On 29 Feb 2012, at 17:43, Florian Haas wrote:

> My hunch is that you never properly shut down corosync on that one.
> Did you check your ps output so see if it was really down? Corosync
> 1.2.x had some nasty shutdown issues when running with Pacemaker.

I shut down or killed anything vaguely related to 
corosync/crm/heartbeat/crm/cib and restarted corosync and pacemaker.

Now on www4 I can see a pacemaker process with crmd, pengine, lrmd and stonithd 
child processes, and on www5 I see those plus attrd and cib (which curiously 
are the same processes that were reporting segfaults when I was running the old 
version). www4 is correspondingly still failing to connect to cib.

Starting corosync by itself appears to work correctly on both - the logs show 
they see each other, no errors.

If on www4 I start attrd and cib manually (as root), they do run, and crm then 
manages to connect but reports no nodes. crm on www5 sees www4, but it's marked 
as 'pending'. pcmk on www4 logs that it can see www5.

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Creators of http://www.smartmessages.net/
UK info@hand CRM solutions
mar...@synchromedia.co.uk | http://www.synchromedia.co.uk/

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