>> Hmm, Usually, you can boot very well even if the hostname is not set -  
>> you just need to tftp server address.
> well the dns name has been set to that address in BIND
> DHCP entry is like:
>        group {
>               # PXE-specific configuration directives
>               next-server tftpserver;
>               filename "linux-install/pxelinux.0";
>                       # You need an entry like this for every host
>               # unless you're using dynamic addresses
>                host vm00 {
>                hardware ethernet 00:0C:xx:xx:xx:xx;
>                fixed-address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx;
>                }
>        }

Well, you don't set a name here, at least not one for the client to see; try

host-name "vm00";

after your fixed-address line, that might help.


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