Linux-Advocacy Digest #331, Volume #27           Sun, 25 Jun 00 16:13:04 EDT

  Re: Lost Cause Theater!!! (Tim Palmer)


From: Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lost Cause Theater!!!
Date: 25 Jun 2000 15:40:22 -0500

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 03:46:24 GMT, Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Welcome to another episode of 
>                "LOST CAUSE THEATER!"
>This evening we will examine the comments of a man known to us
>only as Simon777.
>Simon777 has posted around 200 messages to COLA in the last say,
>3 weeks.  
>Simon777 is a typical representation of the windows community today.
>They are fearful that Linux is taking over their PC world and
>rightfully so.  
>Linux is beginning to take serious chuncks our of the Microsoft
>market, starting this year.
>Simon777 isn't the only Windows nut we have on COLA, we have others.
>Simon777 is the BEST reason to leave Windows and use Linux as I see 
>it.  Why else would somebody post over 200 messages to COLA in less
>than one month?  Why?
>Is Simon777 a psyco destine to hurt some school kids in some
>school yard somewhere?  Maybe rape some woman and cut her throat?
>Or do people like Simon777 really feel threatened by the Linux

What Lie-nux advance?

>I'm going to say they are fearfull of loosing Windows to 
>Linux.  After all, there have been no mass murderer's write
>to Cola in the past that anybody's aware of!!!
>Why ELSE would somebody post all these messages, over 200 in
>say just 3 weeks time over Linux.  Why?
>The reason why is even the top windows supporters agree that
>Windows is dead.

The fact is that Windos is allive and weal and its not going annywhere.

>Why else would they spend their precious time
>and do this on COLA?   
>If Windows is the operating system of the masses then why
>are we seeing more and more whiny butt Wintrolls in Cola?
>Over 200 in 3 weeks however, this is obsessive behavior for
>the Wintroll Simon777.  
>I think there is a real FEAR amongst the Microsoft community
>Windows is on it's way out!  
>And it's a justified fear folks!
>But just read this brilliance and then verify it, then
>make your own determination.
>I've reposted just a small fraction of this one guy's posts.
>We have dozens of Wintrolls doing the same thing?
>Geeze!  If Linux is NO-THREAT then why???  
>Text Begins.
>              Re: Advocacy or Mental Illness ?
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 02:28:24 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
>It's amazing how twisted the folks around here are. Linux is a stone
>age system that quite frankly the public at large, at least in the
>USA, has ignored and continues to ignore.
>Think about it. Person goes into CompUSA with $100 and is confronted
>with Windows for $89.00 and Linux for $29.00 or better yet for free.
>Yet they go for Windows every time based on market share.
>They can't even GIVE LINUX AWAY!!!!
>Linux is for lusers. It best serves folks who like to fiddle and fuss
>with their computers.
>I stopped that routine 10 years ago.
>When the Linux zealots start listening to what REAL people want(hint
>compilers and editor wars need not apply) maybe, just maybe they will
>gain market share, until then forget it
>              Re: how to configure corel linux boot to GUI?
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 02:32:15 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>And if it's not documented you are screwed...Typical Linoshit..Read
>this read that read everything to accomplish which would normally be
>an easy task.
>Linux is a waste of time.
>              Re: Fun with Brain Dead Printers.
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 02:33:39 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy, comp.os.linux.hardware
>  References: 
>              1
>You have a brain dead operating system, not a brain dead printer.
>Linux is braindead.
>Your printer works fine under Windows...
>              Re: Font deuglification ??
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 02:35:15 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>And you never will find it. Linux looks ugly and like shit comapred to
>It is the dirty ugly secret, among others, of Linux.
>Do your eyes a favor and run an operating system that at least looks
>I would suggest Mac.
>              Re: Why my company will NOT use Linux
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 02:37:59 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy,,
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
>Excellent post. My suggestion is to try Linux in some small deployment
>and see what happens.
>It won't take long for you to make a decision.
>              Re: Linux good choice for home desktop.
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 02:39:06 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>Sure it is, if you are a programmer geek. If you are normal, Linux is
>worst choice you could possibly make for a desktop system.
>I'd rather run a Commodore-64
>              Re: Installing Linux Mandrake 7.0
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 02:47:15 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>Who needs nasty sound anyway. You are running Linux, the premier
>operating system. Sound is so far below your intellect level.
>Who needs nasty printing anyway. You are running Linux, the premier
>operating system. Printing is so far below your intellect level
>Who needs nasty networking anyway. You are running Linux, the premier
>operating system. Networking is so far below your intellect level.
>A miracle. Call the Pope, he needs to hear this one.
>You must be blind. All the Linonuts say they look fine. You are only
>the 1 millionth person to say this.
>Who needs good looking fonts anyway. You are running Linux, the
>premier operating system. Good looking fonts are so far below your
>intellect level. You mean you don't run green screen?
>Welcome to Linux Pete. The operating system that so much less than the
>Why should you or anyone else put up with this crap?
>Get the performance out of your hardware that you paid for.
>You got what you didn't pay for...Sorry..You are in good company
>though :)
>              Re: Installing Linux Mandrake 7.0
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 02:48:25 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Good advice...Try it and see..
>              Re: Linux will never progress beyond geekdome
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 02:50:57 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>Linux has the "suck-factor" to overcome.
>Like the commercial says "Just one look, that's all it took"
>And bye bye Linux.....
>The more folks that try it the more pissed off users there are, who
>tell other users, who tell other users and so forth.
>Linux will be dead in 2 years unless it does something dramatic, and
>that is highly unlikely. 
>I mean they can't even give the garbage away...
>              Re: Advocacy or Mental Illness ?
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 04:32:37 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11
>And DOS advanced and UNIX stayed put right in the stone age where it
>belongs. Oh yea BTW Linux is NOT Unix. Linux is Linux and it sucks.
>Don't try and compare it to REAL Unix, please.
>Sure they do. When they sell 10 copies of Linux in April and 20 copies
>in May you have a 100 percent increse. Get real already. Linux has not
>even made a chink in Windows armour.
>Can't tell you. I don't run DOS. But Linux will be dead in 2 years or
>so. Unix will survive, but Linux will be dead.
>              Re: Fun with Brain Dead Printers.
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 04:34:24 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy, comp.os.linux.hardware
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3
>Fucking idiot. The guy's printer works under the most popular OS on
>the planet, you expect it to work under a ner-do-well piece of shit OS
>like Linux?
>Give me a break....
>Stop crying sour grapes just because your choice of OSen is at the
>bottum of the list for hardware manufacturers...
>              Re: how to configure corel linux boot to GUI?
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 04:36:03 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>I don't know what ICl is so I can't comment.
>Nope.. Plugin the card and fire up the diskette that came with it.
>Chances are 99.9999 percent it will work under WIndows/Dos. Linux?
>Good luck....
>Don't see Linux mentioned on the outside of the box do you?
>              Re: Installing Linux Mandrake 7.0
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 25 May 2000 14:12:35 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3
>They don't beleive you because they live in their own fantasy land and
>any negative comment about Linux is not allowed.
>              OT Please remember Memorial Day
>        Date: 
>              Fri, 26 May 2000 23:42:50 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>Off topic for our friends outside of the USA, but to those Americans
>in the group, please take a moment and reflect on all we have in this
>country that was fought for by people who believed in freedom. Many
>gave their lives for our country and it is ultimately because of them
>that we have our freedom to speak and more importantly the freedom to
>chose, and this includes Linux for those that appreciate and enjoy it
>and Windows just the same.
>Say thanks to a vet this Memorial Day weekend.
>He/She will appreciate it and you will feel better also.
>              Re: There is NO reason to use Linux...It just STINX
>        Date: 
>              Fri, 26 May 2000 23:51:06 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
>Defacto standard? Based on what? The number of users? 
>I doubt that....
>              Re: The Linux Fortress
>        Date: 
>              Sun, 28 May 2000 19:14:14 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>Welcome to Linux, where simple tasks become difficult.
>Win98SE will do this right out of the box as well as internet
>connection sharing (wait till you try that one under Linux). It's so
>simple a 5 year old could do it by just hitting enter and accepting
>the defaults.
>Alas, why people wish to waste their lives away reading reams of
>conflicting, outdated documentation to do what should be easy is
>beyond me.
>Every time I hear the word Samba I think of that movie "They Shoot
>Horses Don't They?" where the couples enter a dance marathon and dance
>non-stop for weeks.
>              Re: In Bellevue can buy Linux?
>        Date: 
>              Sun, 28 May 2000 21:17:30 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>Check the reject bin (opened returned items) at CompUSA. They had a
>pile of Redhat boxes there on fire sale for $9.95. Current editions
>              Corel lusing with Linux also.
>        Date: 
>              Mon, 29 May 2000 23:02:32 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>LinuxCare goes under.
>Redhat can't figure out what it wants to do in the Linux world.
>IBM dumps Linux shares.
>And now Corel, betting all their chips on Linux, posts a loss.
>Who will be next?
>              Re: Microsoft W2K lack of goals.
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 30 May 2000 21:01:43 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
>Your proof?
>              Re: Corel lusing with Linux also.
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 31 May 2000 01:55:25 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3
>You should have bought it on Friday :)
>              Re: What the hell is Linux?
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 31 May 2000 13:54:13 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>After being a Wordperfect 5.1 junkie, and using Brief for a while as
>well, when I first tried MS Word way back in the 1980's I thought
>Microsoft would never make it anywhere near as far as it had. My chips
>were with Wordperfect and Borland.
>They are crooks, no doubt and even knowledgeable Windows users will
>agree with that statement.
>              Re: needs to get their act together...
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 01 Jun 2000 02:01:10 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>Typical Linux...Better put on the flame proof suit because you will be
>called an idiot by the zealots.
>              I guess I got my answer :) TruboLinux having problems.
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 01 Jun 2000 17:33:29 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>Boy that didn't take long. I posted a message a couple of days ago
>asking which Linux distro would be the next to start having problems.
>Looks like TurboLinux is the winner.....
>They are going down like ten pins in the Linux world.
>I predict in the not to distant future SuSE will be the only
>commercial distribution survivor.
>              Re: I guess I got my answer :) TruboLinux having problems.
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 01 Jun 2000 19:19:32 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Read the url.
>              Re: I guess I got my answer
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 01 Jun 2000 19:34:56 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Very interesting point. Personally, I have always felt SuSE was/is a
>good distro followed by Mandrake.
>I just don't think there is enough of a market to sustain all of the
>players. According to the ZDnet article TurboLinux had deals with
>major players (IBM for instance) and still can't pull it together.
>I think the future of a Linux that can actually unseat Windows as top
>desktop operating system (by install count) is fading fast.
>Red Hat will be the next to crash, although the initial insider
>trading beneficiaries will walk away very rich people.
>              Re: I guess I got my answer
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 01 Jun 2000 20:59:10 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>I don't think it is the same. Example: In the Linux world many new
>comers think of Linux as "RedHat", despite there being other (better
>IMHO) distributions out there.
>In the Windows world, one does not think of Windows as Compaq, or
>PackHard Bell or such.
>Agreed, but that seems to be the path that the folks leading these
>companies are taking. This, BTW is not necessarily the same path taken
>by the true Linux supporters, but money talks.
>I don't want to see RedHat or any other Linux/Windows company go
>under, I just don't get warm fuzzies about their current direction.
>              Re: I guess I got my answer
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 01 Jun 2000 21:01:38 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>Speaking as a complete, more or less, Linux outsider, to ME Slackware
>is the very definition, for good or for worse, of Linux.
>Raw, rough and to the point. It does what you tell it and nothing more
>or less.
>My last experience was with 3.6 FWIW.
>My error in forgetting to mention it. 
>              Re: needs to get their act together...
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 01 Jun 2000 22:13:24 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
>On 01 Jun 2000 15:16:24 -0600, Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>And to restate the point yet AGAIN, YOU DON"T HAVE to do it under
>Windows. Ever, never and no way so you are grasping at straws here.
>My experience was much the same, albeit 6 months ago, as the original
>poster. This, depends on that which depends on yet another that and on
>and on and on again.
>A nightmare, and kde is just as bad.
>Typical Linux crap..All he has to do is find an *.rpm or *.deb for his
>particular distribution and version. Good luck.
>What if he is using Slackware?
>Try again......
>That hamster is getting slow these days :)
>              Re: I guess I got my answer :) TruboLinux having problems.
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 01 Jun 2000 22:17:38 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>Yea I do. I work in the industry and visit more data centers in a week
>than most of the geeks in this group have seen in their entire
>              Re: I guess I got my answer
>        Date: 
>              Thu, 01 Jun 2000 22:49:41 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
>On Thu, 01 Jun 2000 22:27:27 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Lewis)
>And I agree with you completely, despite being a Windows user.
>To ME Windows and Linux are completely different entities, just like
>Mac and Windows are.
>I have nothing against CLI, I support it in fact.
>I have nothing against text file configs.
>I hate the concept of registry.
>But, and this is a big but (hey that's kinda funny :))
>When the Linux user tries to equate the ease of use, and program
>availability and support with Windows I draw the line. To ME they are
>2 different worlds, and each can co-exist in their own right. I don't
>expect Linux to replace Windows on the desktop anytime soon and I
>don't expect Windows to dominate the server market much longer either.
>Different applications and different operating systems and neither is
>the holy grail.
>Windows users are not interested in editing anything to make a program
>Setup.exe does it all.
>Example: One of the Linux supporters in the group (Darren I think) is
>a mathematician and he uses Tex/Latex to typeset his writings. Would I
>suggest he use MSWord? NEVER, not in a million years. The paper clip
>would die trying to deal with a sigma symbol or an integral symbol. At
>the same time I would not deposit Latex/Tex on a fortune 500
>secretaries desk in the hopes of replacing Word/Wordperfect or Lotus. 
>IMHO Linux is making the exact same mistake that OS/2 made, trying to
>please everyone. Linux should stick to the server market where it has
>gained strength, and forget the desktop.
>Just my opinions
>              Re: How Pete Goodwin Can Fix "The sad Linux story"
>        Date: 
>              Fri, 02 Jun 2000 00:32:55 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Walk up to 100 people on Wall Street in NYC and say "Excel" what it
>is? and see what they say.
>Walk up to 100 people on Wall Street in NYC and say "cat, ls, more,
>less" What are they? and see what they say.
>Sounds like Windows/DOS to me.
>Dir /help tells you what dir is.
>So they march to a different drummer than everyone else? Nope
>standards are necessary. I type on any Windows system and
>it starts the shell. I install StarOffice under Linux and how do I
>start it? Seems to be a FAQ in the setup groups. Pathetic if you ask
>Why bother? Windows already has a linked help system that blows Linux
>out of the water. That's the primary reason why there is so little
>Windows documentation in print. You don't need it.
>Why isn't it correctly done as default? Seems pretty simple to me, yet
>every single distribution I have ever used has put dead links in the
>kde menues.
>Ever hear about what a properly installed and well executed Operating
>system can do?
>Hint, it's not Linux.
>Why should one have to work at it? This is proof of the fallacy of
>Open Sores and free software. You pay with your time.
>These gripes are FAQ, and you can check the Linux groups for proof.
>They have not been fixed in 3 years and won't ever get fixed at the
>current speed.
>LDP is so into themselves that they can't see the forest for the
>trees. If it were not so, these complains would have been fixed years
>This point is true, but again how much money is Pete's time worth?
>Mine goes for $250/hour and I am certain there are others much higher.
>Good conclusion and I agree with you, but again I say why? When he can
>get everything he wants and far more running another operating system?
>              Re: New User here, and I think Linux Stinks!
>        Date: 
>              Fri, 02 Jun 2000 14:01:27 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>As a matter of fact I did back in 1977. I became VERY well versed in
>the repair manual, especially the electrical sections.
>It was well worth it though as cruising through the countryside with
>the top down on a nice spring day was hard to beat.
>Alas it rusted out from under me, but I still have fond memories of
>that car.
>              Re: I guess I got my answer :) TruboLinux having problems.
>        Date: 
>              Fri, 02 Jun 2000 14:04:00 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
>I retract my statement.
>Thank you Gary for the information
>              Re: New User here, and I think Linux Stinks!
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 15:18:17 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3
>Different experience here:
>1.Plug in scanner
>2.Windows recogonizes it and asks for CD.
>3.Pop in CD.
>4. Installs perfectly.
>5.Also installs some great software like Adobe Photoshop.
>6. Wizard guides me through making first scan, although you can stop
>at that point if you wish.
>Under Linux /Sane?
>Hung the entire machine.
> BRS time.
>Yep Linux, in some cases, is light years behind Windows.
>              Re: How Pete Goodwin Can Fix "The sad Linux story"
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 15:27:37 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
>Of course it is, running under Linux most likely.
>That's the funniest part of this whole Linux movement, and it is a
>movement, they keep changing the rules as you go along depending on
>the discussion.
>Answer #1:Linux is as easy to use as Windows when using a gui.
> Answer #2: Do you want someone (Linux) to do everything for you?
>You will get either or of the above answers depending upon which point
>of Linux you make a suggestion about.
>They march to a completely different drummer than the typical office
>running Windows.
>"Best" if you are a programmer, willing to dedicate your life to
>figuring out how they want you to perform simple tasks.
>              Re: How Pete Goodwin Can Fix "The sad Linux story"
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 15:31:55 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3
>***Sarcasm ON*****
>"So fix it yourself if you don't like it. You have the source code"
>***Sarcasm OFF****
>The school my kids attend has them designing their own web pages using
>Front Page as early as the third grade.
>Some of them are pretty good too.
>I'd love to see the looks on their faces when some Linux nut tells
>them to use a text editor to write the HTML.
>              Re: How Pete Goodwin Can Fix "The sad Linux story"
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 16:05:03 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>Doesn't matter, it's the result that counts.
>And Linux is not Unix.
>              Re: Microsoft migrates Hotmail to W2K
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 16:07:32 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
>They are doing the well known
>"Linux, Twist and Shout"
>              Re: Microsoft migrates Hotmail to W2K
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 17:35:02 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
>Yea we know.
>There always seems to be someone "helping" Linux, and goodness knows
>just one look and it's obvious it needs all the help it can get.
>Problem is, much of this so called help never materializes into
>Or it arrives on the scene just in time to have Windows announce newer
>and better technology.
>IBM and Oracle were throwing all kinds of support behind TurboLinux
>and look how far it got them...
>              Re: New User here, and I think Linux Stinks!
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 17:42:37 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3
>What a joke. The card has gone through at least 3 revisions, possibly
>more, and Creative STILL hasn't come up with a fully functional,
>meaning it has all of the features of it's Win counterpart, driver.
>Typical Linux.
>Notice the standard Lino-Nut-Side-Step phrases like:
>"Working On"
>"Full Drivers"
>That is the clue that you will be getting a half assed implementation
>of the drivers or hardware or software.
>Nothing new for Linux though.
>Support arrives just in time for the card to be discontinued and
>replaced by something better.
>What a laugh this Linux is....
>And I know far more about the subject than you...
>So there :)
>              Re: New User here, and I think Linux Stinks!
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 17:44:22 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
>Talk to Happauge about that for providing a shitty install program.
>But you just said nobody needs a wizard to help them scan.
>Sounds like Grandma could use one.
>              Re: windoze 9x, what a piece of shit!
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 21:24:34 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>And Linux once again proves it's up to the task.
>Typical Linux...
>              Re: W2K BSOD's documented *not* to be hardware (Was: lack
>              goals.
>        Date: 
>              Sat, 03 Jun 2000 21:25:42 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy,,
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13
>Until you get all the dependency problems...
>No thanks, I prefer the Windows way..Works everytime for me.
>              Re: The sad Linux story
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 06 Jun 2000 19:15:33 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
>No it demonstrates that Pete actually tried the operation and pointed
>out the lack of consistancy between applications on a Linux system.
>Linux is still a hodge-podge of swiss army knife applications that
>have no rivets at one end of the blade to hold it together.
>All of them lag behind Windows and do nothing more than confuse the
>end user.
>No wonder Linux is dying on the desktop.
>              Re: Boys Club for Linux
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 06 Jun 2000 19:32:25 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>I'm a Windows user NOT (God forbid) a Linsux user.
>              Re: The sad Linux story
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 06 Jun 2000 19:52:05 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
>And none of them is as consistent between applications and desktop as
>It's a confusing hodgepodge.
>You'll never "win" any Windows converts with Motif.
>Kde or Gnome is your best chance at the moment, and they aren't doing
>too well at it.
>The reject bin at the local national Computer Store says otherwise.
>Redhat latest version including the powerpack thingie and all the
>bells and whistles $9.99 and there must be 20 of them in there. None
>on the shelf BTW and in fact no Linux stuff except for Mandrake and
>there were 2 dusty copies of that one.
>              Re: SVGALib
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 06 Jun 2000 19:56:27 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>Alt-PrintScreen and open up Windows Paint and paste.
>Instant screen dump.....
>              Re: windoze 9x, what a piece of shit!
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 07 Jun 2000 01:20:20 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
>That's a case of good judgement on your part. Factory stock radios
>tend to be overpriced and not up to the quality that you can get in
>the aftermarket.
>You made a wise decision.
>Unfortunately in my Impala SS I had no choice but to take the factory
>Bose system which sucks. Well, it's not THAT bad but I could have done
>much better for less money than I probably paid for it.
>              Re: windoze 9x, what a piece of shit!
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 07 Jun 2000 02:17:44 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
>Sounds like my cousin :(
>Put ANY technical device in front of him for a few minutes and chances
>are it will cease to exist.
>This guy could break a 2 ton cast iron anchor.
>The stories I could tell you about his Windows installs, yikes.
>              Re: SVGALib
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 07 Jun 2000 20:26:55 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
>Simon. There are too many steve's in the group already.
>Anyway, I'm not sure what I am missing here as the geek-speak is
>growing by the minute and I don't speak geek.
>The guy wants a screen dump yes?
>What is the difference what library or application it is?
>It is on the screen yes?
>Seems easy to dump the screen buffer no?
>Is there more to this?
>              Re: SVGALib
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 07 Jun 2000 23:09:29 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>Never said I did David. The guy wanted to do a screen dump. Someone
>suggested patching in *.c code.
>Is/was this necessary?
>If it was Linux is lame.
>If not, how does one go about it.
>That is it in a nutshell.
>              Re: 10 Months of my time wasted on Linux. Back to
>Microsoft for me!
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 07 Jun 2000 23:10:19 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Sorry to disappoint you David but it's not me...
>              Re: 10 Months of my time wasted on Linux. Back to
>Microsoft for me!
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 07 Jun 2000 23:15:08 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Actually I hade the WOrdperfect suite crash on me a couple of times
>under Linux, but truthfully the experience was no worse than
>Wordperfect (Corel variety) under Windows.
>The on screen fonts were painful though, but it did printout fine.
>I saw osha come in and fine a client for not having wrist pads on
>their PC's because some user complained. I also saw them fine another
>client for having a coat hook too close to the bathroom door, meaning
>someone could hit their head on it.
>Nothing would surprise me with osha.
>I agree. this is doubtful. More than likely they are running the
>Yamaha embedded SoundBoard whose name escapes me at the moment. XG
>something or other.
>Most sudio I have seen is done over a laptop via an on screen
>projection system and they usually use Ensoniq sound chips.
>I agree with you jedi.
>              Re: SVGALib
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 07 Jun 2000 23:21:31 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11
>On Wed, 07 Jun 2000 23:13:53 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JEDIDIAH)
>Explain this to me?
>If something is on the screen, why can it not be dumped?
>I have to admit, maybe I don't.
>Explain this to me, I am always willing to learn.
>My perspective is:
>1.He wants to do screen dump.
>2. Code patched in is suggested.
>3. Why do we need to patch anything?
>Translate for me please.
>              Re: 10 Months of my time wasted on Linux. Back to
>Microsoft for me!
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 07 Jun 2000 23:34:57 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>This is true. I have several folks I know that have requested, and
>gotten, high tech ergonimic chairs and workstation support facilities.
>Super high res text is as bad or worse than fuzzy text. IMHO it's a
>fine line, and an individual line, between what is comfortable.
>Personally I prefer the smooth MS fonts and general look. Others may
>I find a 
>              Re: SVGALib
>        Date: 
>              Wed, 07 Jun 2000 23:36:31 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
>Let's make this simple.
>1. The guy wanted to do a screen shot. 
>2. If you are doing a screen shot the image is already on the screen
>3. Why does one need *.c code to capture an image already on the
>That is my question.
>              Re: Where are all the astroturfers?
>        Date: 
>              Fri, 09 Jun 2000 20:12:16 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>Speaking for myself, and MY experience in talking with real world
>computer professionals everyday, the bottom line is most people don't
>give a flying fsk about the decision, either good or bad.
>This is the reality. It would be the same reaction if it were Linux,
>MacOS or some other more or less mainstream OS.
>People really don't care.
>I am not saying this is good or bad (I feel it is bad) but at least
>here in the good ol' USA folks are more concerned with what Rosie
>O'Donnel (a fouth mouthed no talent) is doing next week, than with a
>major decision like the Microsoft one.
>It is very sad. Very sad indeed.
>              Re: Just Installed Win 2K and it ROCKS!!!!!!!
>        Date: 
>              Fri, 09 Jun 2000 20:16:29 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Next time I need 512 CPU's in my living room I will make certain to
>call on Linux.
>Next time my Impala SS can't do 155 MPH I'll make certain and look up
>Ricky Rudd and ask for advice.
>BTW my Impala SS has been clocked at 147 mph, so maybe I am getting
>It's stock also.
>Great car for cruising the LIE (Long Island Expressway) when the
>soccer mom crazies in their SUV's try and tailgate me of an exit ramp
>at 70mph.
>              Re: Just Installed Win 2K and it ROCKS!!!!!!!
>        Date: 
>              Fri, 09 Jun 2000 20:31:36 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>You asked some good questions so I will answer.
>1. It just plain looks better. Smoother, graphics are much more
>responsive and setting up the networking was simple.
>   I will, however give Linux Mandrake 7.x the gold ring when it comes
>to the overall install. Mandrake was stellar on my system and required
>only one reboot.
>Win 2k needs to learn more about how to install properly.
>Linux just looks at acts ugly. IMHO it is just crappy looking.
>The file managers of both kde and Gnome take an eternity to post a gui
>view of a directory with icons.
>Windows 2k does a similar directory in a split second.
>Linux is not doing pretty good, it is doing FANTASTIC, considering all
>of the obstacles.
>You are correct though that I am interested in results and not
>interested in tinkering.
>Others have different agendas.
>Livewire is the software that allows the SBLive card to perform up to
>it's full potential instead of being degraded to a SB-16 on steroids
>like Linux does to the card.
>Linux has had basic drivers for the card long before (at least 9
>months) Win2k was even released, but yet you can go to the Creative
>site and download Livewire for Win2k but not for Linux.
>This tells me something about Creative's priorities here.
>Creative has been promising support for almost 2 years now. Still
>Linux has half assed support for that card.
>Same thing with 3d video on certain cards. Printer support and so
>Why is it that an operating system released long after Linux can have
>this support but Linux does not?
>Based on 95 percent of market share Windows is not going away anytime
>So do I, and I agree with you, but most folks don't know this
>information and could give a rats ass about Linux when Windows does
>everything they need.
>The market place is entrenched with Windows for what ever that is
>Linux has to be far superior to take over that market place.
>Linux is free and still has not made even a minuscule dent in the
>desktop market.
>It's been a pleasure speaking with you!!!
>              Re: An Example of the Superiority of Windows vs Linux
>        Date: 
>              Mon, 12 Jun 2000 20:51:30 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Totally lame....
>Is that the best the Linux lusers can put up...
>No wonder Linux is as pathetic as it is.
>              Re: An Example of the Superiority of Windows vs Linux
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 20:14:04 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Let us know when you have a mainframe in your living room.
>Better let your wife know first though :)
>              Re: Microsoft Stocks and your sanity...
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 20:21:30 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>Only stock I own is Pepsi Cola. 
>Where is that?
>I can't name one person that I have met that has actually kept Linux
>on their system for any length of time after actually trying it.
>Can't say. Why are YOU here?
>Windows does on all counts.
>Please look up the word in the dictionary.
>Does QVC run on Linux?
>I'd like to see how many PC systems they would sell if they were
>preloaded with Linsux.
>My guess is none.
>Who cares about Microsoft's legal battles, except you.
>They did wrong they get punished. That's it.
>Nobody really cares, except you of course.
>Microsoft isn't going to disappear anytime soon.
>Looks like a low pressure system is headed your way.
>Linux get's flushed on a daily basis. I see it everyday in my day gig.
>Better use bleach because Linux is nasty....
>              Re: G4 in space!
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 20:24:00 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,
>              comp.unix.advocacy, comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1
>Great News!!!!!
>See, they would have used Linsux, but in space the sickly looking
>displays caused nausea.
>              Re: Linux MUST be in TROUBLE
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:07:57 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Called crap only by virtue of sour grapes meaning Linux users need not
>I used to call Chevy Corvettes crap back when was 18 and couldn't
>afford one.
>Fully supported under Win 2k.
>Audio support for BEOS is dying, see the groups for details. BEOS will
>be dead soon.
>OS/2 is dead..Ask IBM....
>Why doesn't Winfax work under MVS ESA?
>Your argument negates the fact that only Linux is trying to equal
>Windows does that automagically. Excepting of course the odball
>filetype that some LinoIdiot will send now and then.
>But it works under Windows.
>Under Linux?
>Good luck.
>I don't.. My company forbids Linux because it is not considered a
>standard. Other companies, mainly brokerage houses and banks do the
>Take any person and have them try Winfax and sane side by side and see
>what they think.
>I can hear the laughter now...
>I have nothing to fear.
>I have the software.
>I have the hardware support.
>I have the user base at 90 percent or more.
>What is to fear?
>Linux users need to advocate and fear, not Windows users.
>              Re: iMacs With iTitude
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:10:11 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.sys.mac.advocacy,,
>              comp.unix.advocacy, comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>On the desktop?
>Prove it!!!!
>Yawn..under Windows you need not concern yourself with such tripe.
>And what happens when this mounted CDROM is needed by one of the Linux
>WinAmp Clones (terrible and cheap as they are)?
>              Re: An Example of the Superiority of Windows vs Linux
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:14:46 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
>But you still haven't answered the original question.
>So why doesn't Linux......?
>Every Windows program that I have installed has put an icon either on
>the desktop or in the Starup->program menu and that includes the
>README and other information.
>Please provide me with an example of a current Windows program that
>does not?
>Oh that's certainly something Joe Sixpack will remember..
>You prove my point all the time....
>I prefer clicking on the icon that says "Scan image"
>Try them and you will see. I have used both Linux deviants and Windows
>versions and it ain't even close in terms of ease of use and
>comparability between programs.
>              Re: An Example of the Superiority of Windows vs Linux
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:16:13 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
>And you are missing the fact that folks want an end result, the
>easiest path between two points. 
>Ecommerce, E-Web, E-banking are all examples.
>Linux is an example of an operating system getting in the way time and
>time again.
>              Re: An Example of the Superiority of Windows vs Linux
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:18:16 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5
>A "Shill" is a person who aids a crook or a fraud in seemingly making
>the "act" look legitimate.
>Example: A person who drives up the price of a bid at an auction with
>the intent of collecting money from the seller but without intent of
>ever buying the auctioned product.
>              Re: Linux MUST be in TROUBLE
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:20:33 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3
>Slaughtered is a better way of telling it.
>The Linoscrews like to say a 50 percent increase in sales.
>Well when they have sold 10 copies last year and 15 copies this year,
>I guess they are correct.
>Windows=90 percent of the market.....
>Take that to the bank baby...
>              Re: MS Windows WM
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:24:15 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2
>Ok so why does Gnome keep crashing all the time?
>I have more of those tiny Time-Bomb icons around than I care to.
>KDE is much more stable, but doesn't look as smooth to me.
>Neither is anywhere near to Windows GUI for consistency with
>applications and look and feel.
>Not even close....
>              Re: Boring
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:24:44 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>Linux is based on Unix?
>Care to prove that?
>              Re: Linux MUST be in TROUBLE
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:32:20 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
>Just like the Linux IPO's are dying one after the other now that the
>real world of the corporation has taken a good look at Linux and has
>deemed it a mess.
>It's already dying. Along with BEOS, which Stienberg has withdrawn
>support and according to rumour Emagic is the next one.
>Linux is always behind. It has no future....
>Yea sure. It will support the same hardware in 2 years that Windows
>supports now....
>It will be gone...
>Sure and another 20 meg of convoluted files for the already confused
>user to download.
>When you run Linsux you are hooked alright.
>Hook , Line,  and Sinker.....
>Always the promise, never the present.....
>By about 10 years......
>I would say 15 years at best.....
>              Re: An Example of the Superiority of Windows vs Linux
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:34:07 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>Just in time for ISA slots to be eliminated from motherboards.....
>At best you can buy a Motherboard with ONE ISA slot....
>Typical Linux....
>It's there just in time for something else to surpass it.
>              Re: An Example of the Superiority of Windows vs Linux
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:35:28 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
>You had better post that ditty to the setup groups because you would
>not believe how many people ask the question:
>I just installed Wordperfect, now how do I start it?
>What a joke this Linshit is.....
>              Re: Hardware and Linux - Setting the Record Straight
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:36:46 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
>The LinoNuts won't hear the difference. They are so used to running
>with shit hardware and software that they accept it as normal....
>They should try running a game with full audio support and hear the
>difference some time....
>              Re: MS Windows WM
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:37:48 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4
>KDE rarely crashes so I have to assume it is Gnome.
>I have a Matrox G200 with 8 meg..
>I will take a look..
>              Re: Linux MUST be in TROUBLE
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:38:54 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
>I was being kind :)
>Yes it does, and rightfully so. SuSE and Mandrake are IMHO the way
>things should be done.
>              Re: Boring
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:40:17 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
>It looks like Unix but does it have Logical Volumes like AIX?
>Or the Solaris equivilant?
>Just one example...
>              Re: Linux MUST be in TROUBLE
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:43:37 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
>No it's not. I can stream 48 tracks of digital audio with full FFT
>based effects under WIndows 98SE without a hic-up. My scanner/printer
>is supported under Windows, just like 99 percent of every peice of
>hardware out on the market.
>Can Linux claim the same?
>Linux development IS moving faster than WIndows, this is true. But it
>STILL has NOT even come close. The future will tell whether or not it
>surpasses Windows. I look forward to the future...
>              Re: An Example of the Superiority of Windows vs Linux
>        Date: 
>              Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:52:02 GMT
>        From: 
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Organization: 
>              EarthLink Inc. --
>  Newsgroups: 
>              comp.os.linux.advocacy
>  References: 
>              1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
>You can easily erase or move them unlike Linux....
>Never heard of it.
>Some sort of Physic program or something?
>No that's a demonstration of the ease of Windows and the archaicness
>of Linux.
>If both are indeed provided.
>No... I have used both SANE and Winfax and there is absolutely no
>Not even close.
>Iter-program operability is only one area.
>Thanks for attending LOST CAUSE THEATER!!!!



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