On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 02:39:14PM +0200, Waxhead wrote:
> That is exactly the same reason I don't edit the wiki myself. I could of
> course get it started and hopefully someone will correct what I write, but I
> feel that if I start this off I don't have deep enough knowledge to do a
> proper start. Perhaps I will change my mind about this.

My first edits to the wiki was when I had barely started btrfs myself,
to simply write down answers to questions I had asked on the list and
that were not present on the wiki yet.

You don't have to be 100% right for everything, if something is wrong,
it'll likely bother someone and they'll go edit your changes, which is
more motivation and less work for them and write your changes from
You can also add a small disclaimer "to the best of my knowledge",

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