Linux-Advocacy Digest #212, Volume #28            Thu, 3 Aug 00 14:13:06 EDT

  Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel ("Ermine Todd")
  Re: Linux runs 30% of the WWW. (Bruce Scott TOK)


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 14:01:38 -0400

Loren Petrich wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Loren Petrich wrote:
> >Notice who EVERY time I make a mention of anything that brings
> >attention to the fact that Communism is NOT dead, and can, and
> >does, still present a credible (if dormant) threat to our
> >freedom, LOREN Communist Agitator PETRICH always comes up with
> >his smarmy little attempt to shut down the discussion.
> >You still have not provided a shred of evidence to counter the
> >testimony of high-ranking defectors from Soviet Russia.
>         This from someone who has not provided a shred of evidence that
> such claims can be taken seriously. I did a bit of research on the
> German-reunification question recently, and here's this link:
> It discusses very clearly the diplomatic maneuvering between the patrons
> of each half of the formerly-split Germany -- and it is clear that the
> Soviet Union had *lost* East Germany to the US, NATO, and West Germany.
> It nowhere takes seriously the notion that the Soviet Union's leaders had
> been trying to fake a retreat from East Germany. So I think it far to say
> that the rest of Mr. Kulkis's conspiracy theories have the same quality.
> --
> Loren Petrich                           Happiness is a fast Macintosh
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      And a fast train
> My home page:

Note: I share no religious view with the reviewer.

       The Perestroika Deception
                by Anatoliy Golitsyn

           Commentary by Cornelia R. Ferreira

Diehard fans of the theory that Communism is dead will not like this
whose stated goal is to help such people recover from their blindness .
Perestroika Deception describes with unmerciful clarity the confusion
errors that have been engendered in the world and in the Church by the
deceitful Communist strategy of perestroika, under whose reformist guise
rebellions and wars have been promoted, and the Church persecuted, in
order that the Communist goal of world domination is finally achieved.
other words, what it unintentionally depicts are the very events
by Our Lady of Fatima if the Collegial Consecration of Russia is not
    Anatoliy Golitsyn's 1984 book, New Lies for Old, forecast, with
94% accuracy, all the recent changes in the Communist Bloc, including
economic and political reforms, the rise of Solidarity, the removal of
Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany and the collapseof the Soviet
Union. The Perestroika Deception, with extensive documentation,
reinforces his contention in New Lies for Old that all the changes were
meticulously planned years in advance. It explains how they fit into the
devious Leninist strategy for achieving with Western cooperation a
one-world Communist government orNew World Social Order , run by
the Russians and Chinese, by 2000 A.D. It also analyzes current events
to the Chechnya struggle and forecasts and developments.
    Golitsyn was a high-ranking KGB official involved in espionage and
counter-espionage who defected to the Unites States in 1961. Convinced
that Western interpretations of developments in the Communist Bloc were
seriously flawed, he combined his study of Soviet long-range strategy
his inside knowledge of KGB and Leninist thinking in New Lies of Old.
For over thirty years he has submitted memoranda to the CIA, in which he
has provided very accurate analyses and forecasts of Bloc developments.
The Perestroika Deception is a collection of dated memoranda covering
the years 1984 to 1995.

     The Great Deception

    This book vindicates those politically incorrect Catholics who have
been insisting that Russia has not converted because the Consecration
not been properly done. Its urgent message is that the West s failure to
recognize that perestroika is atreacherousploy threatens the very
continuation of Western civilizationas perestroika is intended to bring
the political and physical demise of Western democracies.
    Golitsyn provides irrefutable proof that perestroika
not a 1985 Gorbachev invention, but the final phase of a plan formulated
during 1958-1960. Perestroika refers to the restructuring, not just of
Soviet system, but of the entire free world. It is the Soviet strategy
for a
Second October Revolution , a temporary, non-violent World Revolution
involving controlled fake democratization and strategic disinformation.
Communist leaders envisaged the convergence of Communist/socialist
systems with restructured capitalist systems into the One-World
Communist Government. They realized that convergence could only be
achieved by transforming Stalinism into a more attractive
democracy . The KGB was reorganized to play a key role in implementing
the strategy . Thirty years of rehearsal in countries such as
Poland and Romania prepared the ground for the final phase perestroika
and the controlled false democratizationof the USSR itself. That it is
false is
confirmed by Eduard Shevardnadze, Georgian president and a long-time
Western friend . As late as 1993, he admitted that elections do not

    Perestroika is a game of mind-control based on the principles of
Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), who devised a new,
improved model of Marxist-Leninism. Gorbachev was chosen to launch it.
Perestroika is psychological warfare, involving the use of
cooperation-blackmail . A theatrical display of democratism[is] designed
to convince the West that a decisive break with the past has taken

     This encourages Western governments to collaborate with the former
Communists. At the same time, there is a threat of a return to the Cold
War or worse if the West does not cooperate. Golitsyn demonstrates that
every crisis , from Tienamen Square to the fake August91 coup attempt to
Chechnya, has been deliberately designed according to the
cooperation-blackmail equation. The new forces of democracy are shown
locked in mortal combat with the conservative hard-liners and the West
told that only its cooperation and large infusions of aid will help the
fledgling democracies to survive. The Communist price for peace is thus
the restructuring of Western thinking and policies.
    Soviet control of the Western mind is achieved through manipulation
of the media, deceptive use of language, and the destabilization of
through corruption. According to the Gramscian formula, the Christian
religion has to be secularized, and culture and morals corrupted, for
Revolution to succeed peaceably. With Western society deconstructed ,
the Western mind will be more receptive to collaboration with the enemy.
Part of the Long-term Plan
     Golitsyn demonstrates that the present strategy is a continuation
the Russians and Chinese, with Gramsci's improvements , of the New
Economic Policy (NEP) devised by Lenin in the 1920s Lenin had said "the
lie is sacred and deception will be our principal weapon." The NEP was
hailed by the West as a retreat from Communism, but it was a major
deception. Pope Pius XI, in his 1937 encyclical On Atheistic Communism,
warned that Communism was not converting, but he was ignored.
    The NEP won for the Soviets aid from the West and helped to
strengthen Russian Communism. Stalin continued the subterfuge to the
point of showing some religious tolerance and dissolving the Communist
International; however, his later repressions discredited Communism and
impeded its global expansion. His condemnation by modern Communist
leaders does not represent their break with Communism, but their anger
that he hurt their cause .
    Khruschev and Mao decided to abolish Stalinism and restore
Leninism. A scientific study of the NEP was undertaken in 1957. In 1960,
the Institute for the Study of the USA and Canada was set up in Moscow
to help Soviets research these target societies. At the end of 1960, the
long-range strategy based on the NEP was adopted by thirteen
Communist Bloc states, including China.
    Perestroika, the final phase of the strategy is meant to conquer the
West from within by KGB-controlled dissidents and opposition
movements and disinformation about the alleged existence of liberals and
conservatives, reformers vs .hardliners . Glasnost or openness would
combine accurate information with disinformation. The KGB was to create
and control Communist Bloc officials of all political stripes. Leaders
1960, including Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Rutskoi, Shevardnadze, Zhirinovsky
and Primakov, have all been collaborators in carrying out the plan.
power struggles are fictional.

             The Infiltration of the Upper Echelons

    KGB agents of influence have infiltrated Western elite circles,
cultivating politicians, businessmen, scientists, religious leaders,
movie directors, environmentalists, and so forth. Agents have included
dissident like Andrei Sakharov and diplomats such as the Soviet
Ambassador to Washington Anatoliy Dobrynin. Educational, scientific and
cultural exchanges, as well as thousands of joint projects in all
fields, aid
Russian research, influence and recruitment. Whilst forging bonds with
Western liberals, these techniques also identify and neutralize active
anti-Communists. They are ridiculed as enemies of peace or removed from
office. Assassination is always a possibility, and Golitsyn suspects
that was
the case with Pope John Paul I; but he explains why the evidence does
support the common belief that the KGB was involved in the shooting of
Pope John Paul II. (Interestingly, in 1994, a claim that high-level
officials were responsible was quickly quashed.)
    Liberalization of Eastern Europe was meant to promote disarmament,
the dissolution of NATO, the American withdrawal from Europe, and a
neutral, socialist Europe, a Common European Home from the Atlantic to
the Urals , as Gorbachev and Shevardnadze have described it. If NATO is
not dissolved, then its effectiveness is to be reduced by penetration
Partnership for Peace and East-West joint projects like Bosnia, which
help convergence), by reduction of its purely military role of defending
members (it is now peacekeeping in a non-member state), and by the
acceptance of former European adversaries as members. Moscow s
opposition to the latter is a dialectical tactic as such membership
actually increase penetration. One goal of the Chechnyan barbarity is to
scare Russia s neighbors and strengthen the argument for their
through NATO membership.
     A major penetration success is Gorbachev s American bureau, which
allows him to personally mobilize liberals in the cause of disarmament.
months before the August 91coup attempt (showing that his job change
from President to private citizen was anticipated in light of the coming
planned collapse of the USSR), Gorbachev established, on American soil,
the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist
party of the Soviet Union known to us as the Gorbachev Foundation/USA.
It operates out of a disused military base in San Francisco.
     Poland has played a large part in the disarmament campaign.
Solidarity was planned during 1958-1960 by the Bloc, and Golitsyn
correctly predicted each stage in its evolution. There is clear evidence
the Polish Communist Party formed the original core and leadership of
Solidarity, whilst Lech Walesa cooperated all along. He has also helped
broaden the Communist base in trade unions across the world, enabling
them to be manipulated against Western interests.
    In order to increase Communist representation and influence in the
UN, the European Union and international financial organizations, the
Soviet Union was deliberately converted into independent republics.
However, by 1994, all the republics, including the Baltic States, were
controlled by Communists, but now within the fiefdom of Russia. This
strategy mirrors the successful policy of Lenin, who gave a temporary
independence to some republics in order to promote trade with the West.
     The collapse of the Soviet Union serves several other purposes. One
is gaining control of Middle East oil. The new democratic image of the
Muslim republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is
being exploited to develop alliances with fundamentalists in Arab
so that pro-Western rulers can be replaced with Russian-controlled
fundamentalists. Radical changes in Israel s position are part of the
strategy. Nuclear weaponry is being channeled through the republics to
Iran, whilst Russia, a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
looks innocent. Turkey, a NATO member, is already a major partner of
Russia , purchasing Russian military equipment and cooperating with it
(thus weakening NATO).
    The United States has been unable to detect the long-range
Communist strategy largely because of disinformation provided by KGB
and Chinese spies who have penetrated the CIA since 1958. Perestroika
and glasnost so confused American intelligence that it became dependent
upon Russian sources. The Ames case, as reported by Time (November
13, 1995), confirms Golitsyn s contention about the confusion in U.S.
intelligence services, which have accepted KGB plants as genuine
Aldrich Ames spied for Russia from the start of perestroika (1985) to
1994, helping to send ten valuable CIA agents to their death. This
of American trust in perestroika prompts Golitsyn' s comment: The Ames
case shows how blind and bankrupt is the American policy of aid to the
new régime in Russia.

           Communism's Manipulation of the Church

    Perestroika strategists did not overlook the use of clergy as
nor the use of religious relaxation to further disarmament. In 1985,
reported that Russian Orthodox priests are controlled and directed by
KGB in order to promote cooperation between Soviet churches and
Western Catholics and Protestants to help establish a united front for
disarmament (peace and justice movements?) and convergence. (Note that
the Russian Orthodox Church joined the World Council of Churches in
    Unfortunately, in order to have Russian Orthodox observers at
Vatican II, the Holy See promised not to attack Communism. This 1962
Vatican-Moscow Agreement, which still seems to be in force, is a form of
persecution. It has silenced the Church and allowed the errors of
Communism especially perestroika to invade both it and society
unchallenged. Golitsyn notes the observation made by the outspoken
anti-Communist Russian General Volkogonov that perestroika would not
have been possible without a secret understanding between Gorbachev,
Jaruzelski [Communist President of Poland until Walesa took over in
1990] and the Pope . In the absence of any elaboration, one can only
speculate that the secret understanding is the continuation of the
with the added twist of cooperation-blackmail: Vatican silence about
Marxism would guarantee religious and civil liberalization, starting
    In 1990, Golitsyn warned of another aspect of religious relaxation:
    "The Vatican should reverse its mistaken support for the renewal of
the Communist régimes ... It fails to understand that greater apparent
official tolerance of religion ... is accompanied by a secret drive to
Party and KGB penetration of the Catholic and other churches and to use
agents therein for political and strategic purposes ... As part of the
programme to destroy religion from within, the KGB, in the late 1950s
[other former Communists say 1930s], started sending dedicated young
Communists to ecclesiastical academies and seminaries to train them as
future church leaders. These young Communists joined the Church ... at
the call of the Communist Party ... to implement its general line
policy] in the struggle against religion."
    "In the present phase, secret agents in the Catholic and other
churches are being used to implement Communist strategy.
    "The extent of the deception can be gauged by Gorbachev s comment
to his Communist cadres in 1987, after he had launched perestroika and
religious relaxations: There must be no let-up in the war against
because as long as religion exists Communism cannot prevail. We must
intensify the obliteration of all religions."
    Golitsyn condemns the participation of Communist leaders at Summits
and their visits to the Vatican (which started in 1967) because these
meetings give them credibility and the opportunity for manipulation.
Remarkably, in 1991, he quoted one of our popes in order to remind the
Catholic Church of her duty:
    "The statement by ... Pope Pius XII [he must mean Pius XI]
concerning the incompatibility and irreconcilability of Communism and
religion is as correct as ever. The Vatican should reaffirm this dictum
should use its influence and divisions [Stalin s sarcastic term for
Catholic groups] to defend Western values from the new, deadly but
hidden Communist assault (Golitsyn's emphasis). Unfortunately, because
her silence, Gramsci s strategy of perverting the Catholic Church is in
swing. The religion of God is being replaced with the religion of Man
Heaven with an earthly, decadent utopia), facilitating Communist control
de-Christianized minds. Golitsyn assesses the consequences of détente
the Church: Never in its history since Nero has Christianity faced such
threat of possible destruction."

 Free-Marketeers, Beware

    He has a similar warning for industrialists and financiers involved
joint ventures with the Communists. They are expediting the revival of
adversaries ; while they may make some profits from joint ventures, in
long run they will be eliminated as a class through taxes and other
    The grounds for rejecting perestroika are simple:
    [The moral grounds are that] a system which has killed 20 million of
its people (50 million if ... China [is] included), ... and brought ...
misery to
the peoples of the Soviet empire, does not deserve to be renewed. The
American people are under no moral obligation to help with the
reconstruction of such a plainly evil system.
    The pragmatic ground ... is the need to protect ... the American
system from restructuring and convergence with the Soviet system and to
save the American people from the blood baths and reeducation camps
which such convergence will ultimately bring. Thus, there should be no
summit meetings, no credit and no western technology for ... Communist
countries ... Communist régime[s] should be left ... to solve their
without Western help since they claim that their system is the best
for the whole world ...Communists should be told:... don t ask us for we are not going to finance our own funeral .
    The whole point of Golitsyn's writings has been to warn Western
leaders not to be fooled by perestroika. He notes, however, that they
been fooled and wonders why they have ignored his warnings, even though
his analyses have a 94% accuracy rating and Britain and the United
have honored him for his contribution to Western security . One is
to ask has it ever occurred to Golitsyn that perhaps many of these
are not fooled, but are following orders? Is he aware of the role of
Freemasonry in world affairs? That it is Masonry that desires the
One-World Socialist Government? That Communism is merely its chief
tool? That Masonry, financed by Western interests, built up Russian
Communism and has kept it going in its various metamorphic forms for
over seventy years?

      A Power Elite?

    In the last two pages of his book, in a memorandum dated October
1, 1993, Golitsyn does hint at a secret controlling force behind Russian
Communism, but he lacks the facilities to study how it might be
operating .
He believes it may be functioning under cover of some front
such as the National Security Council. He advises the West to watch for
signs of this group but he gives no indication that he thinks there
might be
parallel secret groups in the West. (Are even KGB officials kept in the
dark about Freemasonry?)
    Not merely is Russia the tool of Freemasonry, but it is also the
instrument chosen by God to punish a sinful world, as Our Lady of Fatima
warned. Anatoliy Golitsyn s painstaking research shows we are close to
the fulfillment of Our Lady s prediction. As he soberly notes, the sword
Damocles is hanging over Western democracies, yet they are oblivious to
    Because The Perestroika Deception is a collection of memoranda,
there is much repetition. This can be tedious, but it greatly helps one
to see
the deception unfolding day by day. Since the memoranda were directed
to CIA officials, Golitsyn probably assumed they would be familiar with
names and events mentioned; thus, titles, dates or historical details
generally lacking. This can cause difficulties for the layman . The
tight" print
of the book, especially in the footnotes, also makes for difficult
However, these footnotes, added before publication, contain vital
up-to-date information substantiating Golitsyn s claims. The
comprehensive, annotated Index helps make the book an invaluable
geopolitical resource. It should be required reading of the entire
Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

I: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

J: Loren's Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: "Jeem" Dutton is a fool of the pathological liar sort.

C: Jet plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a method of
   sidetracking discussions which are headed in a direction
   that she doesn't like.
D: Jet claims to have killfiled me.

E: Jet now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (D) above.

F: Neither Jeem nor Jet are worthy of the time to compose a
   response until their behavior improves.

G: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

H:'re a retard.


From: "Ermine Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Lycos Selected Microsoft and Intel
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 11:02:38 -0700

Proof?  Oh, right - I forgot; if it's MS, it's okay to assume that no matter
how evil the accusation it *MUST* be true.

"Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Drestin Black wrote:
> >
> > "matts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > >
> > > > Lycos switch to Wintel to improve performance and reliability. Think
> > what
> > > > that says about what they were using before...
> > >
> > > Jesus.  What's next.  Windows runs for 3 months without a boot?  And
> > > being a good processor?  My god.  You need to understand technology
> > get
> > > your head outta your ass before you talk.
> > >
> >
> > excuse me fucking idiot but lycos themselves cite those two things (and
> > scalability) as their reasons for upgrading from unix to W2K - I'm only
> > telling you what they have told the world is their reasons. Take it up
> > them if you disagree...
> Of course, you realize that Lycos is not allowed to make any public
> statement without first allowing it to be edited by Microsoft
> marketing and legal departments...and Lycos is not allowed to
> object to any rewording, even if the bowdlerization comes out
> meaning the exact opposite of the original statement.
> Standard fare for a Microsoft "partner"
> [With partners like that, who needs enemies?]
> --
> Aaron R. Kulkis
> Unix Systems Engineer
> ICQ # 3056642
> I: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
>     premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
>     you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
>     you are lazy, stupid people"
> J: Loren's Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
>    challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
>    between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
>    Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole
> A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.
> B: "Jeem" Dutton is a fool of the pathological liar sort.
> C: Jet plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a method of
>    sidetracking discussions which are headed in a direction
>    that she doesn't like.
> D: Jet claims to have killfiled me.
> E: Jet now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
>    ...despite (D) above.
> F: Neither Jeem nor Jet are worthy of the time to compose a
>    response until their behavior improves.
> G: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
>    adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.
> H:'re a retard.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Scott TOK)
Subject: Re: Linux runs 30% of the WWW.
Date: 3 Aug 2000 19:56:30 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bobby D. Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Netcraft has its latest survey out (,
>and in addition to the specs for Web servers they are now summarizing
>the specs for OSes.
>Surprisingly, Linux comes out on top, with 35.73% of all sites.  By a
>more conservative count introduced to filter out "placeholder" sites and
>multiple URLs pointing to the same actual page, that figure is reduced
>to a mere 29.99% of all hosts.  That's still the biggest share, though
>only by about 1.5%.
>Apache is, of course, still gaining market share, though only by a small
>increment this time around.

Perhaps more importantly, Microsoft is losing share in year 2000, for
the first time with this clarity.


drift wave turbulence:



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