On Thursday 13 June 2002 02.03, Andy Wingo wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Paul Davis wrote:
> > welcome to the {Gtk,Gnome}Canvas.
> BTW. This is only somewhat on-topic, but...
> as a history, GtkCanvas is essentially the same as the Gtk+-1.2
> GnomeCanvas, but available in a separate package and with functions
> renamed accordingly. GnomeCanvas used to be available only as a
> part of the Gnome libraries.
> the Gtk+-2.0 version of GnomeCanvas is available as a separate
> package, which does not depend on anything but Gtk+-2.0 and libart
> (which is one of the canvas backends in 2.0 as well). So, I know
> why paul pushes GtkCanvas, but people looking for a maintained
> package and don't mind Gtk+-2.0 (which is very stable) should take
> a look at the GnomeCanvas instead.

Aaargh! This is exactly what I don't like about these sort of 

Why is the "Canvas API" part of either a toolkit or a desktop 
environment? Why do they have different (even if only slightly so) 

As an example of the Right Way(TM) to do it, I'd like to use OpenGL. 
It's the same regardless of driver, hardware or operating system. The 
only missing part is setting up the display, which is done 
differently on different platforms.

My point is that whether you're using glx to set up OpenGL on X, or 
wgl to set up a display on Win32, OpenGL is still OpenGL. Use SDL or 
something to set up the display, and your code can be *totally* 
portable to any platform that has OpenGL.

> And of course, as Richard mentioned, there's a Qt equivalent too ;)

Here we go again... :-)


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