2016-02-24 05:37 keltezéssel, Chris Murphy írta:
On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 8:02 PM, Kenny MacDermid
<kenny.macder...@gmail.com> wrote:

It sounds like an ssd trim bug. I'd check the firmware for updates. If
it's up to date, I'd drop discard mount option first and try to
reproduce. Or just use the default mount options and try to reproduce,
then add them back one at a time until you discover the culprit.

Also, how many files/directories are there? inode_cache isn't
recommended for most use cases. And space_cache is the default so it
doesn't need to be listed.

As i wrote to the list a few weeks ago, this problem seems to be the same I have.

The difference:

- i use mount options: noatime,compress,nossd
- I don't use dm-crypt, but these machines are Xen pvms (there is a virtualization layer between btrfs and lvm)

The same:

- io error without any error or message in the dmesg.
- umount / mount always fixes the problem (for some time)

More info:

- these files are usually smalls (mysql myisam files, 10-20-50 kbyte size, without heave fragmentation)
- defrag don't help
- scrub always works (no errors) but not fix the errors
- no hw or hw read error on the block device (in any layer)
- get this problem with 4.4.1 kernel too (seems to be somewhat less frequent than before, but the problem happened with 3.18 and on) - echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches sometimes fixes the problem, but not every time
- the problem is happening rarely, sometimes there are days without error
- the problem is not for specific hardware or virtual machine

I can try any debug option or patch if needed.

László Szalma
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