On Sat, Aug 01, 2015 at 04:26:25PM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
> > Does fi usage deal with raid5 yet?
> Now that you mention it, I think it doesn't. But if it did, it would
> show this problem better than df I think.
> > But, somewhere along the line he got 6 GiB of raid1 metadata.  Either he
> > added/rewrote a *BUNCH* of files after adding at least one device before
> > the conversion that he didn't tell us about, or the conversion screwed
> > up, because that's a lot of raid1 metadata coming out of nowhere!
> Yeah it's a little confusing, that's why I asked about the kernel version.

   It's 6 GiB of metadata for 5.7 GIB of data, or thereabouts. 0.1% is
about the expected size.

   Now, given the original description, it's not clear at all why the
data has suddenly doubled in size -- unless there's some snapshots,
and the OP did a defrag as well.

> > But I'm *strongly* suspecting a pre-full-raid56-support kernel, because
> > btrfs-progs is certainly reasonably new (v4.1.1, as of yesterday 4.1.2 is
> > the newest as I mention above), but the fi df doesn't report global
> > reserve.  The only way I know of that it wouldn't report that with a new
> > userspace is if the kernelspace is too old.
> Yes and that also puts it in the realm of kernels that weren't
> releasing/deallocating empty chunks; although I don't know if that's a
> factor, if dconvert forcibly deals with this..

   It does -- you only have to look at the btrfs fi df output to see
that there's no empty block groups (to within 0.1% or so)

> > Finally, that's btrfs-progs 4.1.1, the one that's blacklisted due to a
> > buggy mkfs.btrfs.  If he created the filesystem with that mkfs.btrfs...
> > maybe that explains the funky results, as well.
> Good catch. That really ought to be filed as a bug with that distro to
> flat out remove 4.1.1 from the repos.

   If they picked up 4.1.1 fast enough, they should pick up 4.1.2 just
as quickly...


Hugo Mills             | "What are we going to do tonight?"
hugo@... carfax.org.uk | "The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to
http://carfax.org.uk/  | take over the world!"
PGP: E2AB1DE4          |

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