On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 22:03, Michael Toomim wrote:
> nick wrote:
> > Exactly. I mean, I'm happy to let others use my software, but ultimately
> > I write it because I want a tool to do a particular thing. If people
> > want useability features etc.. then really someone's going to have to
> > pay for it. I don't see how anyone could have the time it takes to
> > polish a piece of software with no compensation.
> Just to throw in my 2 cents, I don't think that this is universally 
> true.  I think that there are people out there who enjoy polishing 
> applications more than writing internal code... people who would rather 
> be artistic interaction designers than slave away at nuts and bolts... 
> people who really want their programs to be popular.
> The problem seems to be either...
>       A) That there aren't enough of these people to go around.
>       B) That these people aren't in touch with the people who want to 
> write code, or just have a hard time coordinating with them.
> or   C) That these people aren't very deeply involved with the linux / 
> free software circles... maybe because being a good designer doesn't 
> necessarily make one a good geek.
> So maybe the problem is that you need people who are both good designers 
> AND good geeks, because without the geekdom they won't be hanging out on 
> this mailing list?
> Michael

All true,
I do actually enjoy polishing my app(s?), and i definitely *do* want it
to be popular, but it means that ive had no time to work on the actual
audio code, which is where the interesting stuff is. I really appreciate
nice interfaces, and would love to see my synth have one of those, but
the truth is i find it hard to come up with anything i can be proud of.

I suspect, however, as you have alluded to - that there arent many
graphic artists hanging around on this mailing list...


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