On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 01:40:34 +0100 (CET), Rene Rebe wrote:

>The only problematic part is, that the powerfull DSPs are BGA (Ball
>Grid Array these days - and designing such a PCB sucks ...)

Hmmm I think that most of the TI DSPs are still available in TQFP's and not 
exclusively BGA's.

BGA aren't really that bad.  We do it at Bitworks all the time.  Almost every board we 
design now 
has a least one BGA on it.  We just reciently did a CPU board that had 3 BGAs on it.

What it will do though is increase the number of routing layers you have to use and 
thus increase 
your raw PCB board costs and NRE charges.  Just remember to bring out EVERY signal off 
the BGA up 
to the top layer so that you can cut and jump things during first article bringup.

But this grows off topic.  If you need assistance e-mail me off list.  Shoot.. if you 
want submit 
me your final schematic and I'll route it for you.  

Richard A. Smith    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
"I'd hang out with science kids - they can blow things up!
 I mean, what's cooler than that?"
                                                   - Tori Amos

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