Linux-Advocacy Digest #550, Volume #34           Wed, 16 May 01 10:13:05 EDT

  Re: Why Linux Is no threat to Windows domination of the desktop (chrisv)
  Re: To Erik: What is Wordperfect missing? (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: To Erik: What is Wordperfect missing? (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU! ("David Brown")
  Re: Why Linux Is no threat to Windows domination of the desktop (Robert W Lawrence)
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Campaign: Microsoft Free by October 1st (Neil Cerutti)
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux (Matthew Gardiner)
  Re: Campaign: Microsoft Free by October 1st (Neil Cerutti)
  Re: Campaign: Microsoft Free by October 1st (Craig Kelley)
  Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Linux posts #1 TPC-H result (W2K still better) ("David Brown")
  Re: Campaign: Microsoft Free by October 1st ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: chrisv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Linux Is no threat to Windows domination of the desktop
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 13:35:46 GMT

"Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> HMMM??? Are you claiming then that homosexual behavior is a disease????????
>Close.  He's claiming that it's the RESULT of a disease
>Or something.

Kookis, don't you tire of displaying your ignorance and bad logic to
the world?


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: To Erik: What is Wordperfect missing?
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:36:03 +1200

Edward Rosten wrote:

> > Why does this have be done the hard way on Windows? why not just go,
> > file, save, pdf (for file format), then click "save", thats how I do it
> > on Wordperfect for Linux.Word really does need to catch up.
> Cos word is a load of rubbish?

Jeepers creepers, not matra from Erik? he must be losing his touch :)

Matthew Gardiner


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: To Erik: What is Wordperfect missing?
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:38:58 +1200

> Your just pretending not to understand.  If you really don't understand the
> power of COM, please get a clue.
> Linux *CAN NOT* "embed" documents... this is TOTALLY different than
> importing data or whatever you call it.
> You look silly trying to imply Linux can do this when it can NOT and Windows
> CAN.  Now what part of this don't you understand ?
> -Todd

What benefits does that give me over what I am doing now? since you're the
COM expert around here. Also, most people in business just insert tables and
shit, they don't fuck around "embedding" or some other overly complicated way
to displaying data in a document. So whats your point? please list me the
possible benefits of embedding via COM over simple "insert".

Matthew Gardiner


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:40:22 +1200

Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

> Matthew Gardiner wrote:
> >
> > All admin can be done through a browser, or if you are using Solaris on the
> > client, use the special Java based admin program.  Whats so hard about that?
> > nothing. Aaron, also consider that Jan is a mear office clerk who uses Word and
> > Windows, and because she can install Windows from scratch that somehow makes her
> > an admin.
> I thought Jan Johanson was a man <grin>:

Fuck! some one get this guy a paper bag for the communities sake! shit, does his
mother wear army boots?

Matthew Gardiner


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:40:56 +1200

Jon Johansan wrote:

> "Chris Ahlstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Matthew Gardiner wrote:
> > >
> > > All admin can be done through a browser, or if you are using Solaris on
> the
> > > client, use the special Java based admin program.  Whats so hard about
> that?
> > > nothing. Aaron, also consider that Jan is a mear office clerk who uses
> Word and
> > > Windows, and because she can install Windows from scratch that somehow
> makes her
> > > an admin.
> >
> > I thought Jan Johanson was a man <grin>:
> >
> >
> hardly! Jan not Jon.
> (all W2K admin can be done through a browser too)

So there is a Jan and a Jon with the same last name?

Matthew Gardiner


From: "David Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsoft - WE DELETE YOU!
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 15:37:49 +0200

Jon Johansan wrote in message <3b027a4c$0$82769$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>There is no illegal backdoor in IIS. And, see thirdly for something that
>invalidates your entire thread.

The example in given was not a backdoor, but ...

You have not the slightest idea whether or not there is an illegal backdoor
in IIS.  Microsoft as a company has not the slightest idea about any
backdoors in IIS (actually, that's not true - they may know that backdoors
exists, but they cannot be sure that none exist).  There are very few
programmers in MS who deal with bits of code, and there is no working
quality control system (as demonstrated by the fact that "Netscape
programmers are weenies" was released, the famous NSA key, and of course the
Concept virus).  The fact that none of these turned out to be a major issue
or security breach (although the Concept virus was the basis of many real
viruses) does nothing to change the facts - programmers at MS put in code
that had no business being part of the software.  The code was at best
useless, and at worst dangerously mallicious, and the powers that be at MS
knew nothing of its existance.

If someone gets on board an aeroplane carrying an alarm clock connected up
to a packet of marzipan*, no one's lives are at risk, but the airport
security is definitly too weak.  MS's software is in a similar situation -
even if you, against all possible evidence and common sense, trust MS's good
intentions to provide secure systems, there is no way they can guarentee the
quality of their software.

(* Marzipan has a very similar consistency and X-Ray image to plastic

>Starting to get it (I'll wager not)?

Starting to get it (I'll wager not)?


From: Robert W Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Linux Is no threat to Windows domination of the desktop
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 07:41:31 -0500

"Edward Rosten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<>NO I'M BLOODY NOT!!!!!!!
<>I'm simply illustrating a non genetic thing that people have no choice
<>over. I cn't think of any others to hand since I'm not an expert on
<>medical matters. This is simply one I know about.

And where is your evidence that people have no choice over their homosexual

Robert W Lawrence

1Peter 5:7


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:44:58 +1200

> Ooooh, I see... so, proof is for heritics. We unix GODs have no need for
> proof - our disciples rely on faith and the passed down words of mainframe
> monks from history passed...
> Silly me for asking that someone prove something they claim - what was I
> thinking...
> Of course, we can borrow your logic and apply it to w2k too; W2K admins
> already know that W2K is reliable. We have no need to measure the length of
> our uptimes against others - we leave that for the penis envy crowd.

NT 4, the UNIX smasher, oh my, there are no UNIX servers left, NOT! get a life,
I went to the launch of NT4, o'l Billy proclaimed it as the UNIX smashing,
enterprise impressing OS.  6 service packs, and a patch for the last patch
later, we now have Windows 2000.  People are now questioning whether this will
be another NT4, riddled with bugs, security concerns and incompatibilities.
Personally, I would have kept with UNIXWare, the number of organisations that
still use it out numbers the number who use NT.

Matthew Gardiner


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:47:39 +1200

Jon Johansan wrote:

> "Chris Ahlstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Jan Johanson wrote:
> > >>
> > > 5 9s is conservative?
> > >
> > > Show me any proof of such a rediculous claim. Show me ANY unix vendor
> > > promising 6 9s of uptime. ANY OS/ANY hardware. Show me.
> >
> > Here's a little one from Novell:
> >
> >
> I meant "ANY UNIX/ANY hardware" but... so, it takes Novell to be the 6 9s
> king and requires a cluster.
> A Windows cluster can do this as well (and, hell, even a unix cluster). I'm
> talking single machines.

Apparently, the new version of Netware, which will be six, will be a large
improvement over version 5.1.  Having little experience with Novell servers, I
can't really comment on whether the respective story is fact or marketing.

Matthew Gardiner


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:49:59 +1200

Jon Johansan wrote:

> "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Chronos Tachyon wrote:
> > > Xenaphobia = Fear of leather-clad warrior princesses.
> > >
> > > Perhaps you mean xen*o*phobia, fear of outsiders?
> > >
> > >
> >
> > yeap, xenophobia. Bloody spell checker stuck on the bastardised sepo
> language.
> Spell checker here in Outlook express suggested xenophobia for xenaphobia -
> time to upgrade your agent.

Yeap, its the old Netscape, however, I now have the trusty Oxford Dictionary
at my side when faced with troubles.  My guess, I must of selected add one
time I was spell checking :(

Matthew Gardiner


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Cerutti)
Subject: Re: Campaign: Microsoft Free by October 1st
Date: 16 May 2001 13:50:52 GMT

Terry Porter posted:
>On Tue, 15 May 2001 19:11:27 +0700, Dave Martel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>> On Tue, 15 May 2001 22:26:06 +0200, Mig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>Well.. XEmacs runs on Windows - i have it installed - and GNUS is a 
>>>>excellent newsreader :-)
>>> I'm using slrn on NT4 right now.
>> I've been working my way through all of them. Agent still runs
>> circles around every newsreader I've ever seen, linux or
>> otherwise.
>Except in areas of cost as only 'Free Agent' is gratis ?
>Personally I cant stand Agent or Pan, perhaps SLRN has spoilt

slrn is terrific, but you have to love console apps to love slrn.

Neil Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:52:56 +1200

> That's Xenophobic and doesn't apply. Stupid. I've travelled to most of
> Europe, visited Canada, Mexico and South America. I hope to visit Australia
> some day.
> Just because someone/anyone cannot afford something, doesn't make that
> something bad - get it now?

I was simply pointing out that small businesses don't have a money tree, and
that would be the same situation in the US, however, Microsoft sells there
licenses cheaper in the US than in New Zealand, hence, they have had very
little success trying to get people to upgrade, not only because of the
licenses, but because of the ever increasing demand for faster and high spec
hardware Windows 2000 had.

Matthew Gardiner


From: Matthew Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 01:54:42 +1200

> matt - you are late to the tread and missed the point.
> however, gee, you have to ask - got 24 heat producing devices with no
> cooling and when you come back it's warm? Gosh ! How could THAT happen!?
> That does not address the difference between how warm it is when there are 8
> processors versus 12 processors in a single box.
> then again, visit any colocation center, examine their cooling capacity.
> their cooling costs are in 5 digits a month - do you really think a few
> bucks more anyone would notice?

Is that between the ever increasing black outs that are occuring in California?

Matthew Gardiner


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Cerutti)
Subject: Re: Campaign: Microsoft Free by October 1st
Date: 16 May 2001 13:56:36 GMT

Todd posted:
>I basically agree with you.
>I love W2k and I don't care much for Linux ( I don't think it begins to
>compare ) ...
>I really do resent MS for this product activation thing with XP.
>It is a pain in the ass and why can't I put windows on two
>machines that only I use at home ??
>This is bullshit on MS' part and they are going to alienate
>their most ardent supporters.

This is a very logical view, but do not underestimate the power
of cognitive dissonance.

Neil Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*** You found a dead moose rat and sold the hide for $150. ***


From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Campaign: Microsoft Free by October 1st
Date: 16 May 2001 07:58:50 -0600

Dave Martel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> To be honest, I think Free Agent is also better than all the linux
> newsreaders I've tried so far. Pan shows a lot of promise but it's
> still a ways from being completed.

How so?

> >Personally I cant stand Agent or Pan, perhaps SLRN has spoilt me :)
> Just tried SLRN on my FreeBSD system. Didn't care for it. Guess Agent
> has spoiled me. <g>

Newsreaders are harsh mistresses.  Once you get used to a certain one,
all the others seem less capable and clunky.  My first newsreader was
trn, and when I decided to change over to gnus (because trn wasn't
really being maintained anymore) it took at least a couple months to
get everything setup perfectly.  I still miss some of the neat
features of trn as well.

The thing I hate most about Pan/KNode/Free Agent/Outlook Express is
that I can't read news on more than one machine/platform.  If I read
news at work and then again from home, I have to sift through the same
information twice.  With gnus, I can use a graphical newsreader under
Linux (XEmacs) or read using Tera Term from a Windows machine anywhere
else.  I wouldn't reccomend gnus to anyone who wasn't *very* familiar
with emacs, but I really like it myself.

It won't be long before the CPU is a card in a slot on your ATX videoboard
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: W2K/IIS proves itself over Linux/Tux
Date: 16 May 2001 08:00:10 -0600

"Jon Johansan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> (all W2K admin can be done through a browser too)

(as long as you're running that browser under Windows)

It won't be long before the CPU is a card in a slot on your ATX videoboard
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: "David Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux posts #1 TPC-H result (W2K still better)
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 15:56:53 +0200

Jon Johansan wrote in message <3b0274d0$0$97230>
>MS hasn't bother to post a better result since it owned the category. Why

Interesting choice of words - "owned the category".  It's amazing what you
can do with enough money and the influence it brings - you can buy all sorts
of benchmark results.  One aspect is that lower-end Linux solutions just
cannot compete because they can't pay the entrance fees - $10k is a drop in
the ocean for MS, but a great deal more for cash-strapped free software
companies.  The other aspect is that the companies with the money make the
rules.  MS (and other big commercial companies) prevent publication of
benchmarks that do not go their way, and they also heavily influence the
conditions of benchmarks to improve their own standing.

W2k and MS SQL Server may well make a reasonable solution for medium-sized
solutions - you can pay more for faster and more solid high-end unix systems
which have a significantly higher cost per transaction.  But you could
almost certainly make an open source solution at a fraction of the price per
transaction, even though it may be slower than the MS solution.  But such
solutions are excluded from these type of benchmarks because of the entrance
fees - and there is little point in producing seperate, free benchmarks
because the commercial competitors will refuse to compete.


Subject: Re: Campaign: Microsoft Free by October 1st
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 14:05:17 GMT

On Wed, 16 May 2001 13:30:17 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I'm kinda in the same boat.  I use Win98 currently, and on my home
>computer I do have it running pretty stable.  I have actually gone
>months without rebooting.  AT work though, with software my boss makes
>me use (like Norton crap) it crashes every other day.

There are several words (programs) that bring chills to my spine and
one of them is Norton. Others are RealPlayer, Macafee, any
auto-uninstall program or system tweaker/analyzer program.

These are the fastest way to turn a functioning system into a waste
dump of instability.

>This was the cause of my anger as well.  The more I read about XP and
>other MS plans in the future to screw the consumers, the more I resent
>their actions. 

Even the Windows advocates are getting annoyed at all of the scuttle
about XP and privacy and so forth. In the audio world, much like the
overclocker people, we tend to tinker a lot with our systems moving
cards around, changing drivers and so forth all in order to squeeze
the last bit of performance out of our systems.

All of this hardware profile registration stuff is going to become a
huge pain in the rump for us and that's not even talking about the
obvious privacy issues involved.

Download a copy of ZoneAlarm sometime and install it on your Windows
system and if you have a typical system I guarantee that you will be
shocked to see how many programs are connecting to the internet
without telling you they are doing so.

It can be a real eye opener.


>>This is bullshit on MS' part and they are going to alienate their most
>>ardent supporters.
>>Hmmmm... maybe I will start to use Linux someday after...
>Hey, you too can me MS Free! ;)
>(To email me, remove "Sugapablo-" from my email address)



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