On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, David Olofson wrote:

> Well, I'm *interested* - I've actually downloaded it and looked at 
> it! :-) Problem is that I don't really like the traditional tracker 
> idea anymore. I just record stuff from the keyboard and prefer 
> editing notes using some kind of piano roll view. The typical 
> sequencer "event list editor" *really* sucks, though. Something more 
> like an Old Skool tracker interface might work for that part...

  I do need to add in some code to let me record from MIDI in: right now I
use my MMT8 for that work, and since the MMT8's event list editor sucks,
ttrk is my step record device, for basslines, drum hits, and other
background stuff.

  I actually have a nice system set up so I can 'upload' ttrk loops right
into the MMT8 so I don't need to take a computer to shows.

  But that's sort of the thought behind ttrk: be a useful hardware
sequencer.  I can't stand piano roll views, they just don't make sense for
the music I'm writing.  I usually write electronic dance music where I
want to see everything that happens on one beat all at once, and it is
_essential_ that I be able to edit the music as it's playing: start
looping one pattern and tweak it until I like it.

  Different styles for different types of music really.  I also think it's
because when I started writing music, it was using either a tracker or a
hardware sequencer (at the time the Roland MV-30).

Billy Biggs                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.div8.net/billy       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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