Linux-Advocacy Digest #173, Volume #35           Tue, 12 Jun 01 20:13:04 EDT

  Re: Dennis Ritchie -- He Created Unix, But Now Uses Microsoft Windows (pip)
  Re: Linux penetration MUCH lower than previously claimed ("Matthew Gardiner 
  Re: Why homosexuals are no threat to heterosexuals (Frog2)
  Re: What language are use to program Linux stuff? (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: More micro$oft "customer service" ("Daniel Johnson")
  Re: What language are use to program Linux stuff? (mlw)
  Re: The usual Linux spiel... (was Re: Is Open Source for You?) (Greg Cox)
  Re: European arrogance and ignorance... (was Re: Just when Linux   (GreyCloud)
  Re: Mail Order Brides? Check this place out! (Charlie Ebert)
  Re: Linux penetration MUCH lower than previously claimed ("Matthew Gardiner 
  Re: Linux penetration MUCH lower than previously claimed (mlw)
  Re: Dennis Ritchie -- He Created Unix, But Now Uses Microsoft Windows (Peter 
  Re: So what software is the NYSE running ? (GreyCloud)
  Re: Mail Order Brides? Check this place out! ("Matthew Gardiner \(BOFH\)")
  Re: Microsft IE6 smart tags (GreyCloud)
  Re: More funny stuff. (GreyCloud)
  Re: What language are use to program Linux stuff? ("Matthew Gardiner \(BOFH\)")
  Re: So what software is the NYSE running ? (Peter =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=F6hlmann?=)
  Re: European arrogance and ignorance... (Rotten168)


Subject: Re: Dennis Ritchie -- He Created Unix, But Now Uses Microsoft Windows
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 00:18:26 +0100

Hartmann Schaffer wrote:
> In article <9g657c$7ca11$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Nigel Feltham wrote:
> > ...
> >The other motivation was that he was working on the Bell Labs MULTICS
> >operating system project and found so many problems he thought he could
> >write something better by staring it again (the original name for unix was
> >unics as a parody of multics) - similar to the motivation linus had for
> >writing linux.
> you got most of it wrong:  multics was a cooperation between mit (afaik they
> started it), ge's computer division (later taken over by honeywell), and
> bell.  ritchie was with bell's group at mit.  later bell cancelled their
> participation and withdrew their team to their labs in new jersey.  unix
> is based on their multics experience, taking the capabilities of (much)
> smaller hardware into account

...and legend had it that he coded it in assembler in two weeks. Now
THAT is the mark of a real man!


From: "Matthew Gardiner \(BOFH\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux penetration MUCH lower than previously claimed
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:17:21 +1200

> I would easily agree that such situations exist and occur, perhaps even
> frequently. However, this study was clear in that it looked at shipped
> copies; i.e., those with some sort of support attached. I believe that a
> portion of the focus of this study was to see if companies like Red Hat
> any chance for profit. RH makes money selling support, not selling Linux,
> per say.

Yes, they will turn a profit, IF, and only IF they chase outsourcing
contracts agressively. That is where the money is to be made.  Software can
be copied, emulated, modified and cloned, however, skills and services are a
unique quality which cannot be copied, the concept in economics is called,
non-price competition. Hence, in a case like Redhat, a lot money goes into
human resources, up skilling staff to address issues for the customer.
Redhat also has the advantage in that, the consultants are also the
programmers, who know the insides of Linux and what it is capable of doing.
They know how to create the right mix of applications to suit a customers
need.  Compare that to the current EDS-Microsoft setup.  EDS consultants
aren't programmers, they don't know how Windows operates at the lowest
level, and they simply go on the information which Microsoft gives then,
which is not very effective.

Just to note, which is a joint venture between
Xtra, New Zealands largest ISP and MSN, The site is
running Netscape-Enterprise/3.6 SP3 on Solaris, this a company that is, in
theory, meant to be the official New Zealand partner in e-commerce and
internet inferstructure, yet the still retains a nice fleet of SUN servers.
Reliable, flexible and ready to rumble, as in the words of the Microsoft
"enterprise" ad on CNN.

Matthew Gardiner
I am the blue screen of death
nobody hears your scream's


Date: 12 Jun 2001 23:15:20 -0000
Subject: Re: Why homosexuals are no threat to heterosexuals
Crossposted-To: alt.bonehead.steve-chaney,,,

drsquare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:32:03 -0400, in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>  ("S.T. Pickrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:
> >drsquare wrote:
> > 
> >> That part that they're equally transferrable through homosexual and
> >> heterosexual sex.
> >
> >In Africa and Asia you're certainly right.
> >
> >In North America, it seems more homosexuals get it. Whether the 
> >gap will close or not is another issue. 
> Do they?


> Have you got any EVIDENCE? No, you haven't.

see also:


Exposure category                        % of total

Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)   326,051     48%
IV drug use                       173,693     26%
MSM/IV                             43,640      6%
Hemophilia                          4,911      1%
Heterosexual contact               66,490     10%
Transfusion                         8,382      1%
Risk not reported or known         56,572      8%

Total:                            679,739

                        jackie 'anakin' tokeman

fat kid: i've got some fudge hidden up my ass - you want some?
chaney: yeah right - i'm not falling for that one again.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert)
Subject: Re: What language are use to program Linux stuff?
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:20:55 GMT

In article <pwTU6.38562$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rene wrote:
>1.- Is Linux (kernel) programmed on C or C++?


>2.- Is GNOME programmed on C or C++?
Gnome can be programed in dozens of languages
including C and C++.

>Is this the wrong place to post this question? Sorry I apologize, could you
>please be so kind to point me to the right news group?
>Thank you.



From: "Daniel Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.advocacy
Subject: Re: More micro$oft "customer service"
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:22:52 GMT

"Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9g673u$688$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> What I would actually like to see is PDF replace all proprietary document
> formats, so there is one, universal document format that will work on
> platform, every office suite, no matter who makes it.


Why is PDF better than, say, Word format?

Heck, PDF doesn't work for *any* office suite,
does it? At least Word works for some of them.



Subject: Re: What language are use to program Linux stuff?
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 19:29:06 -0400

"Joseph T. Adams" wrote:
> mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : You should grow up. You write software to do something. Most of the time you
> : want it to sell, or succeed.
> It has to be first to market or it is VERY unlikely to succeed, no
> matter how much "better" you might think it is.

That has been proven false time and again. It is Market drivel.


From: Greg Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The usual Linux spiel... (was Re: Is Open Source for You?)
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:25:44 GMT

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Greg Cox wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> >> Said Chad Myers in comp.os.linux.advocacy on Sun, 10 Jun 2001 19:39:09 
> >> >"Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> >> ah, I can hear it all again - 640k is enough for anyone.
> >> >
> >> >huh? What does that have to do with anything?
> >> 
> >> It shows how much Microsoft's technical deficiencies can slow the
> >> progression of increasing hardware resources.  In consideration of how
> >> long the need for DOS-compatibility made the 640k barrier an issue, IA64
> >> could take many years to be adopted by a large proportion of the
> >> industry.
> >> 
> >> 
> >As usual Max, you're wrong.  The 640K limitation had nothing to do with 
> >DOS and everything to do with where IBM decided to place hardware in its 
> >memory map for the IBM PC.  Before everyone standardized on IBM 
> >compatability there were several manufacturers making boxes that had 
> >more contiguous memory space available than IBM did.
> My recollection is that DRDOS 7 from digital in the UK made the extended
> memory available for use by dos apps, whereas MSDOS 3.31, the competing
> OS at the time did not.
> DRDOS was then adopted in large numbers (it also had a multi-tasking
> capability and a gui in which windows could be run as a process).
> Microsoft then began another of its illegal campaigns to stamp out
> the competition (in this case DRDOS), whilst desperately trying to
> catch up with DRDOS.  MSDOS4 was complete junk, unreliable and generally
> rubbish, MSDOS 5 was getting closer to what DRDOS could do, a *long*
> time later.
> Bill G had seen no reason to deal with the 640k limitation in *MSDOS*
> until it was fixed in a competing (and superior) OS.

I was talking about the 640KB limitation within the 1MB memory map 
directly addressable by the 8086/8088 CPUs but, on a second read of 
Max's rant, your interpretation is probably more accurate in that he was 
referencing EMM/EMS drivers to access >1MB memory.  However, I seem to 
remember that there were third party EMM/EMS drivers for MS-DOS available 
before DRI shipped them in DRDOS so his point is really moot.  


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: European arrogance and ignorance... (was Re: Just when Linux  
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:26:41 -0700

Quantum Leaper wrote:
> "The Ghost In The Machine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > In comp.os.linux.advocacy, drsquare
> >  wrote
> > on Mon, 11 Jun 2001 21:06:11 +0100
> > >On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 15:40:47 GMT, in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
> > > ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine))
> > >wrote:
> > >
> > >>In comp.os.linux.advocacy, drsquare
> > >
> > >>>>Well, I'm proud to be American.
> > >>>
> > >>>What is their to be proud of.
> > >>
> > >>Let me count the ways.  Some of these are of course ancient, but...
> > >>
> > >>[1] Tamed the West -- an internal matter, to be sure, but quite
> > >>    an accomplishment given the primitive technology at the time.
> > >
> > >What? Are you referring to how you went round driving people out of
> > >their homes, and skinning them alive etc?
> >
> > All of these accomplishments might be taken either way, admittedly.
> > For example, we committed genocide on the Indians.  Definitely
> > not something to be proud of.
> >
> Disease wiped out more Natives Americans,  then anything else.

Yes, small pox just about wiped them out. The disease came over from



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Ebert)
Subject: Re: Mail Order Brides? Check this place out!
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:28:55 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Aaron R. Kulkis wrote:

Giving up Windows Advocacy?

Why not try Prostitution/White Slave Trades Advocay instead!

>flatfish+++ wrote:
>> On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 20:20:07 -0600, Dave Martel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> >On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 01:50:40 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >
>> >>Has everything you need to know about "buying" the perfect Russian wife.
>> >
>> >>These men are the hardcore losers and if you read some of the messages you'll 
>begin to see why.
>> >
>> >Hey, let's all chip in and get Aaron one!
>> According to one of the messages on that sorry site it cost's upward
>> of $10k to buy one of these fine ladies.
>Actually, I've known several Russian women living in the US...
>and they are .. as you say...fine.
>on the other hand... BUYING THEM...
>Although the Russian GOVERNMENT is uncivilized, the Russian PEOPLE
>are much more civilized than most of you.
>> I must be naive but I thought slavery went out around 1865 or so?
>Actually, Slavery was legal in the US until 1867.
>Russia abolished feudalism in the 1870's.
> the way...Russian women are *NOT* for sale (American women,
>on the other hand, are extremely easy to buy.  Just as Donald Trump).
>> Is that site some kind of a joke that I'm missing or are those idiots
>> for real?
>Who knows.
>> Just curious.
>> flatfish+++
>> "Why do they call it a flatfish?"
>Aaron R. Kulkis
>Unix Systems Engineer
>DNRC Minister of all I survey
>ICQ # 3056642
>L: This seems to have reduced my spam. Maybe if everyone does it we
>   can defeat the email search bots.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>K: Truth in advertising:
>       Left Wing Extremists Charles Schumer and Donna Shalala,
>       Black Seperatist Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan,
>       Special Interest Sierra Club,
>       Anarchist Members of the ACLU
>       Left Wing Corporate Extremist Ted Turner
>       The Drunken Woman Killer Ted Kennedy
>       Grass Roots Pro-Gun movement,
>J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
>   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
>   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....
>I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
>   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
>   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
>   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole
>H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
>    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
>    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
>    you are lazy, stupid people"
>G:'re a retard.
>F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
>   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.
>E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
>   her behavior improves.
>D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
>   ...despite (C) above.
>C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.
>B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
>   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
>   direction that she doesn't like.
>A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.



From: "Matthew Gardiner \(BOFH\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux penetration MUCH lower than previously claimed
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:30:44 +1200

"Jon Johansan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:3b26471a$0$263$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> or

And you talk about biasness when linadvocates use as a
reference! Please, choose sources that are not bias. Also, I would be
interested if you took out small business,  and just left enterprise, medium
business and ISPs on the survey, how many Linux/Unix servers there would be

Also, instead of counting servers, count a farm of servers as one license,
then compare the stats. Most people can tell you, that if it weren't for the
clustering and load balancing, you'd be lucky to keep Windows NT/2000 up for
several weeks. Also, Microsoft sells licenses, requiring each machine to
have a license, vs. Linux's one CD = unlimited installations, which can
artifically increase the number of Windows installations.

Matthew Gardiner

I am the blue screen of death
nobody hears your scream's


Subject: Re: Linux penetration MUCH lower than previously claimed
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 19:44:13 -0400

Jon Johansan wrote:

[big snip]

One thing I noticed about our colo facility was that we have 12 rack mount
Linux boxes. Every last one shipped with Windows 95 installed on it.The vendor
wanted more to ship it with Linux than with obsolite versions of Windows 95.

Since were were going to nuke the boxes anyway, there was no reason to pay
extra for them to install Linux.

I think pre-installed sales figures are inherently misleading. We bought one
copy of RedHat, and installed that on twelve servers, which had shipped with
Windows 95. There is no was that sort of install behavior can be tracked, and
that is the normal behavor.

I put together a 20 node beowulf cluster, all Dells. Dell would not sell use
the systems with Linux, so we had to have them put Windows 95 on it. Again, we
deleted the Windows install and put Linux on them.

That is 32 systems credited to Microsoft which should have been credited to
Linux, simply because there was no other option. This is the normal behavior,
this is what IDC is showing.

I think I would like to see the breakdown of the operating systems sold on
server machines. If a big honking server ships with Windows 95, I think we can
be sure that it ain't gonna be running that.

42 was the answer, 49 was too soon.


From: Peter =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=F6hlmann?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dennis Ritchie -- He Created Unix, But Now Uses Microsoft Windows
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 01:05:00 +0200

Nigel Feltham wrote:
> The other motivation was that he was working on the Bell Labs MULTICS
> operating system project and found so many problems he thought he could
> write something better by staring it again (the original name for unix was
> unics as a parody of multics) - similar to the motivation linus had for
> writing linux.
I heard a somewhat different story, and it also makes more sense.
He wanted to get *some* of the features of MULTICS on a minicomputer and 
wrote UNIX.
For me this story makes more sense, as I actually have worked with 


The Law of Selective Gravity (The Buttered Side Down Law):
An object will fall so as to do the most damage.


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So what software is the NYSE running ?
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:40:33 -0700

"Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)" wrote:
> > What a load of BS!  Provide proof and a reference for such idiotic
> > claims.
> > I have Solaris 8 on my box and I've never had any trouble using it in
> > over a year now.
> > What piece of junk are you using?... an old Packard-Bell?
> >
> > Yep,... you are the one that blowing smoke up everyones ass.  All of
> > your claims sound like one that doesn't know what he is doing.
> Just as a follow up the Chad's claims regarding the patching process. What
> error message is being output'ed? because, there is an error code which
> corresponds to a meaning, and in most cases, when the error does occur, it
> is simply saying that, that particular patch has already been applied.
> As for Solaris, it is an awsome OS, however, if they added SoundBlaster
> Live! support, and Real Player was ported, Solaris would be my default
> desktop on the PeeCee.
> Matthew Gardiner
> --
> I am the blue screen of death
> nobody hears your scream's

I maybe mistaken but I thought realplayer was available for Solaris. ???
I just checked and there is one for UNIX. But it must be a sparc



From: "Matthew Gardiner \(BOFH\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mail Order Brides? Check this place out!
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:41:14 +1200

> Actually, I used to date a girl from Russia several years back.
> ...and since then, I've never had even the slightest desire
> to date another American female...too fat, too stuck-up,
> too stupid, and nowhere near as appreciative as they should be.
> I go out with foreign girls EXCLUSIVELY....they are usually
> much better educated AND have good manners.

I remember going to Disney land when I was over in America, it was rather
easy to play, "spot the large ass". Hence, as I like to call it, its the
birth mark of every American, the fat-ass. Goto Fiji, and when you a
wobbling ass, you know its Sepo. When you hear this annoying, "if it's
expensive it must be good", you know its a Sepo about to be ripped off. When
you hear a loud mouth women, you know its a Sepo. When you hear a bratty kid
complain because there aren't 2000 channels, you know its a child of Sepo.

Matthew Gardiner

I am the blue screen of death
nobody hears your scream's

Sepo is a cockney term for yank,
however, in New Zealand and Australia
a yank is a wank, well, same thing ;)


From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microsft IE6 smart tags
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:46:59 -0700

"Matthew Gardiner (BOFH)" wrote:
> > > Gee, you don't think that perhaps after the purchase that Bill began to
> make
> > > huge contributions to charity and education organizations and hence
> gained
> > > some of his reputation (outside of computer geeks) for this?
> > >
> > > AND so what? If YOU bought the encyclopedia britannica and it had your
> > > picture next to "Wanker" you wouldn't _suggest_ they change it in a way
> that
> > > doesn't actually alert some historical fact as opposed to some opinion?
> I
> > > mean, what right does Funk & Wagnall have to publish their OPINION on
> Gates
> > > in an Encyclopedia which is supposed to impart unbiased and true facts.
> > >
> > > Then again - I don't see anything wrong with what was there originall. I
> > > would LOVE to be known as a tough competitor who seems to value winning
> in a
> > > competitive environment (anything bad with that? I think not) over money
> > > (and that makes it even better - a guy who cares more for competition
> > > instead of personal gain?). Damn, they should have left the original in
> > > there, made him sound cooler than just another rich guy giving away tons
> of
> > > cash money to the needy...
> >
> >
> > I'm needy. :-)  I need a new computer!  Think Bill will give me a brand
> > new SunBlade?
> goto and have a look at the ref. UNIX machines.  The O2 w/ the
> video option is awsome, esp when capturing video w/ mpg compression on the
> fly. Something a Wintel b0x would choke over.  Probably one of the best
> investments I have made.
> Matthew Gardiner
> --
> I am the blue screen of death
> nobody hears your scream's

That's a pretty good site!  :-)



From: GreyCloud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More funny stuff.
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:52:39 -0700

Mark wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Burkhard Wölfel wrote:
> >
> >
> >Ayende Rahien wrote:
> >>
> >> "mlw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >> > Ayende Rahien wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Just to note, I did 8 myself. The keyboard is just as good as ever.
> >> > > But *damn* was it dirty.
> >> > >
> >> > > 6 & 9 & 11 are even more hilarious than the rest.
> >> >
> >> > The irony about this sort of thing is, as the UI wonks debate what *is*
> >> > intuitive, they fail to realize that a computer simply is *not* intuitive.
> >>
> >> <snip>
> >>
> >> Well, this guy should know more about this than I do.
> >>
> >>
> >> And here is just something to heat the discussion:
> >>
> >>
> >> > A computer can not be as easy to use as a Microwave, unless of course, it
> >> is a
> >> > Microwave.
> >>
> >> I agree with you, a computer is a general purpose machine, as such, it's
> >> naturally more complex than a single purpose machine.
> >
> >That's why I love linux. It doesn't pretend to be as easy as a toilet. I
> >especially like the style of the documentation. For me, it is the
> >intuitive approach "at second glance".
> >
> Ah, now here's a thought - what would the microsoft toilet be like?
> --
> Mark Kent

Hehehehe.... the water would look blue for sure!
And they will use a 2 gallon reservoir.



From: "Matthew Gardiner \(BOFH\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What language are use to program Linux stuff?
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:53:17 +1200

> True enough. Back in the 80's I had three languages installed on a VAX
> and sometimes mixed the three together to get good results. At least on
> a VAX I could link these object modules together without any hassles or
> tricks.

Its rather humourous that Microsoft on the other hand saw computing in the
80's non-standardise and evil, TRANSLATION: Bill Gates wasn't screwing the
market over and over again.

The market was not fragmented or any other Microsoft drival relating the
market situation. UNIX was not fragmented, there were only three UNIX's for
Intel, SCO UnixWare, *BSD and Solaris, during the 80s. So, this self
proclaimed, "we created the PC revolution" is based on nothing but Microsoft

For the businesses, there were UNIX mainframes/servers w/ dumb terminals,
which did everything desktop did. Small businesses bought shared time on
mainframes, which, compared to now, worked out cheaper.  For home use, the
two major players were Atari and Amiga, and generally speaking you could
swap files between Atari-Amiga without any problems.

For Yanks who don't know who Atari or Amiga is, no offence, but ignorance is
your nation's past time, and it won't ever change.

Matthew Gardiner

I am the blue screen of death
nobody hears your scream's

Sepo is a cockney term for yank,
however, in New Zealand and Australia
a yank is a wank, well, same thing ;)


From: Peter =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=F6hlmann?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So what software is the NYSE running ?
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 01:53:14 +0200

Matthew Gardiner \(BOFH\) wrote:

>> Please refrain from speaking out of your ass.
>> Every Unix system I've used so far (which is Solaris, AIX, IRIX,
>> Linux, and BSD) (yes, I know Linux isn't Unix, but you get my drift)
>> every single one of them seems to be teetering on the edge of failure.
>> I've had to reinstall this Solaris box on my desk 3 times now because
>> the fscking pkgadd and patchadd BS fails constantly while installing
>> patches. If you call that "structured" and a "good design" then you're
>> smoking crack.
> First of all Chad, give up Solaris, because obviously you donot have the
> intellectual capacity to use an OS that is so easy a 10 year old can use.
> What error message is being output'ed? because, there is an error code
> which corresponds to a meaning, and in most cases, when the error does
> occur, it is simply saying that, that particular patch has already been
> applied.
> Compared to Microsoft's msgbox-a-thon.  Also, did you take the time to
> look at the patch log in the /var directory?
> Also, you failed to tell what release? Solaris 2.6? Solaris 7? Solaris 8?
> what release date? 10/00? 06/00? what? you have absolutely no SUN
> experience
> what so ever.  Stick to Windows machines, designed for people like you,
> with the intellectual capacity of a fish.
You should not offend the fish by comparing them to Chad.


All things are possible except skiing through a revolving door


From: Rotten168 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: European arrogance and ignorance...
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:56:05 GMT

drsquare wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 17:11:45 GMT, in comp.os.linux.advocacy,
>  (Rotten168 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:
> >drsquare wrote:
> >> >Compared to whom?
> >>
> >> Canada, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Holland, Denmark, Belgium,
> >> Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Mexico, Poland...
> >
> >Ireland - abortion is illegal
> As it will soon be in US

Not too likely.

> >France - Paris commune massacre, Dreyfus affair, just as bad as US
> I think not.

And your reasoning is????

> >Spain  - dictatorship until mid-70's
> Oh, until mid-70s, that means a lot.

Oh gee, sorry, I didn't realize we were picking a time-frame that's
convenient to your side.

- Brent

"General Veer, prepare your underpants for ground assault."
- Darth Vader



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