 22:17:30 GMT, someone claiming to be Perry Pip

>On Mon, 15 May 2000 01:52:27 GMT, Roger <roger@.> wrote:

>>>It is a well known fact the MS has subsidized people to use NT so that
>>>they could publish an NT success story.

>>Then you should have no problem documenting a dozen cases where this
>>has happened?

>Simply go to and follow the links to their NT/W2K
>success stories. 

Which links are those?

>Upon further research you will that Microsoft
>provided many of these customers free licensing and onsite technical
>support in return for allowing Microsoft to publicize the site. 

Further research where?

>examples off the top of my head are, and

Bald assertion off the top of your head != documentation.

>Hell, there was a post in this newsgroup yesterday about NATO command
>center being given free licenses and a full time on-site Microsoft
>employee just for running NT.

Which newsgroup is that?  I am following this from COM-WA.  Got a
message ID?

>>Didn't think so...

>You really need to pull your head out of the sand.

Personal attack combined with complete evasion note.


From: Syphon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WHICH LINUX???
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:18:05 GMT

On Mon, 15 May 2000 19:50:24 -0500, Kurt wrote:

>I'm going to try Linux on an KA7 w/ Athlon 700 w/ 128MB ram, I think
>this would be enough to handle Linux. I know of some compatibility
>issues, but i'm still going to try. which Linux, I don't know. Info on
>which OS still needed though..............

You have answered your own question. Compatibility issues? Why should
you suffer with compatibility issues in this day and age and
especially since you seem to have pretty much state of the art

Why do you want to punish yourself and run an operating system that
doesn't take full advantage of your current hardware?

Why run some Mickey Mouse system like Linsux?

Run Win2k or Win98SE and take charge of the full capabilities of your
hardware instead of using 1/10th of it's capability.

Damm it's like putting Sears Bias Ply tires on a Porsche 911.

>On Tue, 16 May 2000 00:08:53 GMT, Syphon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>On Mon, 15 May 2000 23:52:38 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>(Thomas Phipps) wrote:
>>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Syphon wrote:
>>>>None of them...Linux sucks and you will find this out in time. Run
>>>>Windows 2k and run a real, supported operating system instead of a
>>>>piece of junk hack job......
>>>such a informative piece of work 
>>>as for Linux Sucking? humm ... I have had very little problems 
>>>with linux ... I set it up and leave it alone ... {with the way I like it
>>>look,{still don't understand the point of taskbars ... 
>>Hence you will be stuck in CLI land forever....
>>Linux sounds like the perfect os for you.
>>>they always just get in the way{no I don't use gnome or kde ... 
>>>I use window maker}} feel and everything} ... if I want to know about 
>>>my internet connection ... I look at a graph ... not a icon with two
>>>pictures of computers with two blinking lights{who the hell thought
>>>that shit up}my ip? ifconfig is a nice little program ... tells me everything I 
>>>need to know .. includeing if my network card is having problems...
>>Good thing cause you will need to know about all those little problems
>>when running Linsux.
>>>hell I"ll admit I use one of the worst distros out there ... 
>>>vectorlinux ... but because it came with so little for it I can build it into 
>>>anything I like ... 
>>Time is money.. Linsux users like to waste time. To others an
>>operating system is an evil...Applications rule....
>>>now ... take your little shit else where and if the man wants to try linux ...
>>>let him ... live and let learn ... 
>>You have me all wrong. I encourage users to try Linsux....Just one
>>boot and they will be back to Windows. Linsux speaks for itself...
>>>>On Mon, 15 May 2000 17:33:19 -0500, Kurt wrote:
>>>>>I am a newbie to Linux and am wondering which Linux to go with. Suse,
>>>>>Mandrake, Redhat, Debian, Corel Linux etc......... you get the point.
>>>>>I am doing reading but haven't found good info that describes the
>>>>>differences between the Linux variations. could anyone give me links,
>>>>>or info that will explain differences of each and what they are best
>>>>>suited for. I've heard Corel Linux is easy to work with, as far as
>>>>>Linux goes, and am looking into that more than the others. Please
>>>>>provide ANY INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
>>>>>Thanks for your input


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: Motif Open Source?
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:19:28 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Cybrinjn would say:
>On Mon, 15 May 2000 13:32:05 GMT, Christopher Browne
>>Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Donn Miller would say:
>>>Donn Miller wrote:
>>>All the ftp sites listed were overloaded.  Damn, I was just about to
>>>make the move from Motif to Qt or Gtk.  Who knows where this will
>>>lead, though...  now that it is Open Source.
>>One problem is that, despite the manifold use of the word "Open,"
>>OpenMotif is _NOT_ Open Source according to the OSD.
>>That's not me "license-lawyering;" the FAQ at the Open Group
>>site states this...
>You get the source.  You get it free.  If that ain't open,
>what is?

It's not Open Source (tm) according to Criterion #8.
And me, with this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side...


Subject: Re: progamming models, unix vs Windows
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:09:47 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The A20 gate was a hardware hack for 80286 based computers running in
> real mode. An 8088 running in real mode, using FFFF:0000 would address
> the lowest memory, because it could only access 1M. The 80286 could
> access up to 16M, so in real mode, the hardware could addrress an
> 64k over that which the 8088(86) could do. This broke a lot of
> that used the FFFF segment to access the lower 64K. (You would be
> suprised at how many it did break!) The A20 gate enabled "legacy"
> programs to opperate.

You do not understand the A20 problem.

Segment FFFF has absolutely nothing to do with A20. You can construct
addresses in segment FFFF which lie below 1M. For example, the example
you gave, FFFF:0000 is at physical address FFFF0, which is below 100000
(1M). In fact, this is the exact address which the processors begins
fetching from after reset. Furthermore, there are addresses with
segments which are not FFFF which will do lie above A20, such as

The A20 problem is exactly what it says: the A20 line on the bus. It
has absolutely nothing to do with the internal segmentation of the

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Ten Reasons Why Linux Sucks
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:14:25 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Syphon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. Netscape as the primary gui browser. Need I say more? Netscape sux
> even under Windows. IE 5.0 is light years ahead.

application issue. Don't you know the difference between an application
and an OS???

> 2. Email clients...Pine? Sendmail? Archaic kludges. If you want to
> MANAGE and play with your email instead of read it Linux is for you.
> You can sort catalog and score all that email on a bit by bit basis
> under Linux. real great geek stuff. Reading email seems to be
> secondary to playing with it.

Oh, that's right you run windows you wouldn't now the differnce between
the OS and an app. THe app crashes the OS in windows NOT Linux.

> 3. Multimedia...Run antique versions of Real Player and not be able to
> run Real Juke box (no Linux version). Run cheap Winamp Clones that
> suck.

Buzz, you need to get those MS troll trainers in Redmond to update their
training class:

> 4. Graphics... Gimp? Name says it all. Even the trial versions of
> Adobe included with scanners are more powerful.

Yeah, compare the cost! geezzz what free graphics package for windows
comes close to gimp? evaluation packages don't count.

> 5. Internet?  Call your favorite ISP and tell them you run Linux...
> Make sure and listen to the laughter at the end of the phone....

That is an ISP issue, don't you know the difference between the internet
and an OS.

> 6. Supported printers? Damm better be a Postscript printer, linsux
> seems to be the only folks using these printers these days....
> Otherwise you will be burdened by some filter that a pimple faced geek
> dreamed up that won't utilize 10 percent of your printers
> capabilities.

Don't you know the difference between drivers and the OS??? go to NT
advocacy, they are allways saying that NT does not crash it is bad
drivers and drivers are not part of the OS. Geez wintrolls always want
it both ways.

> 7. Have a scanner? read the above. same thing applies....

My scanner works great.

> 8. Networking....Want to get the whole family pissed off at you? Take
> away their internet conection sharing, standard under Win98se, and try
> and set up the same deal under Linux...

I have, works great, never crashes and nobody I support had to worry
about the love bug.

> Hint: Give up now, because others far more qualified than you have
> already thrown in the towel.

Na, someone far more qualified than you, maybe someone like a CHIMP.

> You'll be reading How-To's till the cows come home...Or your wife
> leaves you, whichever occurs first.

First time every time.

> 9. USB...Most devices barely, if at all, function.

Yeah, linux has a little catching up here.

> 10. Graphics...Take a look at the shitty font display of Netscrape
> under Linux...Makes your eyes tear doesn't it.

Mine are fine.

> That's only the surface. Linusx is a piece of garbage that needs to be
> exposed for the crap that it is...

want a sinlge application crash your whole system??? try NT or W2K!!!!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Phipps)
Subject: Re: Ten Reasons Why Linux Sucks
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:22:14 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mlw wrote:
>Syphon wrote:
>> 1. Netscape as the primary gui browser. Need I say more? Netscape sux
>> even under Windows. IE 5.0 is light years ahead.
>All a matter of taste.

exatly ... lynx works ... why bother with netscape?
and if lynx doesn't work get opera

>> 2. Email clients...Pine? Sendmail? Archaic kludges. If you want to
>> MANAGE and play with your email instead of read it Linux is for you.
>> You can sort catalog and score all that email on a bit by bit basis
>> under Linux. real great geek stuff. Reading email seems to be
>> secondary to playing with it.
>And all those wonderful viruses just waiting for "outlook" (Which should
>me renamed to "look-out")
lol ... true ... lets compare the number of macro virii ... 

Please list by name

linux                        Windows 

{sorry been out of windows too long ... can't remeber what all they have}

>> 3. Multimedia...Run antique versions of Real Player and not be able to
>> run Real Juke box (no Linux version). Run cheap Winamp Clones that
>> suck.
>I have a modern realplayer. What are you talking about.

hell I don't even want real player ... altho when I was running redhat 
had realplayer7 

>> 4. Graphics... Gimp? Name says it all. Even the trial versions of
>> Adobe included with scanners are more powerful.
>"Adobe?" Adobe what?
>> 5. Internet?  Call your favorite ISP and tell them you run Linux...
>> Make sure and listen to the laughter at the end of the phone....
>All the ISP's I talk to say, "great, that's one less person we have to
>worry about."

my ISP does seem to care ... as long as I pay them ... they are happy ..
all I did was call them up .. tell them my NIC changed and I needed to 
update there database of my MAC address and I"m up and running

>> 6. Supported printers? Damm better be a Postscript printer, linsux
>> seems to be the only folks using these printers these days....
>> Otherwise you will be burdened by some filter that a pimple faced geek
>> dreamed up that won't utilize 10 percent of your printers
>> capabilities.
>I have an HP 870cse, it is not a post script printer, but it works fin
>under Linux. Your claim is baseless.
>> 7. Have a scanner? read the above. same thing applies....
>SCSI scanners work fine. I few printer port ones work too. This is an
>OEM issue, not an OS issue. try to get a scanner driver for Windows NT.
>> 8. Networking....Want to get the whole family pissed off at you? Take
>> away their internet conection sharing, standard under Win98se, and try
>> and set up the same deal under Linux...
>I have friends that connect to media-one using Linux and share to the
>kid's Windows machines. Very happy family.

humm ... I"ve seen a large family computer network {large for a family anyway}
connected to the internet through one linux box ... 

>> Hint: Give up now, because others far more qualified than you have
>> already thrown in the towel.
>I know of no "qualified" people that have thrown in the towel on Linux.
>Quite the opposite.

same here ... in fact I know alot of profesionals that are not only throughing 
in the towel on NT but are convining the companys to do the same

>> You'll be reading How-To's till the cows come home...Or your wife
>> leaves you, whichever occurs first.
>Better public "HOWTOs" than hard to find obscure readme's in Windows
>various resource kits which are available for a price.

they had readme's in windows? where?

>> 9. USB...Most devices barely, if at all, function.
>Hey, it is a Microsoft driven standard. It is meant to hurt competition,
>but, hey, the 2.4 kernel will handle it.
>> 10. Graphics...Take a look at the shitty font display of Netscrape
>> under Linux...Makes your eyes tear doesn't it.
>I have great fonts. There is a great "HOWTO" to make your fonts great.
>(To the author, forgive me I forget your name, but the "Font
>deuglification" is a great work. Short, to the point, and helpful)
>> That's only the surface. Linusx is a piece of garbage that needs to be
>> exposed for the crap that it is...
>If you wish to talk about exposure, take a good hard close look at

lets stay off of this boat for now ... I might have a cable modem ... but 
that thread would be WAY to big

>Want to run a 32 bit extension to a 16 bit shell, over a port of an 8
>bit OS from a company that cant stand one bit of competition? Run
>Windows. If you want an OS that will be around forever, supported by
>millions, stable, robust, and, lets face it, cool? Run Linux.

I thought that was
32 bit extensions on a 16 bit shell ported from a 8 bit os
made on a 4 bit computer baught by a 2 bit company thats doesn't like one
bit of competition

>> Ever Wonder why there are very few 1.x version Linux applications?
>> Reason is they are too scared to commit to anything...Bunch of back
>> room hackers they are....
>Ahhh, statistically speaking, there is currently more "new" development
>happening on UNIX than there is on Windows. Why? because the end of
>Windows is coming, most developers know it. The consumers do not yet,
>but hey, they bought 80286 machines when the 80386 was coming out, they
>bought 80386s when the 80486 was out, and so on. 
>Mohawk Software
>Windows 9x, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
>"We've got a blind date with destiny, and it looks like she ordered the

sorry I wasn't going to post to the original ... the guy seems with out 
a clue



From: "C. Kolin Bakslas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 20:28:24 -0500

> [snip]
> > Netscape?
> > Netscape sucks under Windows also. NOBODY uses Netscape.
>    Netscape is not as good as IE for me. That does not mean that I have to
> change to Windows. There are plenty of browsers, and to say the truth I use
> to launch Lynx or KDE Browser whenever I want. Netscape 6 and Mozilla
> are coming soon ... free choice ... may be we have even IE at GNU/Linux ...

Yes! History! More jobs! More hacks! The start of linux
viruses and linux virus scanners! YES!!!
Naughton! Naaaaauuuugghhton!!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Phipps)
Subject: Re: WHICH LINUX???
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:28:27 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Syphon wrote:
>I don't have to play with it because it works fine as designed. Just
>like it works for the other 90 percent of the desktop market that runs

try installing a fresh cd of windows .. {not one suplied by the company that 
built your pc} 

>Linux certainly offers many choices, unfortunately most of them, if
>not all suck, so there really is no choice at all.

suck? window maker doesn't suck ... hell ... I don't know if it even 
has a mouth to suck

you want sucking talk to a whore

sorry saying something sucks with out giving a reason is like saying that
a operating system isn't worth buying because it isn't the one that a company 

[sniped wasted bandwidth because windows users don't seem to grasp it]


From: Roger <roger@.>
Subject: Re: QB 4.5 in Win 2000
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:34:36 GMT

On Sun, 14 May 2000 22:54:46 -0400, someone claiming to be Keith T.
Williams wrote:

>No it wasn't.  There were major discussions as to whether it should be
>patented or copyrighted prior to the changes in the copyright law.


>Television was always covered, since prior to a television program being
>made a script is written.

I know that TV has always been covered -- that's what I said.  But
then language was added to specifically name the program itself as a
protected expression, leading to that warning about not infringing the
copyright that begins every movie sold on videotape.

>Roger <roger@.> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 11 May 2000 18:41:30 -0400, someone claiming to be "Keith T.
>> Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> >Software was first copyrightable in the 1976 update of the US Copyright law.
>> >And in the United States, the first copyright law was passed in 1790,
>> >although it is mentioned in Article 1, Section 8 of the US constitution.

>> No, software was first explicitly mentioned in that "update" but it
>> has always been covered, the same that a television program was
>> covered before it was specifically named as a protected class.


Subject: Re: Motif Open Source?
Date: 16 May 2000 01:36:29 GMT

>It's not Open Source (tm) according to Criterion #8.

yeah, but as long as you use it on an open source OS (i.e. Linux), then its
free, so big deal.

Non open source software is not evil.  I'm not saying that you think it is,
but every time a new non-open software package comes out for Linux, it 
seems like the open source people come running out screaming blasphemy. 
There is nothing wrong with companies/individuals trying to make a living
by selling software for Linux and if the open source people keep jumping
all over people when they try to release something for Linux you will see
dwindling support for it.

Again, this is not meant to be directed to the original poster of this, but
lighten up people.



Subject: Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 01:38:42 GMT

Shock Boy wrote:
> "Marty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> > >
> > > Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Full Name) writes:
> > > >
> > > > > On 8 May 2000 17:26:29 GMT,
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Darren Winsper)
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >In Personal Computer World there was an interesting story about a
> > > > > >similar thing.  When using Netscape on MS's web site, a certain
> page
> > > > > >would give a 404 error.  However, when a pref was set to use an
> > > > > >IE-style User-Agent string, the same page came up perfectly.
> > > > > >Interesting...
> > > > >
> > > > > I've done a fair amount of WWW page development.  IE is simply more
> > > > > forgiving with improperly syntaxed HTML than Netscape.
> > > >
> > > > Of course you know that a 404 doesn't come from the browser, right?
> > >
> > > It's pretty common to have content customized for a particular browser,
> >
> > That goes against the entire founding priciples and purpose of the web.
> Why should a website not offer me greater content simply because your
> browser of choice isn't capable of doing it?
> Yea, let's all go back to using Lynx and Mosaic, and no plug ins..

The web used to be about sharing information.  Exclusion != sharing.  Before
commercialism of the internet, this was not an issue.  Nobody had a problem
conforming to a standard and nobody tried to differentiate themselves.



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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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