Linux-Advocacy Digest #675, Volume #30            Wed, 6 Dec 00 00:13:05 EST

  Re: Windows review (moonie;))
  Re: Linux is awful (Doink)
  Re: Red hat becoming illegal? ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Linux is awful (remember)
  Re: Red hat becoming illegal? ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Red hat becoming illegal? ("Chad Myers")
  Re: Linux is awful (Snoopys older brother)
  Re: Anybody considering Linux should read this. (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: A Microsoft exodus! (Marty)
  Re: Linux is awful  ---> topic changed to "      Troll Needs Attention---News At 11" 
  Re: Red hat becoming illegal? (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: A Microsoft exodus! (Marty)
  Re: Why is MS copying Sun??? ("Chad Myers")
  CHAD!  WINDOWS SUCKS! (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Red hat becoming illegal? (kiwiunixman)


From: moonie;) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows review
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 23:10:52 -0500

On Tue, 05 Dec 2000, Colin R. Day wrote:
>JM wrote:
>> >of the time.
>> >
>> >
>> >True; RAM is dirt-cheap today (I personally recommend 128 MB as a "floor")
>> Cheap? What planet are you living on? It's extremely expensive!
>The cards I've seen at Office Depot are a little over a dollar a megabyte.
>Colin Day

I have found it MUCH cheaper around $60 (US) for 128MB.
moonie ;)

Registered Linux User #175104
   (Registered at:

Kernel 2.4.0-test5
XFree86 4.0 Nvidia .94 drivers
RAID 0 Striped
Test-Pilots-R-Us ;)
ICQ #83003404
AIM mooniesdl3


From: Doink
Subject: Re: Linux is awful
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 23:21:25 -0800

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 12:34:04 -0600, "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>"Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > How about setting your monitor refresh rate?
>> Not even an option under MS LoseDOS, so why are you bringing this up?
>You're insane.  Of course you can.
This isn't an option in the OS.  It's an option if the Monitor maker
allows the drivers to set the refresh.  Has nothing to do with the OS.


From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red hat becoming illegal?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:09:02 GMT

"Chris Ahlstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Chad Myers wrote:
> >
> > Can you so blindly dismiss the truth?
> I am not blind, nor am I dismissing, nor is it truth.
> > Can you not see what is going on, or what has gone on? Unfortunately, you
> > are one of the ignorant Americans I was referring to. You seem fit to
> > dismiss the obvious because it's not something you want to be confronted
> > with.
> You're right about that.  I'm more worried about goose-stepping skinheads,
> trigger-happy survivalists, pointy-headed kluxxers, and CIA bosses and
> company bosses who want to implant GPS receivers in people's bodies
> than I am about daemonic Democrats.
> > Please note I'm not attacking you personally, or calling you stupid
> > or anything like that. I'm just saying that there are many people out there
> > too busy to be concerned with how their government is being systematically
> > overturned right under their noses.
> It's the will of the people, man.  We elected them.  It's called
> democracy.
> > It wasn't three days after Hillary was elected and she wanted to change
> > the Constitution. There is a pattern here...
> Humans often find patterns in random data.
> I have a friend at work who is a very nice guy, well-meaning, works hard,
> helps people, and is very "liberal", in the sense of "giving freely".
> Yet he has an obsession with "democrats" and "liberals", and, when he
> comes in ranting about the latest Democratic "atrocities", I know he's
> been listening to Rush's rants.  His is exhibiting what I call
> "Rush Rage".

People often become enraged after hearing the truth. Many people don't
realize there's a rape in the U.S. on average every 6 minutes. Actually,
that number was from the 80's, I'm sure it's higher now.

Or they don't realize that thousands or millions of children die
needlessly in 3rd world countries from diseases we take for granted
as being cured in the U.S. such as Polio, Influenze and the common cold.

Nor do they want to, nor realize that their government is being systematically
dismantled and sold by the Liberals (not necessarily Democrats). They are
creating an atmosphere of reliance on Government as the Daddy of everyone and
that the Government is always right.

"You don't need those guns, they're hurting children!"
"It was just sex, it was all about sex, the Republicans are forcing their
moral viewpoint on us!"
(never mind that the frickin' President of the United
States of America was a.) gettin' a hummer in the PEOPLE'S OFFICE b.) lied
about it repeatedly to the American people themselves, AND under oath on
several occasions and then c.) proceeded to politically and socially assassinate
Monica, Juanita, Jennifer, Kenn Starr, Newt Gingrich, and countless other
women which the President abused. Not to mention allegations and investigations
into rape, love children (yes, plural) and countless murders. The death-toll
surrounding the current administration now tops 45. 12 of which are former or
were current body guards or service men sworn to protect the Governor/President.
Many with bullets in the backs of their heads, but reported as dying of natural
causes. The facts are there, you merely have to check them.)

Listen to Rush just one day. Just one hour. If you hear ONE thing, just
ONE thing that he says that isn't completely, and absolutely true, then
I'll stop listening to him myself.

> I have learned to avoid certain topics, or to deflect the conversation
> to more conventional lines.  Otherwise, I'd be spending all day arguing,
> settling nothing, irritating all surrounding cubicle-mates, and not
> getting our projects done.

See, you just ignore. There are outrages and attrocities being committed
every day even in the U.S. alone, but you are content to merely ignore
it and pass it on because it's too large for you to think about.

Tell that to the 47 people whose lives were ended abruptly by just
knowing someone they shouldn't have.

> It is simpler to avoid a paranoid fantasy realm, in the same way I
> avoid Windozzzzzzzz fanatics, and the same way some people avoid Linux,
> Mac, BeOS, and other fanatics.

But I'm talking about the truth here.

One example: Ron Brown. Commerce Secretary. Deceased. Died in plane
crash in BOSNIA of all places during a war. What, pray tell, was the
Secretary of Commerce doing in a battle zone?

An investigation and autopsy in the matter revealed that the
Secretary had been killed not by the crash, but a fatal gunshot
wound to the head at point blank -- execution style.

Not more than a week before, during some of the initial special
prosecutor investigations into the Whitewater and Lewinsky matters,
Mr. Brown had stated publically that he was "willing to talk" to
the special prosecutor.

Larry Nichols has documented 47 people whose lives were ended in
relation with Clinton.

Check it. I can give you the list that Mr. Nichols has compiled.

If you can prove any one of them wrong, I'll vote Democrat next



From: remember
Subject: Re: Linux is awful
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 23:34:44 -0800

On Tue, 05 Dec 2000 22:48:28 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JM) wrote:

>windows "bigotry".

Nice one Chi chi!

 It's only bigotry if it's not true.  C'mon tell me windows runs well.
I'll show you 15 newsgroups about digging into the registry.


From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red hat becoming illegal?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:12:25 GMT

"Chris Ahlstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Chad Myers wrote:
> >
> > "Chris Ahlstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > Chad Myers wrote:
> > > >
> > > > As well they should with Daley's Chicago and all the rumors (facts
> > > > of corruption, voter fraud, voter intimidation, coaching, etc that cost
> > > > Nixon the election.
> > >
> > > Where's your source on this?  Where is your proof?
> >
> > Daley's iron grip of Chicago is a well known fact. If you do even some
> > passive research, you will find numerous accountings of organized voter
> > in Chicago. Everything ranging from dead people voting, to felons, to
> > homeless and poor voters with cigarettes, drugs, etc.
> Ha ha, I was merely quoting the late Richard J. Daley, who was fond of
> saying "Where is your proof?" whenever challenged by allegations.
> If you remember, I recommended you read "Boss" by Mike Royko.  Of course,
> you'll chalk it up to the daemonic Democrats, but it's really an issue
> of personal power.

The FBI initiated an investigation after the 1960 election in Chicago because
of strong allegations of these claims.

The FBI doesn't initiate investigations into existing Presidents or President-
elects very often, if ever. This makes a huge statement as to the validity
of the allegations.

What happened with the investigation? No report was ever released. The
case was put on hold, never to be seen again. I'm sure it's under a rug
somewhere or perhaps at the bottom of Lake Michigan.

Maybe that's what Hillary was looking for with all the FBI files she
had in the White House?



From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red hat becoming illegal?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:16:36 GMT

"Chris Ahlstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Chad Myers wrote:
> >
> > Conservatives want to break everyone's dependence on the government as a
> > source of life. They want people to be self sufficient and independent.
> They aren't alone in this feeling.

Well, Reform and Libertarians I'm sure feel the same way. But actions
speak louder than words, and the Democrats' actions say that they
would like to have every citizen as an employee to the Federal Government
or relying on it for daily sustinance. One or the other. Which line are
you in?

> > Minorities should be proud of what the GOP's goal intends. If the
> > minorities were to ever stand up, fight, educate themselves, and assert
> > themselves (peacefully) in business and politics, they would be a real
> > force to be reconded with. It is the liberals who are content to keep
> > the minorities down, spoon feed them and make them lazy and dependent.
> > In this dependent state, they have no recourse but to do whatever the
> > liberals say, because if they don't, their livelyhood would be cut.
> There exists a horde of minority businessmen and women who are already
> a force to be reckoned with.  For example, ever watch Univision?
> (Not the best example, I'll grant that.)

So that makes it ok that the rest of them are being taken advantage of
by the liberals?

> > The smartest thing a minority person could do, would be to vote for
> > a conservative.
> Oh, an automatic vote, no thinking, is smart.  Sigh.




From: Snoopys older brother
Subject: Re: Linux is awful
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 23:39:43 -0800

On Mon, 04 Dec 2000 21:04:39 GMT, "Christopher L. Estep"
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
>That is precisely the fatal flaw in Linux, and why it will NEVER take over
>the majority of desktops: the steep learning curve.  Compared to Linux, NT 4
>has next to no learning curve (and Windows 2000 has even less), which makes
>them drop-dead simple for businesses to adopt (Comcast Cable Communications
>is the third-largest cable company in the US, and is all either NT 4 or
>Windows 2000, from server closet to CAE desktop) or individuals (@Home is
>the ONLY cable modem Internet service that supported Windows 2000 from
>Launch Day).
>True, Linux has made major strides in everything from application support to
>hardware support, but the learning curve is worse than that for Windows NT;
>FAR worse.  The learning curve for Windows 2000 is, to some extent, easier
>than that for 9x (and FAR easier than that for NT 4), and that for Whistler
>is planned to be easier still.  Can Linux fix this without alienating the
>techies who love Linux BECAUSE of the steep learning curve?
>Christopher L. Estep
I wonder why your posting this in a linux group??  Maybe cause you
like hearing yourself talk.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert)
Subject: Re: Anybody considering Linux should read this.
Reply-To: Charlie Ebert:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:33:40 GMT

On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 01:56:24 GMT, tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Charlie Ebert:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The fundamental issue which people seem to keep dancing around
>> is the cost of Windows.  The cost is what will kill windows
>> for everybody.
>Good point.  It's ridiculous that M$ releases minor upgrades, then
>charges nearly $100 for them.  When you can d/l for free pretty much
>everything that a "new" version adds, that's proof the release wasn't
>needed or at least should have been priced only what was necessary to
>cover costs.  (I wouldn't even be using 98 now if it hadn't already
>been on the used system I got a few months ago; 95b worked just fine on
>my old P133.)

If you are a software developer to play their game initially
you were looking at 2-3 grand a year to keep current with
NT and the server and the SQL database and the VB tools.

Today including your certification it's much closer to $8,000
a year and to BOOT the market is saturated with people with
certifications so the market has fallen on the pay scale.

It truely doesn't pay to play this game.



Subject: Re: A Microsoft exodus!
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:32:45 GMT

> Marty writes:
> >> Invective five times does not make a logical argument, Aaron.
> > How ironic.
> Where is the alleged irony, Marty?

See below.

> > DT] Still suffering from reading comprehension problems, Marty?
> > DT] Reading comprehension problem noted again.
> > DT] Reading comprehension problem noted again.
> > DT] Reading comprehension problem noted again.
> > DT] Still suffering from memory problems, Marty?
> Where did any of those appear in my responses to Aaron, Marty?

Non sequitur.

> > MA] I'll give you a limit of 5 before the discussion ends.
> Any particular reason you chose to reproduce that quotation, Marty?

More evidence of your reading comprehension problems.

> Do you intend to apply that to this discussion?

Very good, Dave.

> Of course, if you do, I know better than to believe it.

One wouldn't expect that you'd know better than to be illogical.

> I'll also note that you chose not to say anything about the issue,

On the contrary, I've addressed the irony of your comment directly.

> which is whether anything about a computer can be intuitive.

More evidence of your reading comprehension problems.

> No surprise there.

You're presupposing that I was attempting to surprise you.  That's a
particularly illogical presupposition, given that my posting was composed
entirely of an article which you've already read and to which you've already

> You'd rather play more of your "infantile game".

More invective, eh?  To paraphrase you:  Invective six times does not make a
logical argument, Dave.


From: Doink!
Subject: Re: Linux is awful  ---> topic changed to "      Troll Needs Attention---News 
At 11"
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 23:45:05 -0800


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert)
Subject: Re: Red hat becoming illegal?
Reply-To: Charlie Ebert:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:38:13 GMT

On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:09:02 GMT, 
Chad Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Chris Ahlstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Chad Myers wrote:
>> >
>> > Can you so blindly dismiss the truth?
>> I am not blind, nor am I dismissing, nor is it truth.
>> > Can you not see what is going on, or what has gone on? Unfortunately, you
>> > are one of the ignorant Americans I was referring to. You seem fit to
>> > dismiss the obvious because it's not something you want to be confronted
>> > with.
>> You're right about that.  I'm more worried about goose-stepping skinheads,
>> trigger-happy survivalists, pointy-headed kluxxers, and CIA bosses and
>> company bosses who want to implant GPS receivers in people's bodies
>> than I am about daemonic Democrats.
>> > Please note I'm not attacking you personally, or calling you stupid
>> > or anything like that. I'm just saying that there are many people out there
>> > too busy to be concerned with how their government is being systematically
>> > overturned right under their noses.
>> It's the will of the people, man.  We elected them.  It's called
>> democracy.
>> > It wasn't three days after Hillary was elected and she wanted to change
>> > the Constitution. There is a pattern here...
>> Humans often find patterns in random data.
>> I have a friend at work who is a very nice guy, well-meaning, works hard,
>> helps people, and is very "liberal", in the sense of "giving freely".
>> Yet he has an obsession with "democrats" and "liberals", and, when he
>> comes in ranting about the latest Democratic "atrocities", I know he's
>> been listening to Rush's rants.  His is exhibiting what I call
>> "Rush Rage".
>People often become enraged after hearing the truth. Many people don't
>realize there's a rape in the U.S. on average every 6 minutes. Actually,
>that number was from the 80's, I'm sure it's higher now.
>Or they don't realize that thousands or millions of children die
>needlessly in 3rd world countries from diseases we take for granted
>as being cured in the U.S. such as Polio, Influenze and the common cold.
>Nor do they want to, nor realize that their government is being systematically
>dismantled and sold by the Liberals (not necessarily Democrats). They are
>creating an atmosphere of reliance on Government as the Daddy of everyone and
>that the Government is always right.
>"You don't need those guns, they're hurting children!"
>"It was just sex, it was all about sex, the Republicans are forcing their
>moral viewpoint on us!"
>(never mind that the frickin' President of the United
>States of America was a.) gettin' a hummer in the PEOPLE'S OFFICE b.) lied
>about it repeatedly to the American people themselves, AND under oath on
>several occasions and then c.) proceeded to politically and socially assassinate
>Monica, Juanita, Jennifer, Kenn Starr, Newt Gingrich, and countless other
>women which the President abused. Not to mention allegations and investigations
>into rape, love children (yes, plural) and countless murders. The death-toll
>surrounding the current administration now tops 45. 12 of which are former or
>were current body guards or service men sworn to protect the Governor/President.
>Many with bullets in the backs of their heads, but reported as dying of natural
>causes. The facts are there, you merely have to check them.)
>Listen to Rush just one day. Just one hour. If you hear ONE thing, just
>ONE thing that he says that isn't completely, and absolutely true, then
>I'll stop listening to him myself.
>> I have learned to avoid certain topics, or to deflect the conversation
>> to more conventional lines.  Otherwise, I'd be spending all day arguing,
>> settling nothing, irritating all surrounding cubicle-mates, and not
>> getting our projects done.
>See, you just ignore. There are outrages and attrocities being committed
>every day even in the U.S. alone, but you are content to merely ignore
>it and pass it on because it's too large for you to think about.
>Tell that to the 47 people whose lives were ended abruptly by just
>knowing someone they shouldn't have.
>> It is simpler to avoid a paranoid fantasy realm, in the same way I
>> avoid Windozzzzzzzz fanatics, and the same way some people avoid Linux,
>> Mac, BeOS, and other fanatics.
>But I'm talking about the truth here.
>One example: Ron Brown. Commerce Secretary. Deceased. Died in plane
>crash in BOSNIA of all places during a war. What, pray tell, was the
>Secretary of Commerce doing in a battle zone?
>An investigation and autopsy in the matter revealed that the
>Secretary had been killed not by the crash, but a fatal gunshot
>wound to the head at point blank -- execution style.
>Not more than a week before, during some of the initial special
>prosecutor investigations into the Whitewater and Lewinsky matters,
>Mr. Brown had stated publically that he was "willing to talk" to
>the special prosecutor.
>Larry Nichols has documented 47 people whose lives were ended in
>relation with Clinton.
>Check it. I can give you the list that Mr. Nichols has compiled.
>If you can prove any one of them wrong, I'll vote Democrat next

Tom Ballentine {WWCR}

That's the guy who probably talked about this subject
the best.



Subject: Re: A Microsoft exodus!
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:35:13 GMT

> Aaron R. Kulkis writes:
> >> Marty writes:
> >>>> Invective five times does not make a logical argument, Aaron.
> >>> How ironic.
> >> Where is the alleged irony, Marty?
> >>> DT] Still suffering from reading comprehension problems, Marty?
> >>> DT] Reading comprehension problem noted again.
> >>> DT] Reading comprehension problem noted again.
> >>> DT] Reading comprehension problem noted again.
> >>> DT] Still suffering from memory problems, Marty?
> >> Where did any of those appear in my responses to Aaron, Marty?
> >>> MA] I'll give you a limit of 5 before the discussion ends.
> >> Any particular reason you chose to reproduce that quotation, Marty?
> >> Do you intend to apply that to this discussion?  Of course, if you do,
> >> I know better than to believe it.
> >>
> >> I'll also note that you chose not to say anything about the issue,
> >> which is whether anything about a computer can be intuitive.  No
> >> surprise there.  You'd rather play more of your "infantile game".
> > you smell all that shit?...
> You mean yours or Marty's?

Don't you know?  It's your head up one of our asses afterall.

> > it's the inside of your rectum.
> Illogical.

Agreed.  Aaron's or my shit would not wind up inside of your rectum.

> > I suggest removing your head from that place.
> I suggest that you practice what you preach.

Are you suggesting that Aaron's head is currently inside of your rectum?


From: "Chad Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why is MS copying Sun???
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:24:54 GMT

"Ketil Z Malde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Ayende Rahien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> and will Word 200x use the standard format therein as its native
> >> format?
> > Yes.
> References please?
> > And when it does, it would be a a POC just to look at the file
> > with a text editor, and build a compatible word proceccor.
> Most of the XML effort from MS seems to me to be along the lines of
>       <?xml>
>         <OBJECT UUID="01324213KJHUI989875657HKHHJKGB">
>            <COM this and that/>
>         </OBJECT>
> Which, while perfectly valid XML, is also perfectly useless for
> anybody else.  I'd love to be proven wrong, but I'm not overly
> hopeful, since it's apparent to anybody that MS could stand to lose
> large parts of its most profitable markets if their document formats
> were easily reverse-engineered.
> I mean, people aren't *really* upgrading Word to get an animated
> paperclip, are they?

Ok, bear with me, this may be long and lines may wrap, but here's
a good start:

<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name=ProgId content=Word.Document>
<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 9">
<meta name=Originator content="Microsoft Word 9">
<link rel=File-List href="./This%20is%20a%20test_files/filelist.xml">
<title>This is a test</title>
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
</xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
 /* Style Definitions */
p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
 font-family:"Times New Roman";
 mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
@page Section1
 {size:8.5in 11.0in;
 margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;

<body lang=EN-US style='tab-interval:.5in'>

<div class=Section1>

<p class=MsoNormal>This is a test</p>





From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert)
Reply-To: Charlie Ebert:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:40:29 GMT

And now back to our topic please.



From: kiwiunixman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red hat becoming illegal?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:40:19 GMT

Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

> Tom Wilson wrote:
>> The trick is to filter out the dramatics. Personally, I can tolerate him for
>> no longer than five minutes at a stretch. Then, I have to get up and pop an
>> old VanHalen disc into the CD. Nothing helps you churn out code like classic
>> VH!  Devo and Rush (The band, that is) are good too. Oh yeah, A Bunn loaded
>> with fresh Kona coffee...gotta have that!
> I'm getting old and soft (except for soccer time!), so I'm more into
> new agey type music, preferably lots of rhythm'n'percussion, for coding.
> I don't listen to Devo much anymore, though they are one of my
> favorites.  Smart patrol!  No where to go!  Suburban robots that monitor
> reality!  Common stock!  We work around the clock!  We shove the poles
> in the holes!  Shove it!

I prefer 1960-70s Soul, Fuck (with the extremely heavy bass), Electric 
Light Orchestra, The Eagles, Little River Band, Barry White, Issac Hayes 
(the guy who sang the theme to Shaft), Beatles, Queen and lots of other 
"classics".  I cannot stand the modern day five boy/girl, talent less, 
commercially driven groups that would not be able to play and instrument 
to save themselves groups, and for the record, I play the piano, so I do 
have knowledge in the area of playing instruments.





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End of Linux-Advocacy Digest

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