On or about: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 12:47:03 CST someone allegedly said:
>Good point.  Offering an RH exemption could open the floodgates for other
>I still like the idea of a few distribution-specific exemptions, but it may
>not be worth while at first.
>>My question is how do you intend to deal with an organization like Caldera
>>who are
>>the only player with an advanced education program.
>>Bruce MacKay
>>Halifax, Canada

I don't see the big deal here.  For the added PR value with the community
I think the minimal administrative effort to grant credit based on a 
vendor certification is well worth it.  When a vendor releases a certification
program we spend an hour or so reviewing it to determine if it has similar
objectives to the LPI vendor-specific components.  If it meets or exceeds the
LPI criteria, great, we add it to the list and go on.  If it falls short 
(something I doubt would happen and I expand on below) then we write up a 
short explaination to post to the LPI website and send to the vendor 
explaining our position.

Frankly, I would think that an RHCE would be *more* difficult to obtain
since Red Hat has a vested interest in maintaining the level of prestige
associated with the certification.  If it becomes a rubber-stamp certification
then they diminish the Red Hat brand.

If/when [Caldera|SuSE|TurboLinux|etc] undertakes a proprietary certification
program they should be given the same consideration.

Allow me to clarify that I am only advocating that cross-course credit be 
granted for the distribution-specific parts of the LPI curriculum, and 
then only for those courses that we feel meet the LPI objectives. 
Allowing these exemptions provides LPI a leg-up on two fronts:
        1) It demonstrates to the distribution vendors that LPI is 
           sincerely dedicated to working with their programs and not
           against them.

        2) It demonstrates to the community that this isn't just another
           blood-sucking venture developed to separate them from their
           money.  Rather, we're here to help them advance by the most
           reasonable means possible.


Kit Cosper          [EMAIL PROTECTED]            VA Linux Systems

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