cRisTaL wrote, On 2/25/2009 11:13 PM:
yah... sebenar nya apa pun software nya yang penting legal, seumpama
saya beli corel atau apalah, kalau masih teteup mau pake linux kan
bisa pake wine, saya rasa sah2 saja ... tapi yang jadi masalah teteup
mahal ketimbang bajakan :D ,

solusi mulai lah berhitung kalo seumpanya fuluz yang di hasilkan dari
software itu wah ... seumpama kalo saya beliin Windows Rp.sejuta lebih
trus auto cad Rp. berapa juta lebih ... kan bisa hemat sejuta lebih
kalo pake linux via wine itu solusi jika para profesional drafter gak
mau kehilangan lahan karena di sidak,

Allhamdulillah, pagi ini aku dapet info dari rss, klo ada Software sekelas AutoCAD yg gratis. Dari info itu [1] dijelaskan bahwa :

This article is not directly related to Blender, but since most artists involved in architectural visualization projects need CAD software like AutoCAD, and for most of us AutoCAD is not an option because of the high cost of the license, I believe that every tip or software that can replace AutoCAD in your pipeline will be a great help. I my case I use QCAD <> for most of my project, because it’s lightweight software and I can run it on Linux, Mac Os and Windows. Last week, I just found a new option that promises to be a replacement for AutoCAD, it’s called DoubleCAD XT <> and it’s a freeware developed by IMSI/Design.

Is it really free? Well, this version that I’m using is free for personal and professional use according to the license available on their official web site. It works like this, there are two versions of DoubleCAD XT, one of them is called PRO and comes with some advanced features like constraints to help on 2d drawing, and some extra features. The other one is the free version, which comes only with the basics, requires drawing and creating technical schemes.

So, silahkan di coba dulu. Sayang kita musti masukin data kita untuk dapet link unduhnya.

Selamat Mencoba


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