On 07/20/2014 02:28 PM, Bob Marley wrote:
On 20/07/2014 21:36, Roman Mamedov wrote:
On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:15:31 +0200
Bob Marley <bobmar...@shiftmail.org> wrote:

Hi TM, are you doing other significant filesystem activity during this
rebuild, especially random accesses?
This can reduce performances a lot on HDDs.
E.g. if you were doing strenous multithreaded random writes in the
meanwhile, I could expect even less than 5MB/sec overall...
I believe the problem here might be that a Btrfs rebuild *is* a strenuous
random read (+ random-ish write) just by itself.

Mdadm-based RAID would rebuild the array reading/writing disks in a completely
linear manner, and it would finish an order of magnitude faster.

Now this explains a lot!
So they would just need to be sorted?
Sorting the files of a disk from lowest to highers block number prior to starting reconstruction seems feasible. Maybe not all of them together because they will be millions, but sorting them in chunks of 1000 files would still produce a very significant speedup!
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As I understand the problem, it has to do with where btrfs is in the overall development process. There are a LOT of opportunities for optimization, but optimization cannot begin until btrfs is feature complete, because any work done beforehand would be wasted effort in that it would likely have to be repeated after being broken by feature enhancements. So now it is a waiting game for completion of all the major features (like additional RAID levels and possible n-way options, etc) before optimization efforts can begin. Once that happens we will likely see HUGE gains in efficiency and speed, but until then we are kind of stuck in this position where it "works" but leaves somewhat to be desired. I think this is one reason developers often caution users not to expect too much from btrfs at this point. Its just not there yet and it will still be some time yet before it is.
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