Linux-Advocacy Digest #397, Volume #27           Thu, 29 Jun 00 20:13:03 EDT

  Re: Richard Stallman's Politics (was: Linux is awesome! (phil hunt)
  Re: Claims of Windows supporting old applications are reflecting reality or fantasy? 
(Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: Ready for Linux ? The "Furniture Scale" (R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard ))
  Re: Win32 core instability (Andy Newman)
  Re: You Should Not Treat Linux Like M$ Windows
  Re: CommyLinux vs Microsoft (was: Re: Windows98) (Aaron Kulkis)
  Uptime 6 months and counting.
  Re: Windows98 (Steve Mading)
  Re: How fast is your text? ("Joe Kiser")
  Re: Windows98
  Re: Microsoft and General Stupidity (sandrews)
  Re: Lost Cause Theater!!! (Tim Palmer)
  Re: What UNIX is good for. (Tim Palmer)
  Re: Lost Cause Theater!!! (Tim Palmer)
  Re: CommyLinux vs Microsoft (was: Re: Windows98) (Tim Palmer)
  Re: Linux is junk (Tim Palmer)
  Re: What UNIX is good for.
  Re: What UNIX is good for. ("Colin R. Day")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (phil hunt)
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Richard Stallman's Politics (was: Linux is awesome!
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 22:43:12 +0100

On 24 Jun 2000 11:27:20 +0100, Phillip Lord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>My own views which would
>have been considered to be a blend 20 years ago, are now considered to
>be hard line left. My views are as right (or as wrong) now as they
>have ever been,

Not necessarily. A good policy in one circumstance can be a bad policy in 

***** Phil Hunt ***** send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] *****
***** phone 07720 644417 or 0208 679 3896 *****
Moore's Law: hardware speed doubles every 18 months
Gates' Law: software speed halves every 18 months 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Subject: Re: Claims of Windows supporting old applications are reflecting reality or 
Date: 29 Jun 2000 17:17:21 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
John Wiltshire  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Now, say for a minute you know nothing of PCL.  You just get
>ghostscript drivers and dvi drivers.  Printer still works and you
>don't care if it is PCL, raster pixmap or some other proprietary
>protocol - the dvi and ghostscript drivers cover that.  Oops!  That's
>EXACTLY how "Winprinters" work, except in this case I guess it would
>be a "Linprinter".

Not quite.  Winprinters work because someone provided a
black-box driver that, if you are lucky will work with
a certain version of a certain OS which might be the
one you use today.  PCL and other printers with documented
control codes work because anyone can write a driver
for any OS and graphics abstraction.  It you think
there is anything EXACTLY the same about those situations
it is pure coincidence.

>Next, if that protocol was compact enough to reduce the load on the
>CPU and increase the PPM count, or alternatively, to trade PPM and
>cost of hardware for CPU loading, there is distinct value in the
>protocol and possibly sufficient reason for the manufacturer to close
>the protocol to prevent the competition from gaining from their
>research and trials.

Note that closing the protocol by itself reduces value to
the customer, except in the coincidental case above which
may be a very short term situation.

>You couldn't have described my argument better.  Thanks again for
>taking the bait.

Be sure to include dates and version numbers in your argument. It
won't always be true.

  Les Mikesell


From: R.E.Ballard ( Rex Ballard ) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ready for Linux ? The "Furniture Scale"
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 22:12:56 GMT

In article <8jfbc4$ovd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Martin Fitzpatrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Having lurked in this group, I have seen a number
> of posts from people who
> seem to have installed Linux without
> realising the cost/benefit map of the
> situation. I have therefore comiled
> the following "Furniture Scale" as a
> guide to determine whether Linux is
> likely to be useful to a given person.
> Please answer the following multiple choice question.
> When you have procured furniture in the past, have you -
> a) Only ever bought fully pre-built furniture ?
> - Aviod Linux like the plague.

Avoid Linux installation, yes.  Avoid Linux, maybe not.

> Get yourself a fully pre-built PC with all
> software fully installed by the supplier.
> You should probably also look into
> a helpline service. Consider getting a Mac.

If you'd still like to play with Linux, get a machine from
VA Research, IBM, or Dell, all of whom offer Desktops and Laptops
with Linux preinstalled and fully preconfigured with hardware
that is certified to be compatible with a number of Linux

You aren't qualified to run a server, but you could use the
Cobalt Qube server or the Cobalt RaQ server - since you won't
even know it's Linux under the covers.

> b) Bought some flat-pack, home-assembly furniture ?
> - One day, Linux will be ready for you.
>   Possilby within the next year or
> two. For now, stick to WinDoze.

If you want to try Linux, see if you have any friends who have
successfully installed Linux, or any local consultants.  They
will know those special "Tips" that make the job go smoothly, and
they can take hours, even days off of that first "Virgin Install".
After that, you'll be able to install Linux on most (supported
hardware) machines with relative ease.

Just in case your friend isn't quite as smart as he thinks, you might
want to start with one of those "Boat Anchors" you've been hiding in
the attic for the last 3 years (since Windows 95 made it obsolete).

> c) Bought second-hand furniture, stripped it back to the wood,
>  removed that nasty bits and filled the holes, sanded it,
>  stained the wood and finally varnished it ?

This is a pretty good description.  If you've at least stripped
the paint and re-painted it, that's a good start.  If you've tuned
your own car, if you've replaced a faucet, or if you've successfully
learned to drive a stick-shift in rush-hour traffic, then you probably
have the ability to install:

> - One of the more 'user-friendly' Linux distributions
>   would be recommended.

I would still reccomend Mandrake 7.0, SuSE, or Caldera.  Red Hat
is nice, but not as "desktop-friendly", it is more "administrator

> You have a lot of the qualities required for
> ownership

Actually - installation.

> of Linux.
> Notably, patience.

> d) Avoided furniture stores completely,
>    stripped out the plaster from the
>    alcove in which you want your built-in wardrobe,
>    marked out and measured it, then gone down the timber
>    store and bought the boards, battons, plugs,
>    nails, screws, paint and brushes ?
> Have you then spent the weekend and several evenings during
> the next week building the thing, only to make
> several further trips to the store for things which
> weren't obviously necessary before you started ?

In my case, I built stage scenery at the high school and college
theater.  Projects of comparable scale; replacing the fuel pump
or alternator on an older car, building a patio onto a house,
or building your own boat, any project that takes planning,
patience and persistence.

> Do you still get a warm feeling when you look
> at the wardrobe, having long ago forgotten the cuts,
> bruises, burns and hospital visits involved in
> the original project ?

> - You are a prime candidate for Linux.

Actually, you'd be a prime candidate for the Linux development
team.  You're the kind of person who could download each package
from the internet in source form, compile it under a minimalist
EGC or GCC compiler under a BASIC distribution.  And you could
probably configure any Linux system on any randomly chosen hardware
singled out by your local Microsoft biggot.  You could probably
get a Paradise VGA card, an Adaptec 1591 card (all 45 variations)
and a USB hard drive to work with a USB scanner, USB printer, and
a Lucent or Rockwell Winmodem, not to mention the IBM Mwave sound
card.  Heck, you'd hack your own drivers.

You've probably already decided "Linux is for Wimps", REAL programmers
use FreeBSD (or NetBSD or OpenBSD...).

> The road will not be an easy one, but
> you stand more chance than most of actually
> getting to the end of it.

Heck, you probably won't even need to read the "freakin' manual".
You'll just download source, keep typing "make" loading new
packages untile you have everything there is.

Of course, you probably also have written your own VBScripts
to optimize your registry settings too - right?

> Hope this helps ;-)
> Martin.
> (This posting and its contents represent my views alone.)
Well Martin, it's certainly comforting to realize that you
aren't on of the Paid Trolls on Microsoft's payroll :-).

Actually, the left-handed compliment approach was far too
creative to be a Microsoft product :-).

Rex Ballard - Open Source Advocate, Internet
I/T Architect, MIS Director
Linux - 90 million satisfied users worldwide
and growing at over 5%/month!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy Newman)
Subject: Re: Win32 core instability
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 08:34:38 +1000

>Anyone know about any websites / papers / arguments discussing
>the design flaws inherent in win32's architecture that lead to
>instability and insecurity (such as resource centralization)?

That would be MSDN.


Subject: Re: You Should Not Treat Linux Like M$ Windows
Date: 29 Jun 2000 17:54:16 -0400

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 13:40:59 GMT, Pedro Iglesias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Because MicroShit provides no tools to do so.
>   Because most people do not want or need to work on their
>computers, just want to use them as useful tools as the could
>do with a TV, video, and the so.

What do you think they're doing when they're reinstalling Windows
and all of their apps and drivers? I'd call that "working extremely
hard on their computers". 

>If GNU/Linux had the same market share than Microsoft does,
>a comparable people number would never fix bugs themselves.

...which would leave a large number of people that _do_ fix
bugs themselves. Those people's bugfixes become available
to everyone, yes, even those who don't even know what bugs are.


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CommyLinux vs Microsoft (was: Re: Windows98)
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 18:41:16 -0400

Nathaniel Jay Lee wrote:
> Tim Palmer wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 13:56:09 GMT, Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >On 27 Jun 2000 06:13:30 GMT, Darren Winsper 
> > >>On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 12:57:10 -0500, Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>> Tim Palmer wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> > So how is the proletrareit doing you STOOPID COMMY!
> > >>>
> > >>> This guy has got to be a joke.  I hope so, because someone this
> > >>> fucking stupid is almost not even imaginable.
> > >>
> > >>My guess is that "Tim Palmer" is S The Next Generation.
> > >
> > >Can't be ... he's got to be faking it.  "S" is genuine (a genuine idiot)
> > >
> > >--
> > >
> >
> > And you work for the Commy IWW. You genuin COMMYLINUX 
> >
> > Why run CommyLie-nux when you can run Cappittalist 
> OH GOD!  Why is he here?  What is he really doing?  Why do I feel like I
> need to rip my head off and clean out the inside of it with soft-scrub?
> Why do I think that won't be enough to clean me?
> I know we aren't supposed to feed the trolls, but damn this is funny.  I
> know after a hard day of work, I love to come in here and see TIMMAY!
> talking crap.  It's like, by feeding him we're keeping our favorite pet
> happy.  Although, the past few posts haven't been down to his usual
> standard.  But, he's trying.  And it's still funny as hell.
> CommyLie-nux and Cappittalist Microsoft?  Hehehe, that's cool.  In fact,
> I think CommyLie-nux could win as best anti-Linux tagline in my book.
> It's short, it sums up all the fear that MS really feels towards Linux
> (After all, the USSR's people weren't inherently evil during the cold

Actually, the USSR's people never were the problem

It's the so-called "leaders" who are holding them all hostage.

> war, but U.S.'s FUD made it seem that Commy=red devil), and it carries
> all sorts of emotional baggage into the mix that really doesn't belong
> there.  Perfect FUD.
> --
> Nathaniel Jay Lee

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

H:'re a retard.

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: "Jeem" Dutton is a fool of the pathological liar sort.

C: Jet plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a method of
   sidetracking discussions which are headed in a direction
   that she doesn't like.
D: Jet claims to have killfiled me.

E: Jet now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (D) above.

F: Neither Jeem nor Jet are worthy of the time to compose a
   response until their behavior improves.

G: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Uptime 6 months and counting.
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 16:01:32 -0700

My server and other "mission critical" hosts have been up and running now
for more than six months!

Or to be accurate they have been up for 180 day, 7 hours and 32 minutes.
None have not needed any maintenance and only minimal monitoring mostly by
viewing the system logs by having them trimmed and mailed to me.

Except for the gateway router, I have not had to log into any of the
servers.  To handle any problems.  The reason for login into that router has
been for killing the ppp daemon during time that the ISP was know to be down
so that it would not try to establish a connection through demand dialing
when it would not be possible to establish a connection.  And then again to
the the daemon back up.

I run Linux, no bloody RedHat, Debian, SlackWare, just Linux!
My servers have been up 180 days,  7 hours, 37 minutes.--If only not for
that damn blackout...


From: Steve Mading <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows98
Date: 29 Jun 2000 23:17:41 GMT

Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: James wants fonts that don't look like shit. Windows has them. Lie-nux doesn't.

This commonly re-used argument I think is based on different needs.
I don't find Linux's fonts to be ugly at all, but that's because what
I want in a font set is a lot of fixed-width fonts that look good in
several sizes.  X-windows is excellent at this, and Windows out-of-the-
box is terrible at it (courier font -> yuck!).  What Windows users
typically want, though, is good proportional-width fonts, which it
has more of than X does (by default - both systems can have more
third-party fonts installed to prop up the deficiencies.)

This, I think, is why both Linux and Windows advocates both claim
they have better fonts.  Linux has better fixed-width fonts out
of the box, and Windows has better proportional-width fonts out
of the box.

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
 Steven L. Mading  at  BioMagResBank   (BMRB). UW-Madison           
 Programmer/Analyst/(acting SysAdmin)  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 B1108C, Biochem Addition / 433 Babcock Dr / Madison, WI 53706-1544 


From: "Joe Kiser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How fast is your text?
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 19:26:16 -0400

"Colin R. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Joe Kiser wrote:
> > I have perl on this baby?  Why didn't anyone tell me!
> Which baby? Linux or windows. Your Linux distro probably
> has it, but for Windows you'll probably have to download
> it  from

Yeah, I figured that out when I got "The system cannot find the path
when I ran /usr/bin/perl from a Command Prompt.
- Joe Kiser

"I walk the Earth, another day.
 The wicked one, that comes this way.
 Savior to my own.
 Devil to some.
 Mankind falls, Something Wicked Comes."
                            -Iced Earth


Subject: Re: Windows98
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 23:29:06 GMT

On 29 Jun 2000 23:17:41 GMT, Steve Mading <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: James wants fonts that don't look like shit. Windows has them. Lie-nux doesn't.
>This commonly re-used argument I think is based on different needs.
>I don't find Linux's fonts to be ugly at all, but that's because what
>I want in a font set is a lot of fixed-width fonts that look good in
>several sizes.  X-windows is excellent at this, and Windows out-of-the-
>box is terrible at it (courier font -> yuck!).  What Windows users
>typically want, though, is good proportional-width fonts, which it
>has more of than X does (by default - both systems can have more
>third-party fonts installed to prop up the deficiencies.)
>This, I think, is why both Linux and Windows advocates both claim
>they have better fonts.  Linux has better fixed-width fonts out
>of the box, and Windows has better proportional-width fonts out
>of the box.

        X has some nice proportional fonts as well. Where X falls down
        is arbitrary and very small font heights.

        For someone who genuinely would care about such things (rather 
        than some novice end user amateur), I would imagine that lack
        of CMYK printing and color matching would be much more pressing


                                                               / | \


Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 19:27:59 -0400
From: sandrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft and General Stupidity

Jeff Szarka wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 19:17:42 -0400, sandrews
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Once again... I admit I might have judged Linux users to harshly and
> >> something comes along to reinforce my initial opinion.
> >
> >       How do you know I am a Linux user?
> >       I think your predigest is showing.
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i686)

That only shows I posted from a linux machine, it doesn`t prove I am
a Linux advocate.


"This company has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. 
If the problem persists, contact your vendor or appeal to a higher


From: Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lost Cause Theater!!!
Date: 29 Jun 2000 19:32:40 -0500

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 12:51:25 -0500, Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Actually I admire the Poles for trying their best.
>Gee, how gracious of you.  I'm sure they would've appreciated it.
>The truth is you're a complete dork who obviously has little to
>do with his time, like the other windows morons on here. What is
>unbelieveable is that anyone bothers to answer the little turds
>you, Tim Palmer or Jeff Szarka throw on cola.

Whare's your Commy IWW sig, CommyLie-nux Commy? The troth is that you are a hippy, 
commy dork working to overthrou capitleism with your crappy CommyLie-nux.

You'l do anytthing to make everyone put up with yoor crappy 1960's Commy Line 
Interface tiping commands all day.

DOS is ded, and UNIX should go with it.


From: Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: What UNIX is good for.
Date: 29 Jun 2000 19:32:51 -0500

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 20:07:22 -0400, Colin R. Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Tim Palmer wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 20:22:28 -0400, Colin R. Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Tim Palmer wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> Photoshop is avallable for Windows.
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >Why pay $700 when you can get the functional equivalent for free?
>> >
>> >He may have meant GIMP, not LOGO.
>> GIMP mite as well be LOGO.
>GIMP is better at graphics, but not as good for teaching
>programming to children.
>> >
>> >Someone might have said that GIMP was equivalent to
>> >Photoshop.
>> And they would be rong about that to.
>And we should believe you?

You can try Photoshop if you doanm't. You'll never look bak.

>Colin Day


From: Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lost Cause Theater!!!
Date: 29 Jun 2000 19:33:01 -0500

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 16:45:22 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> It's like the Polish army riding over the hill on horses while the
>> Germans had tanks..
>> I'll bet the Germans were howling with laughter, just like Winvocates
>> do every time Linux and how it's taking over the market is discussed.
>You assume that because they had a bad leader the Germans weren't
>Would you be howling with laughter if you had to slaughter a hopelessly
>under armed army?
>It was a fairly sick chioce for a figure of speech.

Linux = a hoarse. and a slingshot.
Windows = a tank.

Lie-nuts: "We're gonna take over the world! We halve _hoarses_! Nobody can stop us 
Windo's: "Who are thoaz clouns over their rideing hoarses and carreying slingshots?"

>The day of judgement cometh. Join us O sinful one...
>remove foo from the end and reverse my email address to make any use of


From: Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CommyLinux vs Microsoft (was: Re: Windows98)
Date: 29 Jun 2000 19:33:11 -0500

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 15:47:01 -0500, Nathaniel Jay Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Tim Palmer wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 13:56:09 GMT, Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >On 27 Jun 2000 06:13:30 GMT, Darren Winsper 
>> >>On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 12:57:10 -0500, Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>> Tim Palmer wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> > So how is the proletrareit doing you STOOPID COMMY!
>> >>>
>> >>> This guy has got to be a joke.  I hope so, because someone this
>> >>> fucking stupid is almost not even imaginable.
>> >>
>> >>My guess is that "Tim Palmer" is S The Next Generation.
>> >
>> >Can't be ... he's got to be faking it.  "S" is genuine (a genuine idiot)
>> >
>> >--
>> >
>> And you work for the Commy IWW. You genuin COMMYLINUX 
>> Why run CommyLie-nux when you can run Cappittalist 
>OH GOD!  Why is he here?  What is he really doing?  Why do I feel like I
>need to rip my head off and clean out the inside of it with soft-scrub? 
>Why do I think that won't be enough to clean me?
>I know we aren't supposed to feed the trolls, but damn this is funny.  I
>know after a hard day of work, I love to come in here and see TIMMAY!
>talking crap.  It's like, by feeding him we're keeping our favorite pet
>happy.  Although, the past few posts haven't been down to his usual
>standard.  But, he's trying.  And it's still funny as hell.  

The thing that's funy as hell is CommyLienux. That's the joak heer. You heer "it's the 
best OS ever ritten", and then woch it spaze out when you try to run it like some 
prank viriis.

>CommyLie-nux and Cappittalist Microsoft?  Hehehe, that's cool.  In fact,
>I think CommyLie-nux could win as best anti-Linux tagline in my book. 
>It's short, it sums up all the fear that MS really feels towards Linux
>u(After all, the USSR's people weren't inherently evil during the cold
>war, but U.S.'s FUD made it seem that Commy=red devil),

The Commy's are agenst freedum. Just look at any Commy cuntry. 

Then look at how all Lie-nux Liars are Commy's and youl sea.

Just look at All COMMY!

>and it carries
>all sorts of emotional baggage into the mix that really doesn't belong
>there.  Perfect FUD.
>Nathaniel Jay Lee


From: Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux is junk
Date: 29 Jun 2000 19:33:21 -0500

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 19:55:38 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Linux is a stinkin', steamin' pile of shit as far as I am concerned.
>I wasted $40 on Corel Office and wish I could get my hard earned money 
>I also wasted another $60 on Partition Magic, like Corel suggested.
>First off the piece of shit destroyed my hard drive and erased 2 years 
>of data I had saved. Lucky for me I have a backup on CD but it is
>a couple of days old.
>The install kept failing over and over again dying on my SCSI controller
>but finally, and mysteriously it worked despite my not changing 
>My sound card didn't work.

Of coarse not. Lie-nux doesn't nead sound. All it neads is text.

>My video card ran slow as a snail.

Lie-nux is a "seerius work OS". In other words, all it does is shufle text and it has 
no use
for graftics.  Your suppost to go to a DOS box and do everyrthing in their.  And all 
that datta
you save'd would be useless on Lie-nux annyway unless it was just ASCII text.

>My network card didn't work.

Lie-nux bairly supports any hardware. Most hardwire neads Windos to work.

>My printer didn't work

Lie-nux only kno's about postscript printers.

>My scanner didn't work.
>My modem worked but kept disconnecting.Something about a PPP demon 

That's Lie-nux for you. Chok full of bugs, demons, and gools.

>All of these devices worked out right away with Windows 98 SE and
>also with Win2k.
>Linux has been around longer than Win2k, so why the shitty hardware 
>Shitpile Linux didn't even recognize my USB ports.

That'll be in the next re-lees. The Lie-nuts prommiss.

>Is this Linux stuff some kind of a joke or something? I'd like to be let
>in on the joke please because I have lost data and wasted the better 
>of the weekend trying to make this smelly piece of trash work.

Its a joke all rite. But its' not funny.

>I played around with the various applications included with Corel and
>quite frankly, it looks like Linux is some 1980's throw back. Reminds
>me of Pong and Visicalc. 

Try 1970's. It even comes with VI.

>I can see no way in hell that this piece of sewerage can be given to 
>people who are happily running Windows.
>No way. 
>Linux just plain stinks.
> It is like a full lower bowel that needs to be purged.
>The only plus i got from my short lived experience with Linux is that
>I will surely let all my enemies know about it so they can have their
>systems destroyed like I have.
>How you tell it is stable?
>First you have to get it running.
>Sorry, I drained one toner cartridge printing out how to papers.
>Not to mention when the dam printer went beserk trying to print using
>Lie-nux and it spit out page after page with one ascee charactor on
>each and no means other than shutting it off to stop it.
>Who writes these things anyway? They seem to have a language all their 
>own and it is not english, french
> or german which I am fluent in.
>Never even looked at a readme for windows.
>Windows has no equal...At least not yet....
>Linux is a bomb..........
>Jerry Butler


Crossposted-To: comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: What UNIX is good for.
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 23:49:40 GMT

On 29 Jun 2000 19:32:51 -0500, Tim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 20:07:22 -0400, Colin R. Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Tim Palmer wrote:
>>> On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 20:22:28 -0400, Colin R. Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> >Tim Palmer wrote:
>>> >
>>> >Someone might have said that GIMP was equivalent to
>>> >Photoshop.
>>> And they would be rong about that to.
>>And we should believe you?
>You can try Photoshop if you doanm't. You'll never look bak.

        ...if for no other reason than you paid so damn much for
        the thing and you don't want to feel foolish for letting
        several hundred dollars go to waste... '-ppp


                                                               / | \


From: "Colin R. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.advocacy
Subject: Re: What UNIX is good for.
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 20:05:36 -0400

Tim Palmer wrote:

> >
> >And we should believe you?
> You can try Photoshop if you doanm't. You'll never look bak.

Great, I'd have to install Windows first. No.

Colin Day



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