Tomi Manninen OH2BNS wrote:

> > Does anyone have a 2.0 system they can check to see if it behaves the
> > same as 2.2 - be nice to know if this is a 2.2 problem only. If it is
> > its move back time
> 2.0 lets you route back to the interface the datagram came in. I can
> verify that anytime on my home system.
> > (despite other threads urging us to move on the bleeding edge).
> 2.2 is not bleeding edge...

I've been pursuing this exact problem on a machine since shortly after
2.2 was released. It is *definitely* a behaviour that was introduced
with the 2.2 kernel. I strongly suspect that what the kernel is wanting
to do is to send an ICMP redirect, but that for some reason it isn't
able to do that.

I'm going to draft an email to Alexey and see if he can shed some light
on it. I think it might be an artefact of him cleaning the IP routing
code at some point. In every network I know of, other than AX.25, the
behaviour we want would be considered broken, unfortunately it's
absolutely necessary for us.


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