On Mon, 2015-12-14 at 22:30 +0100, Lionel Bouton wrote:
> Mutt is often used as an example but tmpwatch uses atime by default
> too
> and it's quite useful.
Hmm one could probably argue that these few cases justify the use of
separate filesystems (or btrfs subvols ;) ), so that the majority could
benefit of noatime.

> If you have a local cache of remote files for which you want a good
> hit
> ratio and don't care too much about its exact size (you should have
> Nagios/Zabbix/... alerting you when a filesystem reaches a %free
> limit
> if you value your system's availability anyway), using tmpwatch with
> cron to maintain it is only one single line away and does the job.
> For
> an example of this particular case, on Gentoo the
> /usr/portage/distfiles
> directory is used in one of the tasks you can uncomment to activate
> in
> the cron.daily file provided when installing tmpwatch.
> Using tmpwatch/cron is far more convenient than using a dedicated
> cache
> (which might get tricky if the remote isn't HTTP-based, like an
> rsync/ftp/nfs/... server or doesn't support HTTP IMS requests for
> example).
> Some http frameworks put sessions in /tmp: in this case if you want
> sessions to expire based on usage and not creation time, using
> tmpwatch
> or similar with atime is the only way to clean these files. This can
> even become a performance requirement: I've seen some servers slowing
> down with tens/hundreds of thousands of session files in /tmp because
> it
> was only cleaned at boot and the systems were almost never
> rebooted...
Okay there are probably some usecases, ... the session cleaning I'd
however rather consider a bug in the respective software, especially if
it really depends on it to expire the session (what if for some reason
tmpwatch get's broken, uninstalled, etc.)

> I use noatime and nodiratime
FYI: noatime implies nodiratime :-)

> Finally Linus Torvalds has been quite vocal and consistent on the
> general subject of the kernel not breaking user-space APIs no matter
> what so I wouldn't have much hope for default kernel mount options
> changes...
He surely is right in general,... but when the point has been reached,
where only a minority actually requires the feature... and the minority
actually starts to suffer from that... it may change.


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