Juan Linietsky wrote:
> I thought this may be of interest to the list.
> In a k5 poll about usability of linux audio apps,
> ( http://www.kuro5hin.org/poll/1023512126_OSelOkZS )
> So far, out of 38 answers the results are:

anyone home ?

while it never hurts to discuss and improve userfriendlyness, a poll
with 38 anonymous point-and-click opinions with stupid options is
certainly not a very good reason to do so.


i'm just back from linuxtag, where we demo'ed some of the available
audio software. to put it in a nutshell, it is *ABSOLUTELY FUCKING
AMAZING* (expletive intentionally left in) how linux audio has prospered
in the last year. hats off to all contributors.
granted, i told more than one visiting musician who was only a casual
computer user to keep his windows partition around for some time. but
many said they would not mind to get their hands wet, nor to do things
the unix way and use several applications to get a job done instead of
one monolithic do-it-all monster.

we showed ardour/jack to a radio engineer, who then dreamed about
receiving mpeg streams over a dialup line in ardour (many local radios
in germany get their stuff from a central location in that way). i said
no and why would he want to do that, but then steve suggested to try
alsaplayer with jack output... we couldn't get it to accept streams, but
we used an mp3 file and it showed up in ardour. that guy almost fell
over. although it did not quite work, he was really impressed that we
could just glue things together in a way nobody had thought about
before. :-D 

one evening after the gates had closed we did a session in our booth:
one machine running a ladspa filternetwork on a microphone and various
instruments (yeah canyon_delay!), a laptop with alsa-modular-synth that
could be played with the keyboard (things really began to fly when
matthias discovered his touchpad made an excellent ribbon controller), a
real keyboard driving a softsynth on a third box which also ran a
sequencer groove, and a number of audio guys improvising with a weird
grin on their faces surrounded by some really out-to-lunch music...

we're getting there.

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