Linux-Hardware Digest #281, Volume #9            Wed, 27 Jan 99 15:13:37 EST

  Re: Does m/b cache size make *that* much difference? (Joe Ringer)
  Re: Linux with CL Banshee video card (Man-wai Chang)
  Re: LCD Panels: XFree86 & Linux Look Great! (David Fox)
  Re: Printers (Daniele Bernardini)
  Re: Does m/b cache size make *that* much difference? ("J. Clarke")
  Any ver of Linux support AHA-3940? ("Ben Goble, Lakewood Colorado")
  Re: Please recommend a printer. (John Cochran)
  Re: Printers (Brian D. May)
  Please recommend a printer. (Partha Sri)
  HELP & Warning!!! HD Partition (Win98/Fat32) Table Needs Rebuilding via 
NortonDISKEDIT/ Linux Fdisk... Disk Druid will f**k up your FAT32 Partitions.. (Linus 
  Re: sound: SB16 PnP: Midi devices: none ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Problems setting up SoundBlaster AWE64 Gold on RH 5.2 (Coyote)
  Re: linux max RAM is 1GB? (Mark Ramos)
  realaudio heavy CPU loading (Kelvin Leung)
  AMD vs Intel: FPU performance + accuracy (using SPICE) (Mike Pepler)
  Printer Lexmark 5700 (Mark Knapp)
  Creative 3D Blaster (VLB) support? (John Aldrich)
  Re: Linux/Minix and the H.P. Omnibook 300 (Karel Jansens)
  Re: Need modem and "sound" advice :-/ (dex)
  Linux Redhat 5.2 with Compaq proliant 1500 ("Laurent CASTELLANI")
  Re: 3D Labs Permedia-2 AGP ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  3c509b conflict with Aztech 2320 sound card ("QuiX")
  Re: AOPEN AW180 ESS Solo1 sound card and linux 2.2final ("David E. Kindred")
  Re: ESS-Solo 1 sound cards? ("David E. Kindred")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe Ringer)
Subject: Re: Does m/b cache size make *that* much difference?
Date: 27 Jan 1999 13:29:01 GMT

On 25 Jan 1999 16:15:34 GMT, Chris Menzel wrote:
>I have been running some small perl scripts on two K6-2/300 Linux
>machines that differ only in the motherboard cache size -- one has 1MB,
>the other 512k.  The scripts involve very little disk I/O (just loading
>the perl executable and the 5-15k scripts; no disk I/O initiated in the
>scripts themselves).  The machine with the 1MB cache consistently runs
>the scripts about 50% faster.  Can the cache size make *that* much
>difference?  I've had a couple people suggest that it can, but have
>heard no real definitive answer.   Anybody got one?

Cache is not only useful for reducing disk access but memory access also.
Especially if the main memory is slower than the cache memory.

clear skies,                |
Joe                         |
                            |The internet treats censorship like 
                            |damage and routes around it.


From: Man-wai Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Linux with CL Banshee video card
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 21:19:05 +0800

Does it work? I tried but failed. Still using
the 16-color X-server. But then I am a LInux newbie.

> there's an alpha version of xfree that support Banshee video cards.
> You can found it at .
> I'm trying to download it but the connection is very slow.
> Regards


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: LCD Panels: XFree86 & Linux Look Great!
Date: 27 Jan 1999 05:32:19 -0800

Tim Rowley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox) writes:
> > I'm waiting for support for that huge SGI panel with the #9 card...
> It is supported by the XFree86- I128 server and modelines
> from <URL:>.

David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: Daniele Bernardini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Printers
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 15:31:43 +0100

January Weiner wrote:
> [ Daniele Bernardini ]
> > If you don't have a postscript printer you can
> > forget to have with Linux the same printing quality
> > that you can get with the windows drivers relased from the
> > manufactorers.
> I think you might be wrong here. My HP DJ prints postscript far better and
> quicker than it used to print under Windows (not to mention that it did not
> print postscript files at that time).
> j.
> --
> ----)-\//-///-----------------------------------January-Weiner-3-------
> I am the global village idiot.

These are my reasons:

Ghostscript 5.50 has no official support for Hp6xx(not really brand

There are no "Deskjet tools" thus I cannot:
  . align new cartridges.
  . clean the cartridges. 
hpdj and cdj550 damaged the black head so now I get stripes all over
my prints. 

I do not have the time to hack through the driver and then recompile




Reply-To: "J. Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "J. Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Does m/b cache size make *that* much difference?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 09:49:35 -0500

If you examine the boards you'll likely find that one of them has an Ali
chipset and the other a Via.  That's more likely to be the cause of the
difference you're seeing.  Also check the BIOS settings and make sure that
both machines are running with the same timings.




Reply to jclarke at eye bee em dot net
Chris Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>I have been running some small perl scripts on two K6-2/300 Linux
>machines that differ only in the motherboard cache size -- one has 1MB,
>the other 512k.  The scripts involve very little disk I/O (just loading
>the perl executable and the 5-15k scripts; no disk I/O initiated in the
>scripts themselves).  The machine with the 1MB cache consistently runs
>the scripts about 50% faster.  Can the cache size make *that* much
>difference?  I've had a couple people suggest that it can, but have
>heard no real definitive answer.   Anybody got one?
>Much obliged.
>Christopher Menzel               | web:
>Philosophy, Texas A&M University | net:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>College Station, TX  77843-4237  | vox:             (409) 845-8764


Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 20:58:06 -0700
From: "Ben Goble, Lakewood Colorado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Any ver of Linux support AHA-3940?

I am looking for a Linux distribution that will
support the Adaptec dual channel AHA 3490UW.

Any suggestions?
Ben Goble  Lakewood,  Colorado  USA
bgoble at uswest dot net  bgoble at nyx dot net
A Stranger and a Pilgrim on the Earth


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Cochran)
Subject: Re: Please recommend a printer.
Date: 27 Jan 1999 10:49:49 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Partha Sri  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi All:
>Can anyone recommend a printer which would work fine with Windows 98,
>Windows NT and linux??
>I am looking for a printer which would print 8-10 pages a minute and
>postscript capable also.

Pretty much any printer will work with Windows because the manufactures
tend to supply drivers so find a good printer that will work with Linux.
I have a HP 6MP printer (8 pages/minutes 600 dpi laser with PostScript)
and it has worked without any problems what-so-ever. If you want something
a bit cheaper, the HP 6P is available and is identical to the 6MP except that
it doesn't have the PostScript simm so you'ld have to use GhostScript.

Hope this helps,
John Cochran


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian D. May)
Subject: Re: Printers
Date: 27 Jan 1999 15:56:04 GMT

January Weiner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: [ Daniele Bernardini ]
: > If you don't have a postscript printer you can
: > forget to have with Linux the same printing quality 
: > that you can get with the windows drivers relased from the 
: > manufactorers. 

: I think you might be wrong here. My HP DJ prints postscript far better and
: quicker than it used to print under Windows (not to mention that it did not
: print postscript files at that time).

Having set up an Epson Stylus Colour 640, I'd have to agree with
Daniele.  After trying a bunch of the stc*.upp device files for the
uniprint driver, I've had no luck getting colour output that comes
close to the Windows 95 output.  I'm still fiddling with colour
transfer coefficients etc. etc., but I'd certainly rather Epson did
the legwork on this one.  As for HP, they get the big thumbs down on
their new "windows only" models.


Brian May
Department of Oceanography              email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dalhousie University                    phone: (902) 494-7007 (work)
Halifax, Nova Scotia                    phone: (902) 462-3364 (home)
B3H 4J1       Canada                    fax:   (902) 494-2885


From: Partha Sri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please recommend a printer.
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 09:07:16 -0600

Hi All:
Can anyone recommend a printer which would work fine with Windows 98,
Windows NT and linux??
I am looking for a printer which would print 8-10 pages a minute and
postscript capable also.



From: Linus Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP & Warning!!! HD Partition (Win98/Fat32) Table Needs Rebuilding via 
NortonDISKEDIT/ Linux Fdisk... Disk Druid will f**k up your FAT32 Partitions..
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 11:56:31 -0500

Does anyone have some expertise in this area?  I would like to manually
rebuild a partition table using Linux fdisk and Norton Disk Editor. I
need access to my lost primary DOS FAT32 14Gig Partition, that's it!  {I
have about 5 Gigs of DATA at the BEGINNING of the drive.}

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some background:
I got my brand spankin new IBM Deskstar 14 Gig EIDE/UDMA HD for my Win98

system. After formatting a single 14 gig FAT32/Win98 Partition, I
transfered all my files from my old 4 gig WesterDigital to the IBM.
were running pretty spiffily!

I had the brilliant idea of building Linux onto my old 4 Gig WD HD,
and I downloaded the RedHat4.2  files for this purpose.
After booting the Linux Boot disks, I used Disk Druid (which did
not recognize my FAT32 partition on the 14Gig ) to create new partition
on my old 4 gig WD. Because it did not want DD to mount my unrecognized
FAT32/14Gig/Primary partition, I deleted the mount point.
However, by doing so DiskDruid ALSO deleted my partition table of my
14 GigWin98 HD and I haven't been able to access it since!!!

Forget Norton Disk Doctor, Partition Magic... nothing was able to
restore my
old partition. I tried setting up a new bootable FAT32 partition with
Linux Fdisk
which seems to work fine except the drive does not boot (No OS
Recognized), nor
does Win98 or Norton recognize my file directories. Win98 FDISK may
identify my Harddrive as being of an UNKNOWN format.

Does anybody know what settings to fiddlewith in Norton DiskEdit
Recovery Options to rebuild a proper partition table? How about fooling
to recognize my FAT/Root Directory and to let me access my files w/o
thinking that the HD needs to be reformatted. Could the MBR be corrupt?
does one restore this? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Linus D. Sun


Subject: Re: sound: SB16 PnP: Midi devices: none
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:15:10 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neil Zanella wrote:
> >
> > After recently compiling kernel 2.0.36 on a RHL5.0 box with
> > the "Creative Sound Blaster 16 WavEffects PnP ISA" card I
> > got the following output:
> >
> > ...
> >
> > All the tests described in the Sound HOWTO work fine for me, but I find
> > the fact that there are no midi devices configured a little bit strange,
> > though I am glad I never had to use the "isapnp" tool.
> >
> In your kernel config, UART401 is not set (option MPU-401 UART Midi support)
> Could this be the problem?

No. When I compile the kernel, make menuconfig tells me not to select the
option MPU-401 with a SB16.
Does this apply to the PnP SB16 or does it only apply to the older SB16s?


Neil Zanella

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From: Coyote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Problems setting up SoundBlaster AWE64 Gold on RH 5.2
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 09:35:22 -0500

I have the SoundBlaster 64AWE Gold, and am also running RH 5.2.  When I
had difficulties in getting the card to work with the stock drivers, and
I went ahead and sprung for the OSS drivers.  Really, the cost is minimal, and
you get quite good support for the device.  You might give this a try.

William Epperly

Ritchie wrote:

> Any luck yet?  I am struggling with the same problem.  I upgraded to the
> newest version of isapnptools 1.17, which sndconfig uses to detect the card.
> I also updated sndconfig to version 29, which accomplished nothing so I went
> back to version 27.
> Using sndconfig version 27 and isapnptools 1.17 I ran sndconfig.  It detects
> my card as a AWE 64 and succeeds in playing the sample file.  I then
> rebooted, and noticed that it detects my sound card, but fails in detecting
> the AWE support.
> I am able to play .au file using
> cat <> > /dev/audio
> But no luck playing a midi file.
> playmidi -f <filename.midi>
> No device or something like that.
> I haven't even attempted testing whether or not AWE support works.
> Let me know if you have any luck with this, and if you get midi support to
> work.
> John Welch wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Hello,
> >    I have recently installed RedHat 5.2 on my PC (P166, 48MB).  While
> >the install went smoothly, I have been struggling to set up some
> >things.  I worked through getting an X-server running.  It also took
> >some time for me to get my modem up and running.  In each case by doing
> >research on newsgroups and HOWTO docs I was able to find my problems and
> >
> >successfully configure these things.  However, I am now stuck in trying
> >to get my Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold sound card working.
> >   These are the steps that I have followed:
> > 1. Read Sound Blaster AWE32/64 HOWTO.  I basically ignored the section
> >on rebuilding the kernel because it is my understanding that these
> >modules are already built into this kernel (2.0.36).
> > 2.  Ran sndconfig program.  This program found my card and correctly
> >identified it.  It then said it was going to run a sound card test.
> >However an "isapnp error" window comes up saying:
> >                  LD setting verify failed.....
> >                  Try adding (VERIFYLD N) to top of your script
> >                   Error occurred executing request 'LD2' on or around
> >                   Line 324 --- Further action aborted
> >I click OK to this message and another window comes up saying:
> >       Autoconfig failed now proceeding with manual config. (I click OK)
> >
> >I step through the manual config  but it comes right back to the isapnp
> >error screen.  All I can do at this point is cancel out.
> >3.  After exiting the sndconfig program I looked around and found a file
> >
> >called 'soundcard' in the /etc/sysconfig directory.  This file says that
> >
> >it was created by the sndconfig program.  The only active line
> >(non-commented) says "CARDTYPE = SB32"
> >4.  I then edited the /etc/isapnp.conf file which also was created by
> >the sndconfig program.  I added the (VERIFYLD N) to the top of the
> >script.  I also looked at the IRQ, DMA, and I/O settings in each
> >section.  These settings match exactly the settings from Windows 95
> >(where the card is working by the way).
> >5.  I re-executed the command 'isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf'.  When I do this
> >
> >it sees Board 1 (my modem) and then says "Board CTl009/2547404 not
> >found" three times.
> >6.  I then rebooted the PC to watch it go through the boot process.
> >When the system gets to the ISAPNP
> >Conf program it finds two boards, my modem and my soundcard.
> >7.  Executing the command 'modprobe -a sound' returns nothing and when I
> >
> >execute 'cat /proc/sndstat'
> >no devices show up.
> >  I have searched the linux newsgroups and have found other problems
> >with the SB32/64 sound cards but nothing really similar to my problem.
> >
> >  Sorry for being so long winded but I wanted to include as much detail
> >as possible.  Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
> >
> >Thank You in Advance,
> >
> >John
> >
> >
> >

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amount of $500 US.


From: Mark Ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: linux max RAM is 1GB?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 08:08:58 -0800

Richard Payne wrote:

> It's a problem with the Intel processors.

That must be per cpu because ASL is selling dual Xeon's with up to 2GB RAM and
quad Xeon's up to 8GB RAM.  Check out  Even if it is per cpu
they said Linux won't be able to support the higher RAM capacity.



From: Kelvin Leung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: realaudio heavy CPU loading
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 05:09:39 GMT


I got my RH 5.2 running with Ensoniq PCI sound card. I have the alsa
sound driver works fine. Both X11amp and Realaudio can produce sound
out. But the RealAudio heavily load my CPU (K6-166 overclocked to 200).
The audio is interrupted everytime I change to another window , or
browsing within Netscape. I got the CPU load monitor fire up and it
seems the CPU is fully occupied! I don't think it's the CPU problem 'cos
I don't have problem with X11amp, also the Realaudio (not G2) in Windows
in the same machine. Is that a fact or just my system doing weird!?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Pepler)
Subject: AMD vs Intel: FPU performance + accuracy (using SPICE)
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 17:50:47 +0000 (GMT)

I've been trying to figure out whether an AMD or Intel chip was best for
general and electronic CAD use under Linux.

I recently had the chance to compare the SPICE circuit simulator running
on a Pentium 133
and a K6-2 350, both using Redhat 5.1, kernel 2.0.34.

SPICE is very FPU intensive, so I was pleasantly surprised to see the
K6-2 performing at more than 3 times the speed of the Pentium, despite
running at *less* then 3 times the clock speed.

Trying a different (more complex) circuit, I found the K6-2 to be faster
still, and I had a closer look at what was happening.

At each step in the SPICE simulation, the solution for that point in
time is calculated to a user-specified
error tolerance, and a smaller error tolerance results in the time-steps
being smaller, so
more data pooints are calculated for a given period of time. The Pentium
was producing more than 3
times as many data points as the K6-2, implying that there is something
going on with the accuracy
of the FPU in one of the chips.

The only suggestions I have had so far are that maybe the Pentium is
truncating the internal 80bit
FP number to 64bit for memory, while the AMD chip is rounding it up or
down, which would result
in an accurate solution being reached faster. I realise that the error
will only be in the least significant digit
of the number, but the algorith used in SPICE could amplify these tiny
errors to produce huge
differences in execution time, irrespective of the FPU's latency and

Has anyone got any other ideas?



From: Mark Knapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printer Lexmark 5700
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 11:18:12 -0800


Is a Lexmark 5700 printer usable with Linux? Or is it strictly a Windows
printer? Inote  in its manual that it uses PCL3  if printing from DOS.


Mark Knap

Watch the doughnut not the hole.
                                              --B. Ives
Mark Knapp
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Macromolecular Crystallography Group
Mail Stop L-452    Office: 925-422-5793
7000 East Avenue,  PO Box 808  Fax  :  925-422-2282
Livermore, CA  94550          email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Creative 3D Blaster (VLB) support?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:59:38 -0500

Is there support in Redhat 5.2 for a Creative Labs 3D Blaster (vesa local bus)?
I have one here at work (I'm a tech for a local ISP) and we're thinking of
trying it out.
Any special tricks/tips? Thanks....


From: jansens_at_ibm_dot_net (Karel Jansens)
Reply-To: jansens_at_ibm_dot_net
Subject: Re: Linux/Minix and the H.P. Omnibook 300
Date: 27 Jan 1999 18:30:06 GMT

On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 10:42:04, "al" 

> There are sites for linux on notebooks
> gives list of sites
>  linux laptop home page
> linux pcmcia  info
> linux and xwindows on notebooks
> on the page is a list of supported models but Hp omni 300 is not
> there
> shoud be able to get a basic distribution going but may have to give x a
> miss.should consider using an older version of slackware(less gui than
> redhat)
> may also want to have a look at freebsd or
> John P. Raynor wrote in message <78jhfn$u$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Has anyone successfully installed Linux (or Minix) on a
> >Hewlett Packard Omnibook 300?  I realize that the Omnibook 300
> >is at the very bottom edge of the "Linux-viable" spectrum,
> >but I thought it might be an interesting learning experience.
> >Is Linux capable of recognizing (and booting from) the
> >Omnibook's internal type-III PCMCIA hard drive?  Does anyone
> >have any suggestions/experiences?
> >                                                  - J. Raynor

I've been told that the OB 300 to 530 have a non-standard keyboard that 
Linux cannot recognize. The pop-up mouse also refuses to be alive together 
with Linux. Screen and PCMCIA slots should be OK, though (the PCMCIA slots 
are somewhat HP proprietary, but Linux seems to have no problems with 

Linux has been successfully installed on a OB 600, but nothing below that.
(I have a 425 that harks at Linux - of course, having only 50 M of flash 
memory to play with would limit the usefulness of a Linux installation in 
any case).

Minix? No idea.

Karel Jansens

If we could have our cake and eat it,
people would start whining about seconds.


Subject: Re: Need modem and "sound" advice :-/
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:58:40 -0500

> Hot Dog!!! Took me 5 days, but figured out myself...........can't believe
> the download speeds -v- Windows B-)

Now to work on that Yamaha OPL3 Sound System...any advice still



Subject: Linux Redhat 5.2 with Compaq proliant 1500
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 11:25:00 -0800


I am trynig to setup a proliant 1500 with a Linux redhat 5.2

The setup works perfect execpt that when I rebot the LILO boot does not work
(it stops after printing two letters LI)

I tried to change the hard drive to a smaller one 4Gb and make sure the do
small partitionning like under 1Gb but it is the same problem.

I also cleanup the entire Hard drive to make sure there was no Compaq stuff
remaining on the MBR.

Any idea ?

Thank you,

Laurent C.


Subject: Re: 3D Labs Permedia-2 AGP
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 19:23:06 GMT

The newest version of X86Free does support it.
I have a card with the same chip, but not an AGP.

I would also like to know if I can get it working with RH5.2.
If I have to I will install the newest version of X, but would rather not.


In article <78ln8e$lsn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Krzysztof WOZNIAK) wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> My box: Intel P2-300A , A-Bit BH6 and  3D Labs Permedia 2 AGP
> The video card is not listed as RH5.2 supported, nor as non-supported.
> Before I destroy my working box, a fundamental question:
> Has anybody managed to get this card working and if so, tell
> me about the experience, please.
> Regards,
> --
> Mr Krzysztof Wozniak        ,-_|\      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Edith Cowan University     /     \      Phone: 61-8-9273 8026
> Churchlands WA, 6018       $_,-._/        Fax: 61-8-9273 8000
> Australia                       o

You're not lost if you don't care where you are!

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Subject: 3c509b conflict with Aztech 2320 sound card
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 18:45:09 -0000

I've been having troubles installing my 3c509b under linux, the card
works fine under dos, but in both plug and pray mode and pnp disabled
linux couldn't find the card - nor could el3-diag (I've version 0.11
btw) !!! I have tried nearly all possible I/O and interrupt options and
still the same result.
Upon removing my only other ISA device, a Aztech 2320 sound card (a Pro
III or something) linux found the 3c509b card no problem. So how do I go
about getting both the sound card and 3c509b working together? What
could be causing the conflict?
Thanks in advance for any help :)

Peter Stevenson
N. Ireland


From: "David E. Kindred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AOPEN AW180 ESS Solo1 sound card and linux 2.2final
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:42:06 -0600

Solo-1 is, I believe, software compatible with SoundBlaster, but I don't think
it is hardware compatible.  There is currently no driver in the kernel for
Solo-1 :-(
but OSS is expecting support in 1st quarter of 1999 :-)  I have been using the
ALSA driver to get digital audio and to play CDs through the
audio out on my ASUS P5A motherboard.  It's pretty easy to compile and install
as a module.  Hint: make sure to load the snd-pcm1-oss compatiblity module to be
able to use it with most existing software.  It is a work in progress also;
certain wave files to not work, at least on my system, but I'm just happy to
have it working at all right now ;-)

Dave K.

Richy Kim wrote:

> Unfortunately no....
> i have no clue on where to go from here....
> should have shelled out the money for the sb.. damn.. ;)
> if anyone out there could help . any suggestions would be great!
> Tabman wrote:
> > On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 20:13:51 -0500, Richy Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >Hi does anyone know if linux 2.2
> > >kernel supports AOPEN AW180 ESS Solo1 sound card...
> >
> >     I know this won't answer your question, but I just thought I'd mention
> > that according to the FAQ on the ESS Web site, the Solo-1 is SoundBlaster
> > and SoundBlasterPro compatible. So, according to the docs, any kernel which
> > supports PCI SB compatible cards should support the ESS Solo-1 cards. Have
> > you had any success getting it to be recognized as a SB card ?
> > Unfortunately, I haven't had any success.  I have a ASUS P5A with on-board
> > ESS Solo-1, and I'm using 2.0.32.  :-(
> >
> >     Interesting note: the ASUS Web site says the on-board ESS Solo-1 audio
> > is SoundBlaster16 compatible.
> >
> > 'later...
> > --
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| "If you make people think they are
> > Tabman           You may answer in |  thinking, they will love you; if you
> >            english, french, german |  make them think, they will hate you."
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                 - Don Marquis


From: "David E. Kindred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ESS-Solo 1 sound cards?
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:45:52 -0600

Check out ALSA .  I have onboard Solo-1 and this got
digital audio working and cd throughput.

Dave K.

"Jose L. Gomez Dans" wrote:

> Hi!
>   I've just bought a ESS Solo 1 PCI soundcard (bundled with a video card;
> dead cheap). I am running Debian, and I would like to know if any drivers
> exist for this card, or if it can be made compatible somehow.
>   Thanks a lot!
>   Jose
> --
> Jose L Gomez Dans                       PhD student
>                                         Radar & Communications Group
>                                         Department of Electronic Engineering
>                                         University of Sheffield UK



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