Benedict P. Barszcz said:
> I need a hint on what I am doing wrong when I try to use 'mheard' beacause it
> complains about a data file. From the manual page I figured out it looks for
> /var/mheard/mheard.dat which doesn't exist on my system. Is that file generated
You sure it is not /var/ax25/mheard/mheard.dat ?

> automatically by mheardd - the daemon?
Yes it is.

> If so, my copy of mheardd doesn't do it in spite of me launching it this way:
> mheardd -f -l -n 10 <enter>
> I have libax25, ax25-apps and ax25-tools, kernel 2.2.10.
The filenames are a but wonky in the current release. That is what I am working
on now.

  - Craig

Craig Small VK2XLZ, PGP: AD 8D D8 63 6E BF C3 C7  47 41 B1 A2 1F 46 EC 90
Eye-Net Consulting     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MIEEE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              Debian developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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