On Sat, 19 Jan 2019, Will Godfrey wrote:

I've just been told about this.

Looks like we might have quite a lot of work to do :/

While the 5pin din may be gone (not really, musicians like vintage gear), MIDI 1.0 is not dead. It apears it has taken a sledge hammer to get people to use VST3 and the MMA doesn't really have the same power. I think that MIDI 1.0 is going to be around for a long time yet and that all new controllers will have the abillity to send MIDI 1.0. In my experience as a musician, I meet a lot of piano players for whom the difference bewteen MIDI 1 and MIDI 2 is just a number (like 192k ADC) and would not affect their performance. However, I have not met very many keyboard artists aside from those who work from their bedroom and who's music I only hear on youtube, soundcloud, etc. I do not know how much difference MIDI 2 would make for most of these people either. Epecially concidering how many of them use either their qwerty kb to enter notes or a one or two octave unit without even velocity...

In fact MIDI 2 seems to be a thing mostly for non-kb instruments or computer generated material (most of which is probably using CV instead of MIDI anyway).

MIDI 1 was huge, My DX7 supported MIDI before the spec was complete. It is easy to show off in the music store and sell. I expect the switch to MIDI 2 will be a much longer road, very hard to show off from a keyboard.

Well thats my opinion anyway.

Len Ovens
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