>kind of crazy combination of that sort). If you also check the pd and
>jmax lists, you'll get to hear every so often a great success story
>using linux in live performance. That's why I believe that you are
>seriously undermining the linux art scene.

i didn't want to undermine the arts scene.

i feel that live performance is quite difference from editing and
composition. linux is particularly weak in these areas - the tools we
have for manipulating audio (and MIDI) are rudimentary and they also
tend to have no notion of musical time (everything is in samples or

yes, we have lots of cool and interesting things that have come from
the use of unix in academic computer music centers. and these cool
things can be really fun and great for some live work. i imagine that
jMax and or pd could both be used for things like live pitch-shifted
"accompaniment", for example. 

the problem is: go ahead and produce that exciting and wonderful live
performance, and then, assuming it was so great you'd like to make a
CD from it ponder: how do i record it? how do i edit all the tracks?
etc. ... the gaps start to appear fairly immediately, as i'm sure you

>all multitrack apps, currently there are plenty for non-real-time mixing
>out there which do job more than adequately (obviously including snd).

yes and no: do you think you could do even just a 16 track edit and
mixdown with snd, or any other available tool? 

>The apps are out there. Maybe not as strong as protools and similar
>commercial stuff when compared as individual entities (and certainly
>still lacking in the midi department), but when used in combination,
>they pose (IMO) as the most powerful audio platform available.
>If I didn't believe in this, I wouldn't be here writing this, or using
>linux for my own creative work...

If i *did* believed that, i would be sitting here at 4am working on
developing apps that can bring ease and power to working with gobs of
audio data, recording it, editing it, arranging them, mixing and
processing them :)

well, actually, to be honest, i'm really just struggling with autoconf
2.52, if the truth must be known :(


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