On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Alex Holden wrote:

} On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
} >     I loged on as root and typed startx and to my horror it never came
} > up! I did a Ctrl-Alt-F1 and among other things I saw it say over and over
} > and over..."unable to open socket for local". 
} It sounds like you have something badly misconfigured. Have you upgraded
} everything it tells you to upgrade in Documentation/Changes? If so, are
} you running the latest X server? If so, is the loopback device correctly
} configured (what do ifconfig and route -n say?)? You should know that X
} works by the applications communicating through a socket to the X server-
} if you are running the server and the app on the same machine, it
} communicates through localhost. If that route didn't exist, then it would
} be "unable to open a socket to localhost".
} >     It's clear the kernel workers never tried 2.2.0 on a Red Hat 5.2
} That is a totally ridiculous statement. I've been running the development
} kernels for over a year on RedHat 5.0, upgrading the various bits and
} pieces as I go along. There are many thousands of developers running
} RedHat 5.2 with just the few upgraded packages that it needs.
} > loaded Linux. Nor have they tried it with the ax25-utils. Since I can't
} Don't you think that the kernel AX25 hackers might just possibly be using
} the ax25utils?
} > even get X windows loaded there is no telling what else failed...:-(
} That's your problem. I've never had a problem with X and 2.1/2.2.
} >     So, for those who have yet to try the new 13 mbyte when a tar.gz
} > kernel be warned. It doesn't work very well.
} It does work very well. 2.2.0 had a few small bugs which could cause, eg.
} a reboot on 'ldd core', but these have been fixed in 2.2.1 which is a very
} good, stable release. 
} As for your problem with modules, did you remember to compile kmod into
} the kernel?

        That was the problem. I didn't say yes to kmod...:-(

 I've never had a single problem with it (unlike kerneld which 
} messed up several times in the past). Are you certain that you are running
} the latest modutils?
        I am running a pretty plain Red Hat version 5.2 load with some
added ax25 stuff and that's it. Nothing very new at all. I will see what
the kernel people say I should upgrade. After all, nothing in this linux
is more than 5 years old, except pine and joe...:-)

} --------------- Linux- the choice of a GNU generation. --------------
} : Alex Holden (M1CJD)- Caver, Programmer, Land Rover nut, Radio Ham :
} -------------------- http://www.linuxhacker.org/ --------------------

Best wishes 

         - Karl F. Larsen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (505) 524-3303  -

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