On 2017-08-02 04:38, Brendan Hide wrote:
The title seems alarmist to me - and I suspect it is going to be misconstrued. :-/

From the release notes at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/7.4_Release_Notes/chap-Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7.4_Release_Notes-Deprecated_Functionality.html

"Btrfs has been deprecated

The Btrfs file system has been in Technology Preview state since the initial release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Red Hat will not be moving Btrfs to a fully supported feature and it will be removed in a future major release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

The Btrfs file system did receive numerous updates from the upstream in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 and will remain available in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 series. However, this is the last planned update to this feature.

Red Hat will continue to invest in future technologies to address the use cases of our customers, specifically those related to snapshots, compression, NVRAM, and ease of use. We encourage feedback through your Red Hat representative on features and requirements you have for file systems and storage technology."

And this is a worst-case result of the fact that most distros added BTRFS support long before it was ready.

I'm betting some RH customer lost a lot of data because they didn't pay attention to the warnings and didn't do their research and were using raid5/6, and thus RH is considering it not worth investing in. That, or they got fed up with the grandiose plans with no realistic timeline. There have been a number of cases of mishandled patches (chunk-level degraded check anyone?), and a lot of important (from an enterprise usage sense) features that have been proposed but to a naive outside have seen little to no progress (hot-spare support, device failure detection and handling, higher-order replication, working erasure coding (raid56), etc), and from both aspects, I can understand them not wanting to deal with it.
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