On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 08:40:46PM -0400, Kenny MacDermid wrote:
> I'm running btrfs on DM-Crypt Luks running on LVM.
> Occasionally I get files that are unreadable for some period of time.
> Attempting to read from them results in an 
> Input/output error
> Sometimes they'll come back on their own, and sometimes a scrub seems to
> help, but sometimes I just have to delete them.
> Nothing shows up in dmesg when these occur, and I can't predict which
> files it will be, or what causes it.
> It's currently happening running 4.4.1-2-ARCH, but I've seen the same
> thing for many previous kernel versions.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?

That's weird to say the least, you should at least get *something* in
And you are getting other error messages and btrfs kernel messages in
your logs?

When whatever app you have that's trying to read them fails, I assume
they also fail with cat or less?

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