On Mon, 10 May 1999, Richard Adams wrote:

> According to Jorge Matias: While burning my CPU.
> > 
> >   Hi guys!
> >   I have an YAM modem at 9k6 and at the other side it has a USCC 9k6
> > modem.
> >   At the time of the tests the channel was completely free.
> >   To measure the performance of the link I tried an FTP connection to the
> > other side. I could get xfers of 460bytes/sec transfering files with
> > 40-50k of size.
> >   Is this xfer rate below average or is it normal?
> On a point to point link we get +/- 700b/s average.
> Once when we did some testing we got it up to 800b/s but there was absolutly
> no other traffic in between.
> Both sides use PA0HZP SCC cards with Z85230 chips, MTU = 512 window is 4
> packets, the modems are both G3RUH compatable modems from dds electronics.
> We have our params, all set to a minimum, the trx's are Xtal home made 23cm
> interlink I. I cant remember the callsign of the designer of the Interlink
> TRX's, its a German callsign that i can remember.

Was that test Half Duplex or any other mode? My test is in Half Duplex,
 and both sides have MTU=256 and /proc/.../maximum_packet_length=256.

> -- 
> Regards Richard.

Jorge Matias

- -- --- ------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
  Computer Science Student at Instituto Superior Tecnico (Lisbon)  
  A3000/060 32Mb -[Ariadne][MFC III][CV64]- LinuxOS 2.0.36 

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