Hi out there,

I know this has been discussed a lot of times in seperate threads - but still
I am a bit confused about which AX25 version I have to use with which kernel.
I would be extremely glad if someone who has the information available could
just take 5 minutes of his time and put together a short list of which util
package works with which kernel.

My problem is that I would like to update my laptop which is doing my AX25
stuff at the moement to a red hat 6.0 based Linux version but as I only have
the old AX25 utilities running with Kernel 2.0.35 (ax25-utils version 2.0.42a
as I am right now) I am a bit uncertain on what to do. The problem is that I
will have to update sooner or later because of some glibc stuff.

So please put together a short list. Maybe even with a link to some RPMs with
precompiled versions? By the way: what about net tools - I remember that I
had to update them as well to run the AX25 stuff on one of the old Kernel
versions and I am still using that version of the net tools...

Thanks in advance,

Uwe - DG3OW

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