On Mon, 15 Oct 2007, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:

> Hi David,
> that is a good suggestion, I like the principle.

Thanks for the acknowledgement and reply, Lars.

> A central build service such as provided by the openSUSE project has the
> advantage of tighter control over what is actually compiled in what
> environment, which does have some consistency advantages. (It can also
> be installed locally, too.)

But a build service from a more diverse community can more quickly and
readily pick up those strange inter-package interactions (and weaknesses
in our "configure.in" etc.) that crop up from time to time.  The strength
of a gene-pools lies in its diversity.

> The major advantage of buildbot seems to be automated feedback by
> e-mail; this is supposedly forthcoming for openSUSE as well, and I can
> ping the team to raise the priority of this. And, of course,
> testing build architectures not supported by the central site.

And the "update X caused failure Y" (or "He's the one who broke it!")
feature can be useful.

> However, I don't think the recompile cycle is where we spot most of our
> bugs. [...]

1. "of our bugs" -> "of the Linux/32bit subset of bugs".

2. But we still get a significant number, even on Linux.  In the last
couple of years, I've fixed several updates which were apparently OK for
their contributor (who presumably tested on 32-bit Linux) but have failed
to build on 64-bit Linux.  A routine, automated, regular build cycle would
quickly spot these (and apportion blame, if you're that way inclined!).

3. A compiler warning/error from one architecture can often reveal a
general lurking bug missed by another architecture.

> [...] The problem which buildbot doesn't seem to address is automated
> roll-out of the packages to a test cluster, and providing automated CTS
> feedback.
> Or does it? I think that still needs to be scripted ...

True.  From my reading (and it is just reading, very little hand-to-hand
combat with buildbot) it is about building (and perhaps "make test"?)
rather than about roll out and run-time.

But its build/test (or its equivalent) could still be worth having.

> I'd be very interested in seeing that part addressed; automated download
> + testing, ranging from BasicSanityCheck to CTS (where applicable) or
> manual test cases, and returning the feedback to us as automatic as
> possible. (Of course, that's a large order - any small step in that
> direction would be welcome!)

Thinking more laterally... could we improve our own "make test" (i.e.
before we get to install/BSC) capabilities?  There is a little under
"lib/clplumbing"; might there be scope for more, across the Linux-HA

> With regard to the build infrastructure, I do not currently think this
> is our largest problem - we seem to have a working build infrastructure
> available, and I think effort might be better spend on addressing needs
> which are not met at all yet.

I take the point.  I presume buildbot and your openSuse cover similar, but
probably not exactly the same, territory.

With a centrally-run buildbot, we (developer-like people and other keen
volunteers) could contribute in our own machines, with their subtleties of
architectures, OSes, OS-releases, environments, conventions, etc.

Can we do that with openSuse?  (Let me know!  I'll seek permission from
the PHBs to join!)

All the best.


:  David Lee                                I.T. Service          :
:  Senior Systems Programmer                Computer Centre       :
:  UNIX Team Leader                         Durham University     :
:                                           South Road            :
:  http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/            Durham DH1 3LE        :
:  Phone: +44 191 334 2752                  U.K.                  :
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