Linux-Advocacy Digest #507, Volume #30           Tue, 28 Nov 00 16:13:03 EST

  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Edward Rosten)
  Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is... (Edward Rosten)
  Re: The Sixth Sense (Giuliano Colla)
  Re: Statistic about this bigot group (sfcybear)
  Re: Linux for nitwits (Tim)
  Re: Whistler review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Whistler review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Whistler review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Whistler review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Whistler review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Netscape review. (Curtis)
  Re: Netscape review. ("Joel Barnett")
  Re: Whistler review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Whistler review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Whistler review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Netscape review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Windoze 2000 - just as shitty as ever (.)
  Re: Whistler review. (Matthew Soltysiak)
  Re: Statistic about this bigot group (Mike Raeder)
  Re: Is design really that overrated? (Mig)


From: Edward Rosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:16:15 +0000

> I wasn't criticizing the little BSD daemon, he's really cute. Tux isn't. Tux
> has a dead glassy/insane look about him that makes me rather uneasy.

Have you seen the satanic tux?


Did you know that the reason that windows steam up in cold | Edward
weather is because of all the fish in the atmosphere?      | u98ejr
        - The Hackenthorpe Book of lies                    | @


From: Edward Rosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Ok, putting money where my mouth is...
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:16:50 +0000

the_blur wrote:
> > Really fine drawings. I don't know anything about art, but you sure can
> > hold a crayon in your hands.
> >
> > One remark: Tux was never meant to be taken serious. It reflects the
> > character of the linux community: just a stupid picture, don't think too
> > much about it, it's part of the fun. Your penguinos look good, very good,
> > but they're too serious. Does making your penguins humorous sound like
> > rape?
> Hehe, I'm just following SOP to design a proper animal graphic. First, I
> draw pennguins. Lots of penguins, then I'll start stylizing them into
> graphic images, then I'll refine..refine and refine... and then start over
> for another pinguino.

Still, most of us here couldn't draw like that. I couldn't.


Did you know that the reason that windows steam up in cold | Edward
weather is because of all the fish in the atmosphere?      | u98ejr
        - The Hackenthorpe Book of lies                    | @


From: Giuliano Colla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Sixth Sense
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:20:02 GMT

Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> Ayende Rahien wrote:
> >
> > "Chris Ahlstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> >  How wuz I
> > supposed
> > > to know that all my clients had to install IE 4 for my code to work.
> > > Yeeeesh!
> >
> > No, that is *not* windows problem.
> Your right, it was a Microsoft problem.
> > That is *your* problem.
> It sure was, I had to deduce that COMCTRL32.DLL was at fault, because
> it sure wasn't part of the Visual C++ documentation at that time.
> > You application used updated DLL, which you didn't bother to check.
> I learned, after that, that Microsoft modifies the addresses in DLL's
> any time they want to, without warning.

WHAT! Do you mean that you must use addresses instead of
symbolic references (resolved at load time) to access stuff
in a DLL?

Back in 1969 I selected HP2116 minicomputer instead of PDP
8, because (among other things) the link to system calls
through absolute addresses seemed to me quite archaic!

Of all the crappy MS things I heard this is really great!
Well, of course it's faster, but it's from stone age

Goes together with system not being able to tell who's using
a loaded DLL!


From: sfcybear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Statistic about this bigot group
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:05:18 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerson Kurz) wrote:
> I evaluated 1335 mails including the heavy traffic threads "Of course
> there is a downside" and "The sixth sense". This is a list of the top
> ten newsreaders used to post messages. If you're interested I can post
> the source, or a complete list for this group (my server currently
> holds ~4100 messages but I didn't care enough for downloading them
> all).
>  34 Users -  MicroPlanet Gravity v2.30
>  34 Users -  slrn/ (NetBSD)
>  36 Users -  Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17-21mdksmp i686)
>  44 Users -  Mozilla 4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
>  82 Users -  Forte Agent 1.8/32.548
>  90 Users -  slrn/ (Linux)
>  91 Users -  Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4522.1200
> 121 Users -  Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
> 126 Users -  Mozilla 4.5 [en]C-CCK-MCD {TLC;RETAIL}  (Win98; U)
> 268 Users -  Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
> Of course, you're all on WINE, right ? Yeah sure.

No, the MS supporters have many Email address! Ever notice the joke
about clare?


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Linux for nitwits
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 14:15:56 -0600


> I
> The trouble with migrating to other window managers is that,
> as a new convert to Linux, I don't automagically know how
> to switch to the new window manager after having installed
> it, and the documentation seems to think you should already
> know how to do this so they don't tell you.  Slackware's
> xap1 "disk series" automagically sets everything so that
> the FVWM95 hack is used in place of the default FVWM2, and
> I haven't managed to do anything in changing window managers
> other than require a complete re-install of Slackware.

It's not that hard ... I use kdm (KDE2), and adding another window manager 
is as simple as installing it and adding it to the list of available 
sessions in the kdm configuration dialog.  Then just choose at login.  I 
use debian BTW.


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Whistler review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:24:29 GMT

> Whatever school you're studying at....I'd transfer out of, if I were you.

Oh it's the smart pretender again.. If i were you, I'd take more time and stop being a
pretender.  Ok?

Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Whistler review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:27:22 GMT

> Tell us, many operating systems have you ever written
> programs for?
> --
> Aaron R. Kulkis
> Unix Systems Engineer
> ICQ # 3056642

And how many have you done, "Unix systems Engineer"?  0?  Oh, make that, "Unix
System Admin"
Oh man, this thread is gonna go for a while.  I love this, ppl are responding
because of a one-liner.   You ppl need
some caffine or some stress relief.

Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Whistler review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:28:06 GMT

Did that line strike your nerve like everyone else?  Good... Keep it up. I'll be

Jacques Guy wrote:

> Matthew Soltysiak wrote:
> > Ok, so go away... why did you respond to this?  Stupid linvocates.. whistler will
> > continue windows domination over the world.
> Sieg heil! Or, in Italian: Eia, eia, eia, alalà! But, of course,
> to understand that, you must either have lived under Mussolini,
> or watched Pasolini's stunning adaptation of Sade's "120 days
> of Sodom".

Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Whistler review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:30:02 GMT

"Gregory L. Hansen" wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Matthew Soltysiak  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> I DON'T CARE!!!
> >>
> >> I will still continue to run my Linux System which has performed for me better
> >> than anything MS has ever done.
> >>
> >
> Why did you cross-post your review to Linux and Mac newsgroups?
> If you're going to review Windows products in a Linux newsgroup, don't be
> surprised or upset if Linux users tell you they don't care.  That's why
> they're in a Linux newsgroup instead of a Windows newsgroup.

Yea, next time i will.  The person who wrote this original thread cross-posted, not
me.  Anyway, if the Linux newsgroup ppl don't care, why are they all screaming like
raped apes?  Nerves, nerves...
Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Whistler review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:35:07 GMT

> Only if he's a software developer or consultant looking to be employable.
> Otherwise, what's the problem with his preference?
> --
> Tom Wilson
> Registered Linux User #194021
> Also...
>               NT 4.0 User
>               Win 95/98 User
> They're operating systems...Not religions

Yes.  I't amazing how many poeople take their os's seriously, ppl like Aaron and
Kiwiunixman.  One person says they like windows, then i post a one-liner, and
they all yell like bitches.  Goddamn crazy.

Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


From: Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 15:36:27 -0500

"Ayende Rahien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:

| As a note, using OE, I can get to 60MB+ of memory taken, but it's:
| A> Not a consistent behaviour, by this I mean that I can see that OE took
| 60MB or more (peak mem usage), but I rarely see it actually *stays* that
| way, the way netscape does.
| And OE only does this when I'm accessing news groups with hundreds or tens
| of thousands of  messages stored locally.
| Right now OE is consuming 13.5MB, and it peaked at 20MB.
| IE sometimes take a lot of memory, but never 20MB+ on a single window!

I'm surprised that someone with your level of knowledge uses OE. Why? Is
it the language support?

|         ,__o
!___    _-\_<,    An egotist thinks he's in the groove
<(*)>--(*)/'(*)______________________ when he's in a rut.


From: "Joel Barnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 12:39:59 -0800

"MH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:900eel$ac7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Let me help you with the wordiness problem.
> Anything browser by Netscape + AOL == second rate shite.
> Pure & simple. Penguinites may love it, but that's all the penguinites

Really ? Perhaps I'm hallucinating and only think I uninstalled Netscape on
my Linux box at  home and use Konqueror instead.

> You can't convince them. They'd cut off their penis to spite their balls.


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Whistler review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:39:48 GMT

"Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:

> Matthew Soltysiak wrote:
> >
> > kiwiunixman wrote:
> >
> > > I have nothing against Commercial Software, if fact I am an out right
> > > capitalist, however, Microsoft has a reputation for churning out shyte so
> > > that customers (like your self) think because it comes from Microsoft it
> > > must be good.
> >
> > Nope, i don't buy their software, and i never will.. I really don't care about
> > Miscrosft.  But I happen to like many of the commercials apps for Windows like
> > Protel and Orcard, and some others like Mia and SoftImage.  Too bad Linux
> > doesn't have these, eh?
> In that case, you would be best served if Microsoft faced significant
> competition for the desktop.

Of course.  That would be great.  Competition is always good.  I agree with you

> >
> > >  I am very soon moving from Linux to either a Sun Workstation
> > > (Solaris 8) or an SGI O2 Workstation (IRIX 6.5), both have extremely stable
> > > OS's, something Microsoft needs to learn about.  If you get ya rocks off
> > > running windows, and talking to your uneducated simpleton friends about it's
> > > so-called merits, then so be it, but don't expect the educated elite (aka
> > > UNIX users and people who question Microsoft and other so-called "market
> > > leaders") to listen your shyte.
> >
> > Oh brother.  So I have to be an "elite" unix user to be educated? Right. Naive
> You have the premise and conclusion mixed up.
> By the time you are well-educated in the field of computing, you will
> be completely, and thoroughly disgusted with Microsoft platforms.

Yep.  I am sick of many of their apps.  Yep i agree.  But still, many apps i need to
use are on big deal.

> It has taken them until the year 2000 to implement features that have
> been not merely common, but de_rigeur throughout the rest of the industry
> since the mid 1970's and even earlier.
> And they STILL can't get file-access right.  There is NO WAY to do a
> complete backup of a windows machine, because there is no "open file
> for READING" option.... Thus, any .exe or .dll file that is in use
> This is such a fundamental flaw that it would be humorous if it weren't
> for the fact that businesses actually use this crap.
> And I don't even want to get into the 5th-grade level fantasy-land
> thinking that brought about the "registry".
> --
> Aaron R. Kulkis
> Unix Systems Engineer
> ICQ # 3056642

Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Whistler review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:43:44 GMT

"Aaron R. Kulkis" wrote:

> Matthew Soltysiak wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > You're obviously going to a 3rd-rate college.
> >
> > I was hoping you would be a little more original.
> I'm 100% serious.
> >  Actually, I go to very nice college thanks.
> Compared to what?
> Carnegie-Mellon
> U of Cal, Berkely
> Purdue
> U of Illinois

Yes, i will be going to one of those for grad studies.

> These are the top-rated schools in Computer Science and
> Computer Systems Engineering.
> Microsoft sells you use as servers with design flaws
> that would cost a sophomore a 10% reduction in grade if used on
> a typical homework project at any of these schools.
> > Anyway, here's something that will blow your mind away (because i'm guessing 
>you're the type who
> > can't accept the truth, and has to advocate all kinds of shit to get somewhere).  
>People use
> > what they want to use.  The guy who like Whistler liked it.  Simple as that.  Is 
>your brain
> > suffering from crashed yet?  No?  good.
> Microsoft produces absolute shit.  If you haven't figured that
> out from your course-work, then your education is deficient.

Then you haven't learned a thing.  Read what i said carefully.  You're not paying 
Ultimatly, that'll be your undoing.

Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Whistler review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:49:23 GMT

Conrad Rutherford wrote:

> "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> <very large snip because Aaron doesn't understand the first thing about
> replying to posts or how to use usenet or even how to change underwear more
> than monthly 100+ lines to write unrelated stupidity at the bottom - a
> typical user, almost as bad as an user>

Yea, Aaron seems to love lagging downloads for everyone.  Every post i reply
from his, i end up cutting all that extra shit out.

> Hey Aaron, want YOUR hint?
> Hey, look at this car.
> Well, it's not really a car yet, it's just a bunch of parts made all over
> the world by different people and one guy stored them all over the place and
> you can get them from here and there and none of them are supported by the
> other parts but you could assemble them together yourself or pay someone
> else to put it together their way and then you can have the fun of making it
> work and figuring it out and then maybe you'll have a cheap car.
> One that looks like it came out of a bad 60s sci-fi movie. Sure it doesn't
> have power steering, power brakes, power windows, cruise control but you any
> have it in any color you'd like as long as it's black. Oh, and if you want
> to you can take it apart and put it back together as often as you'd like.
> And if it blows up it's all your fault and no one elses. If it doesn't even
> start, it's your problem. The steering wheel can go on any side you want,
> and so can the pedals. Fuck anyone else who wants to drive it - they will
> have to get in and crash a few times until they figure it out.
> And it's not even cool looking but it's l33t with the under 18 crowd and
> costs what they can afford. Sure, no one races them. Sure, no companies will
> stock their garage with them. Sure they look like ups trucks and run as long
> and are as fast as a corvette (think: corvette speed, ups truck handling -
> get the picture?).
> Oh yes, this is what I want - a supertanker that goes as fast as a
> powerboat... and turns on a small country sized piece of land IF you can
> figure out the controls. Oh, and the controls are two sticks that you pull
> one way one day and the other way another day and they are completely
> different in every model you see.
> You want the can't handle the truth. Linux is a university
> drop-out hobby. It's been taken over by hippies who don't know the 60s free
> love and free drugs are over. It's promoted by anyone who wants to ride the
> Anti-MS wave thats popular with the underground. it'll be there until the
> next thing comes along and replaces it as the Ultimate-Anti-MS-OS(tm).
> You sound like some kind of robotic soldier boy. I would bet dimes to
> dollars you are some deskpusher army brat.

Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:53:09 GMT

spicerun wrote:

> Ayende Rahien wrote:
> > Well, I've tried netscape. (6, windows version. On Whistler 2296 machine)
> > Just as a note, Whistler being a beta release of windows might skew the
> > results, but I don't think it would do such a degree as to nullify the
> > results that I post.
> > Even if you half the numbers I give, it's still *bad* for Netscape.

Then why are you responding/??   Go away.  Haha....the same over again.

> I will still continue to run my Netscape 4.75 Browser on Linux which has
> performed for me better than anything MS running Internet Exploder has ever
> done.  Once Mozilla comes out with a version with debugging turned off, I will
> be switching to it as soon as it is available.
> If you don't want intelligent people responding to this propaganda, keep it off
> the linux and mac newsgroups.
> <EOM>

Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


Subject: Re: Windoze 2000 - just as shitty as ever
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:53:29 +1300

> > There's nothing I can do with Windows which cannot be done
> > much better under Linux, as far as my professional and
> > personal needs are concerned. On the contrary there's a lot
> > of things which can be done only under Linux, and which
> > can't be conceivably done under Windows.
> GUI?
> Linux & Unix has the worst GUI I've ever had the displeasure to experiance.
> It drove me to the CLI.
> There isn't one one windows manager that can compare with Windows' GUI or
> Apple GUI.

So you've tried them all then?  When I first installed linux, I installed 
a window manager that behaved almost exactly like win95...  I don't see 
how you can claim windows is superior when I can get the same damn thing 
under linux.

> > Having some decades of experience in a number of different
> > OS's I may therefore claim that I've never found a single
> > instance where Windows didn't prove to be the worst possible
> > OS, tied to pre-unix technology, badly implemented, with
> > poor and unstable performance.
> You don't work with human users, then.

I work with human users.  What I find with human users is that they don't 
know jack shit about computers, and they don't want to.  When I sit a 
real user in front of windows for the first time, all your 'windows is so 
much easier' talk appears as the total bullshit it is.  These people are 
CLUELESS, and they seem to like it that way.  They learn little routines 
that they need to go through to get their job done, and that's it.  If 
the routine fails, they call tech support.  After about three months, 
they start to learn that tech support is just going to get them to press 
ctrl-alt-delete or reboot the machine again, so they start doing that.  
After a while, that becomes their first solution for everything.

Users could just as easily be given linux workstations, under the 
provision that they were aptly configured beforehand, and they would 
learn how to do their work.


From: Matthew Soltysiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Whistler review.
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:59:55 GMT

> Wow....look at this car
> It's great
> It's fantastic.
> They painted it at the factory!!!!
> No, I don't know anything about whether the engine is any good,
> or how it handles in turns....or even going in a straight line
> down a highway at a mere 60 km/h (US 40 mph)...i only got to
> drive it 5 feet forwards and back..
> Yeah...I know there's no locks on the doors...and you can't
> roll up the doesn't have any
> rear view mirrors...or seat belts...and that hand-crank in
> place of the usual steering wheel is gonna take some getting
> used to...and...yeah, it's kinda strange how they put the
> radio upside down mounted on the's got a really
> leaky fuel's got a custom paint job...and
> when I crack up on the highway, and die in a ball of fire...
> well, it's gonna look really cool!
> And...looking cool THAT's what's REALLY important...
> Here's a hint, Ayende....GROW THE FUCK UP

And you, keep your mouth closed and fingers off the keyboard, you moron.  You're
an arrogent, foolish, prick.  Get a life, or better yet, shoot yourself in the
head and go to hell.  It'll save a lot of people from lagging in this news group
(due to you having no clue on how to conserve bandwidth..idiot).

> --
> Aaron R. Kulkis
> Unix Systems Engineer
> ICQ # 3056642

Matthew Soltysiak
Comp Sci/Soft Eng
ICQ: 3063118


From: Mike Raeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Statistic about this bigot group
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 06:14:03 -0500

Gerson Kurz wrote:
>  91 Users -  Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4522.1200
> 121 Users -  Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
> 126 Users -  Mozilla 4.5 [en]C-CCK-MCD {TLC;RETAIL}  (Win98; U)
> 268 Users -  Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
> Of course, you're all on WINE, right ? Yeah sure.

Names!  We need names!  :)

My Australian Shepherd is smarter than your honour student


Subject: Re: Is design really that overrated?
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 22:05:23 +0100

Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

> "Mig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8vudi2$t70$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > BTW.. i agree with lots of your arguments.. except that i find KDE2
> > goodlooking and very stable (Im using Mandrake 7.2 also)
> Odly enough, I agree.  I'm rather impressed with KDE2 from an asthetic
> point of view.

Well lets disagree a bit :-)  I just hate that stop sign with the white 
cross.. its complettely  out of order compared with the other nice icons.. 
Take a look at the KDE netscape icon or konqueror or kedit icons.. Those 
are beautyfull, "soft" and relaxed icons. Now take a look at the Kmail or 
Knode icons. Not the same style - someone needs to be spanked :-)

But take a look at look at the logos and icons.. There 
are quality graphic artists available that work on Linux sites, we just 
need some work from them  :-)

> Mandrake, however has some very goofy things.  For instance, the
> MandrakeUpdate utility uses a scrollbar as a progress indicator... moving
> back and forth like a Cylon eyepiece... ugh.  Whoever did that should be
> shot.

Agree, i find that weird too. Maybe they should go with Netscape6/Mozilla  
way of doing it... its simple good looking and a bit annoying




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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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