On Tuesday 11 June 2002 19.37, Billy Biggs wrote:
>   The same holds for software as well: interface is almost
> everything.  I would much rather have a sequencer with less
> features and a good UI than a fully-featured one that's annoying to
> use.  When composing it's important to "forget technology: think
> music".


>   This was the thought behind my sequencer: ttrk
> (http://div8.net/ttrk). I did a UI that I'm pretty proud of for the
> target platform: basically it's an Alesis MMT8 meets a tracker in
> 80x50 textmode on an old PC, low enough latency to have really
> smooth drumrolls even at high bpm, and it syncs happily to external
> MIDI clock (essential for my setup).
>   Of course, since I have a market size of 1 (myself), and pretty
> much no interest from the open-source community, the project hasn't
> gone anywhere else.  But I'm quite happy with it. :)

Well, I'm *interested* - I've actually downloaded it and looked at 
it! :-) Problem is that I don't really like the traditional tracker 
idea anymore. I just record stuff from the keyboard and prefer 
editing notes using some kind of piano roll view. The typical 
sequencer "event list editor" *really* sucks, though. Something more 
like an Old Skool tracker interface might work for that part...

Any ideas? Maybe I should look at ttrk again? (I might not be 
understanding it's internal structure properly...)


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.- David Olofson -------------------------------------------.
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