I'v scrapped my old heartbeat config and I'm trying to start from a clean slate 
with corosync/pacemaker installed on Ubuntu Lucid from the ubuntu-ha PPA 
(http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ha/ppa/ubuntu). I'm running corosync 
1.2.0-0ubuntu1 and pacemaker 1.0.8+hg15494-2ubuntu2.

I have one server that is happy, but the other is segfaulting in libpthread in 
attrd and cib. Everything else on the server appears to be working ok.

There's a chunk of the log file here: http://pastie.org/3486981 Example 

Feb 29 09:40:27 www4 kernel: attrd[16632]: segfault at 8 ip 00007f563a5970e8 sp 
00007fff89a6a7b8 error 6 in libpthread-2.11.1.so[7f563a58a000+18000]
Feb 29 09:40:27 www4 kernel: cib[16630]: segfault at 8 ip 00007f6425fe60e8 sp 
00007fff31f29858 error 6 in libpthread-2.11.1.so[7f6425fd9000+18000]

I don't know how to get a stack trace of these as I don't know how these 
programs are started.

Is this a known problem?

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Creators of http://www.smartmessages.net/
UK info@hand CRM solutions
mar...@synchromedia.co.uk | http://www.synchromedia.co.uk/

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