Hi linux-hams,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joerg Reuter) writes:

>> I have to say that, whilst in no way wishing to stifle innovation, we are at
>> a crossroads in development of both the kernel and the ax25 utilities. 
>> Is now the time to be doing this?

>It's now or never. The new code solves several long-standing problems
>(Matthias will gladly explain what the details) and improves the
>performance significantly. Besides, it does not change much (if anything
>at all) that will affect the ax25 utilities.

>> Should we not now be concentrating our efforts on making the 2.2.x series of
>> kernels stable and complete so that they can at least do everything that the
>> 2.0.x kernels can do - but better?

>The 2.2.x kernel AX.25 does almost everything the 2.0.x version does,
>with the exception that the axctl functions are broken (which are a
>debugging aid for AX.25 hacker, anyway).

>And, folks: Kernel 2.3.x is a *developer version*. It currently has
>severe stability problems regarding the filesystems. Use at your
>own risk, your mileage will vary, etc pp.

As I have asked before on this list. Are there patches available for the
2.0.X kernels ? So we can benefit from a stable kernel and improved ax25
code. Most HAM stations are on places that are not easy to reach. We need a
stable config there..


Gerhard Ahuis          JO32EO               It's good to be independent
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       145,550 MHz              Linux the Ultimate HAM OS

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