Linux-Advocacy Digest #198, Volume #29           Tue, 19 Sep 00 02:13:06 EDT

  Re: So did they ever find out what makes windows98 freeze up all the time? (David M. 
  Re: Why my company will NOT use Linux (David M. Butler)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: How low can they go...? ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: [OT] Global warming. (was Public v. Private Schools) (Bob Germer)
  Re: The Linux Experience (Jake Taense)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook)
Crossposted-To: alt.windows98
Subject: Re: So did they ever find out what makes windows98 freeze up all the time?
Date: 19 Sep 2000 04:33:15 GMT

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:11:48 +0800, Dan Jacobson

>So did they ever find out what makes windows98 freeze up all the time?
>E.g. as I type this in I am doing a save-file every few lines, to lose
>less incase 'freeze, 3 finger salute' occurs.

It's not just crashes, but also weird memory management.  I remember at one
point having NTEmacs and winhelp open on my laptop with 95B and doing an
nmake from within emacs.  The nmake process would simply pause until I
closed winhelp, yet there was no disk thrashing when nmake paused; in fact,
there was *no disk activity at all* at that point.

Dave Cook


From: David M. Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why my company will NOT use Linux
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 00:41:04 -0400


> On 18 Sep 2000 23:55:47 GMT, Steve Mading <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >finding out that I have to use a scsi emulation driver.  Find
> >out that this means recompiling the kernel - do that, then
> Game over troll.
> You've just amply demonstrated that you don't know what the
> HELL you are talking about and simply like to regurgiate the
> bad FUD of others.

???  I fail to see where he was providing false information here?  I had to 
do the same thing to get my CD-RW to work.  Technically, if the kernel's 
set up properly in the first place, you'd have to compile a module at most. 
However, several of the distro's compiled in ATAPI support to the kernel.  
The SCSI emulation doesn't work if that's part of the kernel, so it has to 
be removed and recompiled as a module.

D. Butler


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:41:57 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 01:07 AM,
   Jason Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I didn't say this decade and you can't read.  I said in a decade, you
> know 10 years.

You sure as hell did say "in the last decade". 

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:44:49 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 01:15 AM,
   Jason Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > You claim half of Canada is covered with an ice sheet. Another fiction.
> >

> Didn't say that, said in the past in one decade the ice sheet advanced
> over it.

You said "in the last decade". I quoted it in at least one response to
your nonsense, junk science.

And if you didn't type what you meant, you are stuck with what you typed.

Moreover, tell us WHICH decade witnessed half of Canada suddenly become
covered with an ice sheet. I want to know WHICH 10 years starting from
xxxx and ending with xxxxc+10.  In other words, I want PROOF, not some
cocakamamie theory cooked up in your oxygen starved excuse for a brain.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:46:09 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 01:57 AM,
   Alan Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> According to the Encylopedia Brittanica that fast current glaciers 
> advance at as much as 25 metres a day. That's 9.125 kilometres a year. 
> To advance over half of Canada (say conservatively, 1800 kilometres) 
> glaciers would have to advance at roughly 200 times that fast or 5 
> kilometres a day. I just find that a little hard to believe.

Of course it is. Jason Bowen is a liar at best. If he is a product of or a
student at Colorado University from whence he posts, it is a very bad
reflection on that institution.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:49:45 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 02:41 AM,
   Jason Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > now...little freshman loser...SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

> I'm talking about what I see, haven't talked about solutions to
> anything.  Nice projection you fucking republicrat.  Go eat a gun. 
> Proclaiming yourself to be intellectual doesn't suit you well.

I received an e-mail asking if I had the last 100 of Bowen's messages. I
didn't, unfortunately but steered the person to I am willing to
wager that Colorado U. will be getting a complaint. This person is in
another state and previously unknown to me.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:51:12 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 03:00 AM,
   Jason Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > According to the Encylopedia Brittanica that fast current glaciers
> > advance at as much as 25 metres a day. That's 9.125 kilometres a year.
> > To advance over half of Canada (say conservatively, 1800 kilometres)
> > glaciers would have to advance at roughly 200 times that fast or 5
> > kilometres a day. I just find that a little hard to believe.

> I should say formation and not advancement, sounds wrong.

Too late, liar. You stated several times that Canada was half covered with
an ice sheet in the past decade. Now you try to weasel out. I for one will
not let you off the hook.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:53:30 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 03:16 AM,
   Jason Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > >Didn't say that, said in the past in one decade the ice sheet advanced
> > >over it.
> > 
> > You've said this a lot of times now, and my bullshit meter is going wild.
> > 
> > Care to show a reference for this? Frankly, I suspect that you're
> > talking through your hat and that the rest of your "science" is no
> > better.
> >

> I have a feeling that I'll have trouble finding that paper so I have

Again, when challenged you are forced into admitting to lies, false
statements, junk science, and plain old bullshit.

You cannot weasel out of your patently false lies. You will never post
anywhere I read messages without being shown up for the liar this thread
has proven you to be.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:58:14 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 08:07 AM,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen) said:

> Obviously you can't respond with anything so you try to demean me.  It
> doesn't work as the words of an obvious asshole don't mean shit.  If you
> can reply to each point go right ahead.

Aaron and I cannot demean you. Your own worthless lies, weasel attempts to
deny what you wrote, etc. have already demeaned you. You have ZERO

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 04:59:47 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 08:13 AM,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen) said:

> Do the math.  The numbers are not actual numbers just a guide for those
> that had trouble with algebra 1 in middle school.  You are like Bob, you
> just can't follow along.

Post REAL numbers which can be VERIFIED independently. Otherwise your post
is just more crap from a real stupid fool.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:00:27 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 08:14 AM,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen) said:

> >Bullshit.  They spike after every volcanic eruption, and then drop
> >sharply according to exponential decay.

> What spikes and drops?

Go ask the professor of Geology 101.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:05:03 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 08:16 AM,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen) said:

> You don't understand what is being discussed.  North America as a continent 
>>produces less CO2
> than the plant life on it consumes.  The rest of the world produces
> way more than is consumed.
> It is called the addtive property of numbers and perhaps and
> elementary algebra class will help
> you understand.

To which Aaron K. replied:

> >Then maybe you ought to convince those OTHER countries to reform THEIR
> >ways, and keep your fucking opinions to yourself in this country.
> >

To which Bowen reposted since he had no valid fact to support himself:

> There is something called a global economy bitch and you're part of it.
> Christ you are fucking dumb.  

Back to the basics. According to your previous posts, asshole, you claim
that the world levels of CO2 are rising. Yet facts readily available show
the following:

The United States and Canada consume more than 70% of the fossil fuel
burned worldwide annually.

There is a CO2 deficit in North America.

Tell us, oh Carnac one, just how is the rest of the world producing so
much more CO2 than we in America do?

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:10:45 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 08:20 AM,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen) said:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Aaron R. Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Jason Bowen wrote:
> >> 
> >> In article <39c5b800$10$obot$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >> Bob Germer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >On 09/18/2000 at 05:41 AM,
> >> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Bowen) said:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >> And again your ideas are supported by those you support?  What is your
> >> >> point Bob?
> >> >
> >> >My point is that you and your ilk are pointy headed, Chicken Little's
> >> >claiming the sky is falling.
> >> 
> >> Except I didn't do that.  I pointed to some facts and didn't make claims
> >> as fact.  CFC's are man made and the CO2 level is verifiably higher than
> >> it has been in 600k years.

And you infer that these two items, one fact, one conjecture, are directly

Let's look at this using the scientific method.

1. CFC's are man made. This is demonstrable fact not in dispute.

2. CO2 levels are verifyably higher than they have been in 600,000 years.
This is conjecture. No one has proven by the scientific method that this
is true. It is an unproven and unprovable theory. Nothing more, just a
theory. Since we do not have reliable data from 600,000 years ago, we
don't know what the levels were then.

3. You have failed to provide any demonstrable, measurable, repeatable
proof that the two are in any way related to the exclusion of all other

> >
> >BzzzzzzT!  who the fuck cares?
> >
> >Plant-growth and polar ice core samples show that global warming
> >PRECEDES rises in C02.

> BZZZZZ.  Those polar ice cores you point to show that CO2 has never been
> this high and show that CFC's weren't around till this century.

Again. You post as fact a theory that has more holes than 600,000 tons of
Swiss cheese.

Are your parents paying for your education or are you stealing from other
folks. Whoever is footing the bill is obviously being cheated.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:12:10 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 01:17 PM,
   "Joe R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Actually, temperature _does_ have an impact on CO2 levels.

> Within normal limits, higher temperatures tend to increase plant growth.
>  That means more CO2 is tied up in the plant.

> Of course, that's only one of several thousand things that affect CO2 
> levels, though.

Ah, sanity. Of course this is a concept beyond the grasp of Bowen.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming.  (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:27:40 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 10:09 PM,
   "Joseph T. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> The catastrophes of earlier geological ages did not destroy the earth,
> nor will our activities, but they *did* change the climate in ways that
> would have been horribly destructive to human civilization had it
> existed at the time.  The fear is that our far smaller, but still
> potentially significant, activities might similarly cause destruction to
> human (and other) habitats in the relatively near future.

> I'm not convinced that it will.  I'm convinced that it might, though,
> and that the chance that it might is sufficient reason for us to
> continue to study and to evaluate our activities to make sure that we
> aren't creating any potentially avoidable problems.

I'm not convinced that when I take off in an airplane that it won't fall
apart and kill me. However, that doesn't stop me from flying the plane. If
we all followed you advice, we would still be living in caves debating
whether fire was good or bad.

> : It's rather arrogant and self-important
> : to think that humans are so powerful that we could permanently change
> : or destroy the ecosystem and have it stay permanently dead.

> I don't think anyone is alleging that we could permanently destroy the
> Earth.  Only that our activities, if continued unchecked, could alter
> climate substantially enough, and for long enough, to have a detrimental
> impact on human and other habitats. 

Ah a Luddite of the first order. Why don't you go back, live in a cave,
hunt for your food, and worry about what effect fire will have on your

> : We will
> : kill ourselves with war or accidentally releasing a deadly virus
> : into the world before we'll ever hope to destroy this planet.

> Very possible.  We've come damn close, more than once.  Closer than most
> people are willing to believe.

> : Granted, we shouldn't try, I agree we need to control ourselves

> That's all I'm saying.  It's all that responsible environmentalists are
> saying too.  (There are a lot of very *irresponsible* folks pretending
> to be environmentalists that are saying a lot more.  Mostly, those are
> folks with political agendas, usually of a leftist variety, who *use*
> well-meaning but naive environmental activists to promote that agenda.)

Just name me one "responsible" environmentalist. No matter whom you come
up with, I will be able to show that he or she is proposing artificial
limits on human activity based upon unproven theories. I refuse to be
limited by such nonsense.

> , but
> : this world has been through huge floods, all sorts of geological
> : disasters (giant earthquakes, massive volcanoes spewing millions of
> : tons of CO/2, methane, and all other sorts of noxious gasses into
> : the atmosphere) and look where we are today, paradise.

> We have an environment that is in many respects better than it ever has
> been (more free from infectious disease, for example).

> The challenge is keeping it that way.

> And in spite of the progress we've made, there still are serious
> problems such as air pollution in large cities, both air and water
> pollution behind the former Iron Curtain, rapid deforestation in certain
> areas (mostly South America and Latin America), and, to be blunt,
> unsustainable development in certain parts of the world where there
> simply is not enough guaranteed fresh water to sustain life.  (The
> wealthy oil states of the Middle East, and the urban areas of the
> southwestern U.S., are prime examples of this). 

I suppose you have never heard of desalinization of seawater. It appears
from my memory of the middle east that it is adjacent to the Mediterranian
Sea, the Red Sea, and the Persian Gulf. I rather think there is plenty of
sea water to satisfy the needs of the populations you cited.

Were Los Angeles and its surroundings to stop diverting the Colorado River
and start using desalinization, there would be far more fresh water
available to the rest of the southwest than any potential demand.

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How low can they go...?
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 00:49:33 -0500

"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Said Erik Funkenbusch in comp.os.linux.advocacy;
> >"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> Said Erik Funkenbusch in comp.os.linux.advocacy;
> >> >"T. Max Devlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> >> >Replacing default NC_PAINT behavior is performs the same
> >> >> >function as replacing the window manager in X.
> >> >>
> >> >> Except you can use a commonly available alternative window manager
> >> >> X, and there is no such thing with monopoly crapware.
> >> >
> >> >Never seen Window Blinds, have you?
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> Never seen anyone using it.
> >
> >Doesn't change the fact you said you couldn't do this.  Further, the 1.3
> >version has had over 2 million downloads from alone.
> Did I say "you cannot do this?"  I think not.

Yes.  You did.  Scroll up... it's still in the quotes.

> I said it isn't commonly
> available, and observed that nobody that I know of is using this (and I
> have several thousands more people that I'd know about beyond my 'circle
> of friends' if they were).

No, you said:
> >> >> Except you can use a commonly available alternative window manager
> >> >> X, and there is no such thing with monopoly crapware.

See there where it says "and there is no such thing with monopoly crapware."
That's you saying it doesn't exist.  Fess up.

> >> >Really, I seem to be able to run X clients just fine under Windows.
> >>
> >> Not without an X server add-on, you can't.
> >
> >You said only that "such things are available on Unix, and are not on
> >Windows".  Available does not mean "ships with the OS".
> Neither does "1.3 million downloads", I'm afraid.  Available in this
> respect would mean 'widely implemented alternative'.  You've heard of

Stop backpeddling.  There have been more downloads of Windows Blinds (across
all available download services) than there are installed copies of Linux on
desktops.  If it's "widely available" and it runs on a percentage of Linux
machines, then it's widely available for Windows as well with those numbers.

> 'network effect', I'm sure.  Well, this isn't that.  But its close.  Its
> the reason that all those OEM's testified, according to Judge Jackson,
> that there "was no commercially available alternative" to Microsoft's
> products.  It means it would have cost them too much money to bother
> trying to avoid the monopoly, not that any random functional technology
> was not available at a worthwhile cost with which to replace it, if they
> could have avoided the anti-competitive actions which would deter their
> 'defection'.

Yet a mere 3 months after the testimony, virtually every major OEM was
offering Linux as an alternative.

> >Stop backpeddling.
> Believe me, numbnuts; I don't need to backpeddle.  Just because you are
> still failing to understand what I'm trying to explain to you, and I
> don't generally lose patience trying, does not mean I'm backpeddling.
> It means your insistence that you've understood what I said to begin
> with is an empty pretense.

I can't understand what you're saying when you change what you mean so


From: Bob Germer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [OT] Global warming. (was Public v. Private Schools)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:32:10 GMT

On 09/18/2000 at 04:28 PM,
   Jason Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > Your Eco-chicken-little scenarios were discredited YEARS ago, little
> > *BOY*

> Notice Aarons persists that I am from the left and doesn't provide proof
> for his claims.  A stinking pile of shit has more sense than him.

Jason lad, don't you wonder why not a single person has agreed with
anything you post?

Bob Germer from Mount Holly, NJ - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 4.0 w/ FixPack 14
MR/2 Ice 2.20 Registration Number 67
Finishing in 2nd place makes you first loser


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jake Taense)
Subject: Re: The Linux Experience
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:33:35 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] () wrote:

>>>If this person really knew Linux, he/she would have known that RedHat 6.2's
>>>font server already has support for TrueType fonts and that replacing xfs
>>>was NOT necessary. Instead, your friend should have read Donovan Rebbechi's
>>>excellent Font HOWTO:
>>It's very possible to know linux just fine, and not know the ins and outs of 
>>one particular distribution. RedHat 6.2 uses a 3.3.x-based Xfree86. My 
> which point it's your responsibility to EDUCATE YOURSELF
>        or admit that you aren't a suitable source of help.

Hmmm... did a search on your prior posts. Zealot, eh?

Well, it's too bad that you can't read worth spit. I am perfectly aware that 
they include a truetype-enabled server with RedHat. I also did not waste my 
friends time, as you indicated in your other reply. Read for content, my 
vacant-headed friend.

I solved the problem in short order. As you seem to do on a regular basis, you 
missed the point - that given what seemed to be perfectly good documentation, 
everything went wrong - an altogether too-common issue with linux.

She had the necessary information in front of her, and it seemed to cover the 
bases. Step by step instructions. All seemed well.

>        Besides, Font Deuglification would likely have been an appropriate
>        curative for this particular anecodotal user. Besides which, TT
>        fonts look nasty without greyscale anti-aliasing.

Oh, yeah. Let's use a search term that isn't even a real word and hope newbies 
will somehow guess it. Deuglification...



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