According to Jorge Matias: While burning my CPU.
> > Remember another thing i said, we use XTAL radios, switching time is around
> > 10mS.
>  Probably that's the difference. Both radios have switching times of
> 300ms.

Then knowing that, i would say you have a normal 9k6 link, work out how 
many packets a 50k ftp session would have with a MSS of 216 (dataBytes),
add half a second per packet (i presume both sides have 300mS txd) you will
then see why your link is so slow as compared to my example of 700+b/s.

>   Regards,
> Jorge Matias
> - -- --- ------------------------------------------------- --- -- -
>   Computer Science Student at Instituto Superior Tecnico (Lisbon)  
>   A3000/060 32Mb -[Ariadne][MFC III][CV64]- LinuxOS 2.0.36 

Regards Richard.

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