>On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Paul B. Brown wrote:
>> OK, but do you develop the course content at well?  How does the student
>> know what to study?  Study everything?  Hardly.  How does it work>
>On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Tom Peters wrote:
>  Everything that is in the objectives and nothing more.  For self-study,
>use the links to the HOWTO's.  If that doesn't suit the student, he can
>spend money on courses that people are developing to prepare for our
>exams.  Be welcome to develop a free course for that.  One Miguel A.L.
>Paraz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> recently in the linux-cert list offered material
>for that at    http://home.linux.org.ph/training/

The other Tom P. is right on the mark.  Every now and then we need to step
back and remind ourselves what we are trying to accomplish.  The middle
name of the organization is PROFESSIONAL. If the same people who set the
standards are building the course material, we run the risk of becoming a
certificate mill, and most of us have some strong opinions about
organizations with that reputation.

We are trying to establish standards for those who would call themselves
Linux practitioners.  People should be able to self-study for the
certification, and if they cannot do this successfully, then:

        - the exam does not match the standards (shame on us), or
        - the individual does not understand the material and is not ready
to be certified (the system worked!).

Similarly, if a trainer cannot develop a curriculum to successfully teach
the core objectives, then maybe they should either purchase courseware from
someone who can or reconsider whether they should be teaching Linux.  The
marketplace will work by identifying and supporting those courseware
developers who do a quality job.  The marketplace also will eliminate
unqualified trainers when word on the low exam pass rate of their students
gets around.

        Tom Pilsch

        Continuing Education Program
        Georgia Tech College of Computing

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