Linux-Advocacy Digest #645, Volume #26           Tue, 23 May 00 05:13:03 EDT

  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? (javelina)
  Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: how to enter a bug report against linux? (Dries van Oosten)
  Re: how to enter a bug report against linux? (s@-)
  Re: Gnome, KDE, others.... (bill3@)
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? (CAguy)
  Re: Linux fails - again (Martijn Bruns)
  Re: Microsoft W2K lack of goals. (Pete Goodwin)
  Re: There is NO reason to use Linux...It just STINX (Peter Espen)
  Re: how to enter a bug report against linux? (Marada C. Shradrakaii)
  Re: how to enter a bug report against linux? (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux (Maciej Golebiewski)
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux (David Steuber)
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux (David Steuber)
  Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux (David Steuber)


From: javelina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 06:13:17 GMT

Steve White wrote:

>Nope. Consider that from the German front lines of
>early 1941, the USSR was like a giant funnel, open
>end to the east. The front got wider and wider
>with every mile. There simply weren't enough German
>soldiers to cover.

German intell also seriously underestimated the number
of Russian divisions, as well as underestimating the
speed with which "empty" divisions (those divisions which
existed on paper - leadership and equipment ready, but
not manned) could be filled and sent to the front, as well
as underestimating the speed with which new divisions
could be wholly created.  Besides negligence in planning
for the winter, the ability of the Russians to move their
production eastward, American industrial support, the
Russian use of penal battalions as shock troops, etc.

Basically, the Germans totally screwed the pooch.

Like the Japanese, the Germans were thinking short
term gain instead of long range forecasting and planning.
Sort of like an Internet .com.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 01:30:18 -0500

Jack Troughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >According to
Andrew Schulman, the code that causes problems with DR-DOS also
> >causes problems with OS/2's VDM.
> Yeah. That's why you can install Warp for Windows with your copy of
> Windows 3.1x and have it work.

IIRC, IBM still replaces key files like in warp for windows with
their own versions.  Plus adds seamless operation code.

> It didn't cause any problems with OS/2s VDM. The only real problem is
> that it actually runs better under OS/2 than it does under MS-DOS 5 or
> 6.

Argue that with Andrew Schulman, the guy that wrote Undocumented Windows and
Unauthorized Windows 95:


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why only Microsoft should be allowed to create software
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 01:31:11 -0500

<jansens_at_ibm_dot_net (Karel Jansens)> wrote in message
> > The version of Windows used by OS/2 is modified to work correctly with
> >
> > According to Andrew Schulman, the code that causes problems with DR-DOS
> > causes problems with OS/2's VDM.
> >
> See Marty's reply. I tried - for fun - if I could make a
> non-integrated Windows 3.1 (bought from a store) version to run in a
> DOS VDM on a red spine Warp 3 that didn't have WinOS/2 installed.
> Lo and behold.

Did you run MS-DOS in the VDM?  Or were you using the OS/2 DOS?


From: Dries van Oosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: how to enter a bug report against linux?
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 08:48:25 +0200

On 22 May 2000 steve@howdy wrote:

> any one can give a link or have information on how can one
> enter a bug report if they find a problem in the linux OS?
> Is there an official site setup so one can do that? if not,
> how does one report a bug in linux? is it distro specific?
> I see rhat have a bug report page
> But if one has a bug in kernel, is that the place to 
> report it? btw, I did not see such a thing on Suse web site.
> looking at I did not see a place
> to report a bug.
> I think there should be one place to report bugs for linux. The
> way it is now seem confusing. How do people enter bug reports
> against other OS's such as windows? (not a window user so I do 
> not know).

with al the talking about it I'm getting kinda curious. What is this bug
you're talking about?

> regards,
> steve



From: s@-
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: how to enter a bug report against linux?
Date: 22 May 2000 23:02:46 -0700

>What a load of crap.  Alan Cox is the bug track system. 

haha, what a joke.

a person is a bug tracking system? wow! so if this person gets sick,
the bug tracking system goes down?  



From: bill3@
Subject: Re: Gnome, KDE, others....
Date: 22 May 2000 23:16:11 -0700

In article <8anW4.16199$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "none2" says...
>Helix Gnome rocks, KDE2 has windows clone all over it.
>1.1.90 runs on my desktop 24hrs/7days, and i havent seen one crash. I'm
>impressed. KDE2 isnt so lucky with stability.

I just tried to install Helix gnome, but becuase I am running 2.3.99
kernel, it failed to install. KDE2 installed with no problem  on 2.3.99
kernel. too bad. was going to try it, but now I can not. the screen
shots looks fine. Running Suse 6.3. 

Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkobject.c: line 1179 (gtk_object_unref): assertion
`object->ref_count > 0' failed.

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkobject.c: line 1179 (gtk_object_unref): assertion
`object->ref_count > 0' failed.

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkprogress.c: line 517 (gtk_progress_set_percentage):
assertion `GTK_IS_PROGRESS (progress)' failed.

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkprogress.c: line 610 (gtk_progress_set_format_string):
assertion `GTK_IS_PROGRESS (progress)' failed.

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkwidget.c: line 1508 (gtk_widget_hide): assertion
`GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed.

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkprogress.c: line 517 (gtk_progress_set_percentage):
assertion `GTK_IS_PROGRESS (progress)' failed.

Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkprogress.c: line 610 (gtk_progress_set_format_string):
assertion `GTK_IS_PROGRESS (progress)' failed.


Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 06:30:38 GMT

On Mon, 22 May 2000 20:17:20 -0500, Bill Altenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>In article <8gcdo8$4q9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Edwin" 
>> David D. Huff Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> > Instead of taking a beating across the board. Might M$ stand a better
>> > chance of survival if it breaks up voluntarily then some part of the
>> > business could survive. The last couple of days they've been taking
>> > quite a beating in the stock market. Along with a lot of peoples'
>> > retirement money. Shouldn't the stockholders demand that they bite the
>> > bullet now and salvage what they can?
>> > They should split on their own terms, not what the government dictates.
>> > Thus ensuring themselves their best chance for survival. Three parts may
>> > be better than two, diversifying their cumulative losses.
>> If you truly believe that Microsoft's survival is in jeapordy, you're living
>> in a fool's paradise.
>I don't think their survival is in jeopordy, but rather their monopoly is.
>The devaluation of the Nasdaq will have more influence than the restrictions
>the courts/DOJ might place on the company..

Microsofts lowered market value will have zero effect on it's so
called 'monopoly' position.  MS has more cash on hand then it
knows what to do with...they can't spend it fast enough. I suspect
they are pulling their hair out (literally) trying to find developers
to work on projects they have lined up.  MSFT is about at its
52 week, they lost a years worth of valuation...not a
big deal.

It's a totally different story for RHAT and LNUX...where their
market value really does effect their future business plans.



From: Martijn Bruns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux fails - again
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 09:28:13 +0200

Mig Mig schreef:
> Martijn Bruns wrote:
> > Paul Voller schreef:
> > >
> > > On Mon, 22 May 2000, Full Name wrote:
> > >
> > > > We had a brief power outage today.  Affected were two Sun Ultras
> > > > (Solaris 2.7), an aging HP-UX, a SCO Intel box, two NT BDC's, around
> > > > 50 NT workstations and one Linux Intel box.
> > > > <snip>
> > > > This is actually the second time we've observed the boot sector of a
> > > > hard disk drive to fail during a single uptime of an NT machine.  This
> > > > is because our users never re-boot their NT boxes.  NT has uptimes
> > > > longer than the life of some hard disk drives :-)
> > > <snip>
> > >
> > > Wow! How /do/ you get NT to run for more than a day without
> > > rebooting? When I used Access to manage a couple of large database tables,
> > > the bloody thing cooked itself!
> > >
> > > Sorry. I just get bitter about the successes of others.  But as a
> > > precaution, I would switch hard disk suppliers...
> >
> > Oh come on! You've got to give NT more credit than that!
> > NT and W2K are really stable! They won't crash every day!
> > Sometimes you get uptimes with those of over a week! If it only
> > runs a file- and printserver it could even be up for a full
> > month!
> >
> > ;-)
> Thats incorrect!!  I managed to get my NT box to run for about or just
> under one week without rebooting after dancing manbo for two hours every
> day.. after upgrading to SP5  its around 3 times per week. My record is
> about 2 weeks old and was under the upgrade of McAfee after the ILOVEYOU
> thing.. i managed to get 8 REBOOTS with 5 BSOD's before the damm thing
> runned again (NO I'm not so stupid i was not the only one with 6-8
> reboots/BSOD's on that particular upgrade)

Oh... sorry. :-)
I guess i gave NT too much credit.


Subject: Re: Microsoft W2K lack of goals.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pete Goodwin)
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 07:29:37 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Akers) wrote in 

>Oh I agree that W2K is 'slightly' faster than NT4. It seems to access
>VM more efficiently and task switching seems to be a bit better as
>well but compared with Linux or any Unix system, W2K multi-tasking

Thats different from other statements made in here that NT4 is faster than 

>Apart from USB support (which I don't use) I have seen little benefit
>from W2K. Actually, I tell a lie, I do make use of W2Ks ability to run
>games software. It has enabled me to scratch W98 from my system at
>work and allow me to play Unreal and Halflife without re-booting.

I play Unreal Tournament as part of my job 8*} and the fastest I've gotten 
it to run is on Windows 2000. That's with 3D graphics and 3D sound.

>I also feel that the new look admin tools on W2K are a backward step.
>User admin for example was much better under NT4 than it is under W2K.

They appear to force you through extra layers of dialogs - I assume to put 
off people who shouldn't be there.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Espen)
Subject: Re: There is NO reason to use Linux...It just STINX
Date: 22 May 2000 11:42:57 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Colin R. Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Oh, so what version of Windows is now shipping with TeX/LATeX,
>emacs, gcc,  python, perl, etc.

I run both Windows NT and RedHat 6.2 on two boxes networked together.
To be fair, you can freely download and run TeX/LaTeX, emacs, gcc, python,
perl on Windows NT.  They all work just fine on Windows NT.  It's a bit
easier on Linux cause most distributions include them by default, but they
are also free and work great on NT.  I'd also include the free Cygnus Win32
tools/DLLs for NT.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marada C. Shradrakaii)
Subject: Re: how to enter a bug report against linux?
Date: 23 May 2000 07:49:14 GMT

In the original poster's defence, a list of outstanding bugs, at the very
least, would reduce the likelihood of 700 people over a three week period
thinking "Oh!  I found a bug!" and ALL bugging one poor maintainer.

Marada Coeurfuege Shra'drakaii
Colony name not needed in address.
DC2.Dw Gm L280c W+ T90k Sks,wl Cma-,wbk Bsu#/fl A+++ Fr++ Nu M/ O H++ $+ Fo++
R++ Ac+ J-- S-- U? I++ V+ Q++[thoughtspeech] Tc++


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: how to enter a bug report against linux?
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 02:24:45 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CAguy) spake unto us, saying:

>Well, with billions of dollars now riding on the success of linux...I
>think it's about time they kicked the kiddies off kernal development, 
>and start using a more professional development process. 

The current system seems to work well.  Why change it arbitrarily?

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>--->  Bloomington, MN
      OS/2 + BeOS + Linux + Solaris + Win95 + WinNT4 + FreeBSD + DOS
       + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
           As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly...


From: Maciej Golebiewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 10:53:42 +0200

> >Since when? I always install RedHat as the base system (SuSe's layout of init
> >scripts etc. gives me a headache) and then install application rpms from SuSe.
> >Everything is working seamlessly (mostly).
> Every time I've tried to install an RH rpm on SuSE, it's given me
> dependency nightmares. SuSE use a different rpm naming convention, and
> apparently that's the cause :-(

I only tried this the other way around: SuSe rpms on RH. It does occasionally
complains about some dependencies, but then I just look up RH's equivalent,
install it and then force the SuSe rpm to install without regarding
So far it works great.



Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 09:00:00 GMT

"Anthony W. Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

' Every time I've tried to install an RH rpm on SuSE, it's given me
' dependency nightmares. SuSE use a different rpm naming convention, and
' apparently that's the cause :-(

R otten
P ackage
M anagement

Then again, InstallSheild, possibly the best installer in Windows
land, is even worse.  Go figure.

Do people really have trouble with ./configure, make, make install?
It has _never_ been a problem for me.  Maybe I am just lucky.  Even
though I changed my compiler, libc, and libtools.

David Steuber   |   Hi!  My name is David Steuber, and I am
NRA Member      |   a hoploholic.

All bits are significant.  Some bits are more significant than others.
        -- Charles Babbage Orwell


Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 09:00:01 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell) writes:

' In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
' David Steuber  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
' >Well, KDE _is_ GPL'd.  That is a requirement of using Qt Free
' >Edition.  I'm not sure that using the Lesser GPL is even an option.
' >
' >That option _does_ exist for GTK+ and GTK--.
' >
' >For myself, if I am going to produce free software, I want it to be
' >GPL.  I don't want my work to be used in proprietary software unless I 
' >get paid for it. 
' This doesn't make a bit of sense from a user's perspective.  You
' are saying that I can use the code only as long as it isn't linked
' to something else that I might happen to need that is under
' someone else's control.  I don't think the internet would exist
' as we know it today had it not been for the reference BSD code
' that does allow use in proprietary works as well as additional
' free ones.

It makes no difference to an end user what the source license is.

The Regents of University of California, Berkley choose their
license.  I get to choose mine.

If you want something that makes no sense, go to an NT box and look at 
the file \\WINNT\System32\etc\SERVICES.  You will see a document from
IANA that Microsoft has slapped their copyright on.  They didn't
change a single character in the file.  Tell me that makes sense.

David Steuber   |   Hi!  My name is David Steuber, and I am
NRA Member      |   a hoploholic.

All bits are significant.  Some bits are more significant than others.
        -- Charles Babbage Orwell


Subject: Re: Need ideas for university funded project for linux
From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 08:59:59 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David T. Blake) writes:

' Section 3b) (on modifications to QT)
' When modifications to the Software are released under this
' license, a non-exclusive royalty-free right is granted to the
' initial developer of the Software to distribute your modification.

The right is non-exlusive.  That means everyone can get that right.  I 
think TrollTech is just trying to prevent forking of the Qt library

' And section 5c) (on linking to QT)
' If the items are not available to the general public, and the
' initial developer of the Software requests a copy of the items,
' then you must supply one.

I believe you mean 6c here.  Sounds a lot like GPL to me.  How is
TrollTech going to find out about internal code?  As far as they are
concerned, it doesn't exist.  Remember, GPL requires that you make the 
source code to derivitive works available.

If you create extensions and place them under GPL, the QPL can not
remove the GPL from those extensions.  If TrollTech were to do that,
there would certainly be quite an outcry from the publishers of free

As I said previously, if you don't like the Qt license, you can create 
your own library.  There is no one to stop you.  You can also use one
of the other available libraries.

David Steuber   |   Hi!  My name is David Steuber, and I am
NRA Member      |   a hoploholic.

All bits are significant.  Some bits are more significant than others.
        -- Charles Babbage Orwell



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